Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 836: The Culprit (Second Change)

The arms of the ghost, which ordinary people cannot see, stretched continuously, and precisely grasped a meteorite outside the atmosphere.

The ghost arm pulled it off mercilessly, forcibly changing the orbit of this meteorite, which can be called an asteroid, with a length of tens of meters, just like pulling the fruit from a fruit tree and throwing it down. The stars that fell from the sky illuminated the entire sky like a falling sun. Whether it was a witch, a sage or an angel in battle, whether they were busy taking advantage of the fire or bullying the weaker mob, they all raised their heads in unison, looking up at the meteorite that pierced the air with thunderous roar.

Without hesitation, Bayonetta leaped from the nearly burnt rock she was standing on.

She waved the black and purple wings on her back and charged into the sky, like a black arrow flying towards the sky to meet the meteorite.

Dark cloud-like black hair danced around her body like a living thing, and then twisted into a strand and thrown into a black portal. Immediately afterwards, the smiling Madame Butterfly got half of her body out of the portal. The huge body of the female demon still seemed a little small in front of the burning meteorite, but Madame Butterfly didn't seem to care about this gap at all—she clenched her fists, her body leaned back, and her whole body was tense like a spring compressed to the limit. The meteorite was getting closer and closer, so close that people on the ground had to close their eyes and turn their heads to avoid burning their retinas. It was so close that the dark night ended early, and all the filth brought about by the dark night began to be evaporated by the rising temperature. It was so close that the opaque amount was pierced by light, and the dead branches and fallen leaves began to burn involuntarily. Only then did Madame Butterfly move.

She leaned forward sharply and slammed her forehead hard on the burning meteorite.

The shock wave generated by the collision even destroyed the masonry houses near the cliff. The heavy stone bricks flew around like light cotton wool in the explosion, and they would not show their true strength until they hit someone's head or ribs. At the same time, the huge meteorite suddenly fell apart, breaking into dozens of smaller boulders. These burning stones leaped over several mountain peaks as if thrown by a trebuchet, and smashed into the dwellings below the cliff, turning the bottom into a sea of ​​flames.

Salomon looked in the direction of the boulder splash, wanting to see where the heaviest shot put on earth would be thrown. Of course, his focus was not on the meteorite, but on Beunita who was blown away by the explosion. Long before the meteorite arrived, he had continuously cast his most proficient protective spells to prevent Beunita from being hurt by the flames—a golden-red shield blocked the first wave of flames and sound waves, and Madame Butterfly, who had not yet dissipated, even protected Beunita with her palm, bearing most of the terrifying shock waves that could kill the witch. Madame Butterfly obviously found out what Salomon was doing, and she showed Salomon the nearly unconscious witch in her hands, roughly meaning that she would protect Bayunita.

After that, she disappeared with Beunita.

"I can't understand how you would like such a woman in the future." The venerable looked at his disciple with pity. "I guess you don't usually beat your wife, right? Didn't I persuade you in the future?"

"Actually, you are quite supportive of me..."

"Maybe it's because I know about it now." His Holiness sighed.

The battle between Bayonetta and the Prophet came to an end for the time being. Salomon wandered around the cliff a few times, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't find the Prophet. It was obvious that the guy had hidden himself. It stands to reason that the Prophet should not be too far away from the scene, but Salomon cast [True Seeing] [Note 1], but he could not be seen—until the Venerable activated the power of the Time Gem in the Eye of Agamotto, the emerald green light rippled through the air, and the figure of the boy in the hooded vest was revealed. This is an image of the past, and the time gem is restoring what happened here. This image was repeated and intermittent, and Salomon judged the direction of the prophet.

"He hid himself in the flow of time." His Holiness explained, "To be precise, he hid himself 'one second later'. When the light hits our eyes, all we can see is the light 'one second ago'. It is quite delicate magic, which is different from his simple and crude attack method. However, with such power, you can do more things instead of simply hiding yourself." The comments of professionals often hit the nail on the head. Expressing disdain, rough use of the power of time is an act that connoisseurs despise.

When Beunita gradually regained consciousness, Madame Butterfly had already returned to her original plane because the summoning time was approaching, but she still remembered Madame Butterfly's protection and the multiple golden-red shields that flashed away on her body. She is very familiar with such magic, and the witch smiled knowingly. She knew that Salomon had been paying attention to her all the time, but he would avoid showing up in order to reduce the disturbance of time and space.

She stretched and looked around slowly.

"here it is……"

This is a broken bridge that has long been abandoned. There are many ancient stone carvings standing on both sides of the stone bridge, and the ground is full of Enochian runes. There is thick fog under the stone bridge, and the bridge deck winds up to the rocky peaks shrouded in mist. A sense of familiarity and an ominous premonition suddenly clenched her heart, and she was sure that she had been here before.

She had been here before to solve the incident of the Sun Island Lagra Cult and the resurrection of the main god Jubilus. This is the former altar of the Witch Clan. Although Beunita doesn't know why Madame Butterfly put her here, Madame Butterfly is not affected by time travel and can clearly remember what is about to happen, so Madame Butterfly's behavior must have a purpose—she trusts Madame Butterfly, although Salomon does not agree with this approach, and even has some hostility towards Madame Butterfly who will take away Beunita's soul, but this does not affect the trust between Beunita and Madame Butterfly.

As a contract demon in the same line, Madame Butterfly is her best best friend besides Joan of Arc.

Bayonetta soon knew what Madame Butterfly was up to.

Just as she was about to walk into a familiar passage, a figure wearing a white robe and holding a golden spear pierced straight in from her side. Bayunita glanced at Baldr, and she thought of something—this is the place that appeared in her dreams all the year round, the scene she still dreamed about repeatedly when she lost her memory. She knew what this altar was like, and she knew what was going to happen next. With little hope and great despair in her heart, Bayunita ran into the passage without looking back, not intending to attack Balder at all.

The sage Balder didn't seem to care about attacking her either, and the two rushed to the door at the end of the passage together. Balder kicked open the door with all his strength, and the scene in front of him instantly engulfed his mind with anger.

He saw a boy standing in the middle of the room, holding a blood-stained card in his hand, while his lover Rosa was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. Baldr immediately drew out his spear and slashed at it, but the boy seemed to dodge sideways indifferently, then disappeared into the air with a giggle. The sage didn't care about chasing and killing his enemies, he quickly lay down on the ground, and gently hugged his lover in his arms. However, all he felt was coldness. On the contrary, it was Baldr's heart, he was gritting his teeth, hot anger was flowing in his blood vessels, his heart was beating violently and almost exploded.

"Did you see the coat of arms on his forehead?" Bayonetta asked blankly, "That's your real enemy!"


"Are you so stupid that you forgot the coat of arms on the guy who called himself a prophet?" Bayonetta scolded the sage unceremoniously. Balder didn't respond, but sat looking at his lover's dispirited face. Beunita looked up at the altar, and the bright white full moon light poured down from the circular skylight, gently brushing over Rosa's body, but the increase in the power of the moonlight on the witches could not prevent her from dying.

Bayonetta looked at her mother's body with nostalgia. Even if this scene was played out in front of her eyes again, she still remained calm. The past is doomed, but this does not mean that the future cannot be changed. The increase of Moonlight can still allow her to do some things. She couldn't care less about venting her anger at her biological father who caused the destruction of the witch clan and the death of her mother. "We're going back to the future to end this. Here, I can open the eyes of the world," she said. "If you want to kill the enemy, come with me!"

【Note 1】Gives the subject the ability to see the true face of things. The subject can see through ordinary and magical darkness, notice hidden doors hidden by magic, see the true location of objects or creatures affected by the effects of a blur or displacement spell, see invisible creatures or objects, see through illusions, and see the true appearance of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. The subject can see the Ethereal Plane (but not extradimensional spaces). A true seeing spell can see up to 120 feet.

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