Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 838: The Battle of Fenbowente (Second Change)

"What is this place?" Baldr asked. He was in a dark room, and several iron railings decorated with beautiful brass vines blocked the passage from other rooms. Balder recognized at a glance that the decoration style of this room was almost the same as that of the Witch Clan's residence, but some artistic styles were somewhat different. There are more than one residence of the Witch Clan, and the residence of the Sage often lives next to the Witch. Balder put on a golden monocle and observed carefully, and found that this relatively new art style should be popular during the Renaissance, and this place should be somewhere in Italy.

"This is my time," Bayoneta said, "but there is no time to explain, we must go to the Holy Mountain."

"What's on the mountain?"

"I don't know. But there used to be the residence of God who created the Eye of the World. Now someone wants to take away this power." Bayonetta answered truthfully. She really didn't know what was waiting for her on the holy mountain, but anyway, the guy called the prophet must be there. She's going to kill that guy. But at the same time, she also forcibly suppressed the worries about Salomon in her heart, and she believed that Salomon would be able to find a way to return to this era.

"How do we go? This is Vigrid." Balder said. As soon as the voice fell, the whole room began to tremble violently, and a huge gap was cracked on the gorgeous marble mosaic floor, as if the entire earth's crust was falling apart at this moment.

"Jump down!"

"Jump?" Balder demanded. "Are you crazy?"

"This is not a request! Come on!" Bayonetta said angrily, "For our people, sobriety is a must!"

The witch transformed into a pitch-black cheetah, and the sage who had the corresponding spell transformed into a giant white wolf. They ran out of the room, jumping over the mossy stone bridge before it crumbled. Immediately afterwards, several assault transport boats painted black and decorated with golden lily and rose emblems rushed out of the sparkling portal, and Beunita and Balder stood firmly on the upper armor plate of the assault transport boat, returning to their human forms.

"It seems that we arrived in time." Joan's voice came out of the loudspeaker. Bayunita looked at several accompanying assault transport boats, and knew that this incident was actually under the manipulation of Kama Taj. Just like the Sun Island incident, Salomon was sent as an observer.

"Your people mean..." Balder asked.

"The kind of witches you don't fuck with." Beunita playfully punned. "I have to admit, I prefer you like this, Baldr. You really shut up and follow instructions."

"This is my own choice." Balder said disdainfully, "Tell me, how do you know my name?"

Beunita rolled her eyes quietly, she wouldn't tell the truth, let alone her father who wanted to kill her twice before. "I just heard from that witch... the one you called Rosa, that's what she called you, didn't she?" All in all, this will get us to Fenbowent as quickly as possible. "

"I'm not sure about that, witch." Balder pointed forward. There are countless dense figures in the airspace in front of the assault transport boat. Bayonetta narrowed her eyes, and suddenly exclaimed. "Oh my god, angels teamed up with demons. If they can, I guess we can too."

"This is just a temporary truce." Baldr's tone was almost identical to Bayonetta's, "until these invaders are punished."

"I can say the same." Bayonetta raised her chin.

"Stand still, Theresa." Joan of Arc, who was sitting in the driver's seat, said in a cheerful voice.

She seemed to press some button, and the cannon on the assault transport boat slowly rose, and the thick red laser accurately hit an angel. At the same time, all the short-range missiles on the attack wings poured out and flew towards the target. The scene of five assault transport boats firing at the same time was extremely shocking. Dozens of missiles dragging their tail flames threw themselves into the cluster of angels and demons like homing forest birds. After the flames like newborn suns dissipated, the remaining sporadic extra-dimensional creatures could not escape the attack of the double-engine twin heavy-duty bolter machine guns and twin heavy-duty plasma weapons mounted in front of the assault transport boat.

Balder was slightly stunned when he heard that name, but he quickly regained his composure, pretending to be nonchalant and pointing at the assault transport boat that was firing at full power. "Are these the weapons of your time?" he asked. "Are these things related to that golden guy?"

"Ah, you mean Salomon?" Bayonetta said. "That sweet little fellow is a warlord now!"

"Hmph, a weak machine." Balder curled his lips, "We can never become strong by relying on these things."

"He believes that technology can solve all problems." The witch raised her eyebrows, "He believes in the wisdom of ordinary people."


Constantine inspected the task force assembled by Tita and Victoria Hand in front of him.

The strongest members of the sorority and seasoned special forces members of the intelligence service will join him on the summit of Fenbowent Mountain to carry out this extremely dangerous mission. The will of the Sisterhood's armed men needs no test. As for those ordinary people, Agent Hand said that they were a group of martyrs who dedicated everything to mankind, and they were the backbone of SHIELD she dug out from within the S.H.I.E.L.D. Although Constantine expressed doubts about this statement, this was the most manpower they could draw without destroying the stability of the defense line. These soldiers with atonement radiance on their faces were the best weapons. The Immortal City has no shortage of technology, only talent. Even taking refugees from war-torn areas and sending them to Mars for education cannot fill this gap, let alone those schools established in Africa. It will take more than ten years to gain results.

"Board." He commanded.

No speeches, no mobilization, just cold orders. The three assault transport boats loaded with experimental electromagnetic shields are the vehicles of this death squad. After receiving the order, they walked to the ramp hatch without saying a word and prepared to set off. Constantine walked towards the anti-gravity vehicle unique to the Praetorian Guards next to the assault transport ship, because the assault transport ship could not accommodate the height of the Praetorian Guards, so all weapons and equipment were handcrafted by craftsmen from Mars and Fallen Angels, such as the anti-gravity assault motorcycle he was riding on now.

Before setting off, he monitored the situation of various departments in the chain of command for the last time, and then he rushed out of the hangar of the sky carrier Retribution with his anti-gravity motorcycle and assault transport boat.

"The ground penetrating bomb is in place." Agent Hand gave a report. "emission!"

Constantine raised his head, and through the blood-red eyepiece, he saw two fighter jets taking off from the Lost City. After launching a total of four missiles, these fighter jets began to return. The four missiles headed straight for the summit of Finnbowente. After a burst of sound waves beyond the range of human hearing, red smoke and steam erupted like a volcanic eruption from the snow peak of Mount Finnbowent, as if the entire mountain had been violently lifted, and the snow on the mountainside evaporated in the blink of an eye. The anti-aircraft position immediately launched countermeasures, and a dense rain of bullets hit the sky, crushing the falling rocks and panicked extradimensional creatures. When some rocks who were lucky enough to escape the air defense array were about to fall to the position, the electromagnetic protection barrier from Wakanda blocked it like an umbrella covering all positions.

Constantine commanded three assault transport boats to rush into the smoke, and he followed closely behind.

Those armed men who remained on the ground will start climbing after the shock is over, and the final stage of the Battle of Finnbowente has arrived.

"The NERV experimental model is expected to arrive in... 320 seconds...."

Ask for a ticket!

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