Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 839 Heaven and Blood (Part 1)

The super-heavy self-propelled artillery of the Gustav cannon equipped with a fully automatic loading system and anti-gravity device is the weapon of the Immortal City. Both the Immortal City and Kama Taj have paid a huge human price, just to arrange it on the other side of the town of Noah Dunn, far away from the shelling position at the foot of Finbowente Mountain. The technicians of the Immortal City and a small number of recruited artillery crew members are responsible for maintaining these cannons, recording data for future improvement, and then they can be distributed to other armies on a large scale.

Under the command of the field headquarters, a total of fifteen cannons with a diameter of more than 800 mm aimed at the top of Finnbowente Mountain, throwing their thunder fury at the snow peak. Every roar that trembled the earth would cause the local devastated houses to continue to collapse. The huge shell casings seemed to be thrown out by the shell ejector, and nearly ten shells could be fired at the enemy of mankind every minute. No matter what is on Finnbowente Mountain, it will inevitably flee under such a blow. The air defense positions arranged at the foot of the mountain are always aimed at the sky, and the powerful fire control system guides the quadruple cannons to accurately eliminate the fish that escaped from the self-propelled siege artillery.

Constantine and his death squad entered from the corners of the battlefield, shuttled back and forth between the strikes of the artillery, and cooperated with the fire cover of the artillery positions with extremely high mobility to prevent this infiltration operation from being detected locally. He had to be so careful, because not long ago, to the delight of his genetically enhanced brain, he had received an order to take the boy to the top of Finnbowent, which was now battered by heavy artillery fire.

This order coincides with his previous plan, but there are some more requirements. He must send the right person to the right target at the right time. When he received the reports from the Kama Taj mystics and the positions, he understood that he had to complete the task as soon as possible—the assault transport ship sent to meet Beunita suffered a joint strangulation from the upper and lower planes. At the same time, a huge number of upper and lower plane creatures sprang out from the top and foot of Finbowent Mountain. These creatures seemed to be united under some kind of force majeure, and jointly launched an anti-encirclement raid towards the Immortal City and Kama Taj. Even the sky carrier as the command post joined the battle under the escort of the sky battleship. The naval guns and anti-aircraft guns fired at the same time, in order to slow down the pressure on the defense line caused by the sudden attack of the lower plane creatures.

However, what is surprising is that only a few lower-level creatures would pounce on the position, and most of the lower-level creatures rushed towards the top of the mountain desperately, even turning a blind eye to the shells falling in front of them. Field command could only tell that there was something more deadly on the top of Finnbowent that needed protection, but it took some time for the reconnaissance satellites to see what was on the top because of the clouds and the smoke from the shelling.

"Retreat in an orderly manner and rearrange the line of defense." Victoria Hand gave the order standing on the bridge trembling slightly from the shelling. "We are too deep. Order the siege artillery to bombard the mountain stream where the demons appeared to buy time for the front line to retreat, but fortunately we only brought self-propelled artillery. I will bear the main responsibility for this command error, but before that, Tita, I need the help of your assault team."

Tatyana can only understand the situation outside from the information displayed in the helmet.

The harness fastened her securely to her seat in the bulkhead, the only way she could withstand the jolts of the assault transport. But not everyone was as calm as she was, not so much the soldiers in black bulletproof armor. They tightly grasped the experimental laser guns in their hands, and their faces behind the anti-radiation masks turned pale as the assault transport boat climbed and fell suddenly. No one wanted to talk, except for the communication between the pilot and the gunner, the cabin was extremely quiet, and the roar of artillery fire from outside the assault transport boat even replaced the heartbeat.

"We may die, just like Ms. Catherine." The shy Vera said in her squad channel what the ladies didn't want to hear, "We may die at the hands of false angels."

"This is the honor we expect, at least we are not dying in the sewer next to the brothel or in the trash can." Tatyana patted Vera's palm, "The reason why we were selected is because we are the best, isn't it?"

"You are always so optimistic." Vera nervously held Tatiana's hand, "Will we meet the monarch?"

"Perhaps," replied Tatyana in a trembling voice. She knew that Vera hadn't recovered from the shadow of Catherine's death, and neither had she. Tatiana restlessly grasped the hilt of the chainsword and flicked the switch. "If you don't see it this time, you will see it after death, just like Lady Catherine."

"We will always praise Catherine's name and deeds, as others will praise ours," said another girl in the squad suddenly. "Pray, my sister. For the sake of the Lord, praise him, and in his name we will slay the enemies of man."

The assault transport landed with a violent jolt, the ramp hatch smashing against the ancient stone-brick bridge. This is the few remaining wreckage of the Bridge of Heaven, and it is the only passage for human beings to directly lead to the altar on the top of the mountain. Sisterhood armed personnel and special combat soldiers filed out, opened fire on the lower-level angels and demons, and quickly established a defensive circle waiting for the commander to arrive. In less than thirty seconds, the Guards arrived at them on anti-gravity assault motorcycles. According to the established procedure, the boy will be under the double protection of the Sisterhood and the special operations team. After briefly confirming that the plan is going on as usual, Constantine twisted the vehicle, brandished a halberd and charged at the extradimensional creatures, opening a path to the top of the mountain for the Sisterhood and mortal soldiers.

Under repeated bombardment, the light blue magic shield covering the top of the mountain was in danger. The shells weighing several tons hit the shield at a speed far beyond the speed of sound and exploded. Each shell can make the protective magic burst out like glass shattering. The bright white cracks became denser and denser, but they remained standing. Neither flames nor flying shrapnel could penetrate the paper-thin layer of protection. This last section of the road is full of enemies. Obviously, the enemy also knows that the best way to break through the defense is to behead him, so he does not hesitate to arrange a large number of troops on this road.

Constantine pierced straight to the top of the mountain like the tip of a spear thrown hard. The genetically enhanced internal organs and flesh, together with the power armor made of technology beyond ordinary people's understanding, provided him with unparalleled strength. He is a biological weapon that combines secret techniques and technology. Every time he swings a halberd, the blade can make screams in the air, and every roar of a bomb can smash the seemingly indestructible bodies of extradimensional creatures. Not many extradimensional creatures can last long in front of him, and the sisterhood and mortal soldiers who followed him took up weapons in their hands to block the enemy's attack.

The boy was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he was speechless.

Before that, he stayed in the assault transport boat and couldn't see the situation outside clearly, but this time he saw with his own eyes the terrifying power that human wisdom and courage can unleash when they are used as weapons. He witnessed an ordinary human soldier being stabbed on a spear by a lower-level angel because he couldn't dodge in time, but even so he insisted on shooting at the lower-level angel until the laser weapon burned through the angel's bird head. He saw a girl in power armor whose helmet was slashed viciously by a demon's barbed tail, but still swinging the chainsword with the bloody blind eye until it chopped the enemy to pieces. All the wounded who were unable to fight were abandoned. Even though everyone knew what it meant, the team still marched on the blood of comrades and enemies, without any intention of stopping.

"Why are you doing this?" The boy narrowed his eyes because of the smoke from the gunfire. "Is it worth it?" he yelled.

"Shut up, snotty brat!" Tatiana didn't look back. She yelled and shoved the muzzle of the bolter gun into the enemy's mouth, "We can save more people alive by doing this, that's all!"

I don't think it's watery at all, really.

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