Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 840 Living Towards Death (Second Change)

Constantine had to face the strongest enemy, and he didn't have time or much energy to take care of the escort team in the rear.

The assault transport ship that was originally responsible for carrying this team chased up from the wreckage along the Bridge of Heaven after dumping its missiles on the superior angels. It mounted a heavy-duty machine gun on the nose to provide fire support for the Sisterhood and the special forces. ——The boy is not an ordinary person. Others can't see the heroic posture of the Imperial Guard in battle, but he can see clearly. He saw a faint golden halo glow behind the Praetorian's power armor, a celestial radiance enveloping his soul.

The blood-red and golden radiance of the sky turned the pinnacles of Finnbowent and the snow into a disgusting mixture of colors. It is rare for the upper and lower planes to work together to achieve the same goal.

The boy really couldn't stand others sacrificing for himself, so he endured his headache and took out the card, and used his strength to meet the enemy together. Tatiana glanced at him, then silently made room for him to shoot.

Sororities don't care whether boy power works or not, but they respect those who stand up. After the ladies of the Immortal City rescued them from brothels and traffickers' cellars, only the most defiant girls passed the test to join the Sorority, forging them from pig iron to steel. Three assault transport boats hovered above the team, hunting down large targets. In the end, every step forward in the journey cost blood, and the barrel of the heavy bomber machine gun turret even became red and hot from the continuous firing.

Orange sparks flickered again in the sky, and several assault transport boats rushed out of the portal.

Bayonetta and Balder jumped off one of the assault transport ships, and the Witch and the Sage joined the battle without hesitation. Baldr was in charge of fighting the demons of the lower plane, and Bayonetta was in charge of fighting the angels of the upper plane. At the same time, the assault transport boat that rushed out of the portal also joined the formation and began to rain bullets on the high-value targets on the bridge of heaven. The pressure from the Sisterhood and the Special Forces members suddenly eased, and they hurriedly escorted the boy to Constantine—the Guards had been waiting there for dozens of seconds, and he used this time to kill a superior cherub who was taller than him. Bayonetta and Balder also ran over, crashing into the mountaintop surrounded by protective magic together with the team.

This is the passage where the Bridge of Paradise extends to the top of the mountain, and they have met no enemies here. There are very old stone carvings and sculptures here, telling the ancient history and function of this altar. It stands to reason that this place should collapse at this moment due to changes in the structure of the mountain, but even the two ground-penetrating bombs failed to destroy the structure here, at most it caused some steps to be skewed. Clearly, some kind of alien force is trying to keep the place intact.

The siege artillery from the small town of Noah Dunn is still hitting here continuously, and everyone staying inside the passage can clearly hear the low-pitched roar like distant thunder. Before they entered this tunnel, they clearly saw the flying creatures densely covered in the sky smashing into pieces under the intensive artillery fire, but anyone knew that such an offensive would not last long, and the shelling density of the siege artillery gradually decreased.

When the shells in the ammunition transport vehicle are also exhausted, those extra-dimensional creatures will rush down. Beunita had already seen the position information on the way here, and she knew that those anti-aircraft artillery could not completely stop those angels and demons.

"Little thing." Beunita nodded at the boy, lest the boy reflexively see the sage. She didn't waste too much time, but sent an inquiry to Constantine directly. "Where is he?"

"I have no right to disclose information about my lord, even you." Constantine's answer was rather rigid. "The lord only guarantees that he can arrive."

"Very well, don't waste time." Baldr's face was not good-looking at all. He knew what was on top of the mountain, where his first time-travel landing was. He glanced at the boy, then turned and rushed towards the huge stone door at the end of the tunnel. Bayunita just let Constantine and the Death Squad follow up quickly, and then ran over with Balder.

The Prophet was already there waiting for them.

The sage and witch who had just walked out of the stone gate were immediately attacked by the long-awaited alien creatures. Constantine stood at the forefront of the death squad, killing a bloody path among the dense extra-dimensional creatures, and the sisterhood and special forces responded with dense bullets. Every inch of land here is crowded with extradimensional creatures. Monsters of different sizes are tightly packed together, and all kinds of weapons and limbs are swung at them. At this moment, those assault transport boats were also breaking through the outer-dimensional creatures surrounding the mountain top, and they couldn't provide them with support at all. They seemed to be stuck in a swamp, and their advancing speed became slower and slower. Finally, they stopped completely and couldn't move any further. They could only let the corpses under their feet pile up higher and higher.

"What do you want to do now?" Konstantin asked the boy eagerly through the communication channel, "Hurry up! We don't have time!"


"Welcome, my other half, my brother," the Prophet said slowly. He didn't care about the blood shed by angels and demons for him, and he didn't care if the deafening gunshots drowned out his voice. "We used to be one, but you 'half'... He wanted to awaken the goodwill of mankind, so he divided our power into two. We were supposed to be mirror images, but this 'half'...he gave his divine power, the power of the monarch to preserve the balance of this world, which is able to control the power of the Eye of the World. Unfortunately, this half made a serious mistake... He did not count the evil thoughts of human beings. Come to get back the power of the Old God...the Immortal Witch, the power of the left eye of darkness, the sage of lumen, the power of the right eye of light. Now I want to get back the only power I am missing, the power of the monarch, this half of the power."

Although the prophet spoke upside down, this did not prevent everyone present from understanding his thoughts. Surrounded by extradimensional creatures, he slowly walked towards the sage and the witch, and the boy surrounded by death squads. The only ones he cared about were the sages, the witches, and the imperial guards, because they were the few people on the scene who could do him a little harm. God doesn't care about ants, and neither does he—until a blast of high-energy plasma hit him in the face. The face of the Prophet changed visibly with the naked eye, from calm to unbelievable, and finally to anger.

"How dare you..."

"I've never seen such a stinky guy." A young man in the special operations team laughed tremblingly, because he was the one who shot out the high-energy plasma. When other ordinary people were stiffened by the terrifying atmosphere emanating from the Prophet, and their hands and feet were weak, he fired the first shot of resistance. Even Baldr cast an incredulous look at the special operator.

"There are still people who claim to be gods. Don't you know that people on Earth have defeated gods?" The young man said self-destructively. "The guy who claims to be a god is either a drug addict or a born fool. What kind of person are you? Anyway, it's just death. I did enough wrong things in Afghanistan. I should have died long ago!"

"Good job, Andrew." The prophet said the real name of the special forces member viciously, "You will be the first."

"Good job, Andrew." This sentence came from another mouth, but it felt completely different, and the young special forces team members felt inexplicably encouraged. From the corner of the soldier's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a warm golden light, and the blood that had been frozen by fear began to flow again, and a certain impulse made him unable to restrain his urge to that light.

"Brave soldier, you have done your duty. Leave the rest to me."

Ask for a ticket!

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