Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 89 School? The last fart!

"Ah~!" An action member yelled, and frantically pulled the trigger and shot at Salomon who was standing by the car window, but these bullets posed little threat to Salomon, and the rapier accurately cut at the action. On the finger of the team member, the pistol fell with the finger. Salomon's expectation was not bad, but the fear technique was too exciting for ordinary people. In the eyes of the action team members, Salomon's figure still overlapped with those fears.

"Isn't it over with you?" Cascilios drove the battered sedan crookedly over, and he got out of the car, his meticulously combed gray and white hair was a little messy, stuck in his breast pocket The handkerchief in the bag was also gone, and Salomon turned his head and found that there were still blood stains between his fingers. Obviously, Casilios was faster than Salomon in cleaning up those action team members. He asked, "Why are my enemies not as quiet as you are here?"

"Fear, I haven't copied it in the magic book yet." Salomon stabbed out the long sword again, and the sword edge cut the throats of the remaining members of the action team, leaving only the leader who was left dying. Salomon reached in, opened the car window, dragged the leader whose nerves he had severed out of the car, and threw it on the ground. He said, "Maybe you should undo the mirror dimension so the radios can pick up their messages."

"What about going to school?" Casilios asked while stretching out his hand to cast a spell.

"I can't think of whether I can still go to school under such circumstances. I'm afraid even the venerable can't help it." Salomon bent down, picked up the walkie-talkie on the leader's shoulder, pressed a few buttons at will, and glanced again. Eyes around the environment, put your ears next to the walkie-talkie. "However, first we need to determine who the mastermind of the attack was."

"Received...please reply...received...please reply..." The radio system on the driver's seat rang, and Salomon threw away the walkie-talkie in embarrassment. It's the same as the one on the shoulder, using the walkie-talkie on the shoulder. He dragged the driver's body from the seat, sat on it himself, and after a few seconds looking at the buttons, Salomon connected the radio.

"Hello." He said calmly.

The people on the other side of the radio stopped talking, and Salomon continued to ask, "Are you the S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Still no reply.

"Tell me, who is directing this operation?" Salomon said. "Is it Agent Natasha Romanov?"

"Yes." After a long while, a female voice came from the other end of the radio, "Tell me, how are those operatives doing? I think you can use them as bargaining chips."

"I thought all agents were people with suicide drugs sewn into their collars." Salomon blinked at Casilios, signaling him not to worry too much. He continued, "And... I'm afraid I won't be able to get them back to you."

The radio station was silent again, and Salomon's subtext had already been known by the other party, that is, all the team members who participated in the operation had been wiped out this time, and Salomon could feel the solemn atmosphere on the other side even across the radio station.

"However, I still left one alive, who should be regarded as the leader of the team." Salomon said. Now, the agents directing the operation felt that something was going wrong—if all the members of the action team died, they would mourn for them and even avenge them, but if they were alive, and the secrets might be revealed—they just I can hope that the prisoner can commit suicide.

"Oh, that's right. Are you Agent Natasha Romanov?" Salomon asked. "The voice here is a bit distorted. There is really no way to determine your identity."

"You are Salomon Damonette, we have met." Natasha's voice was a little annoyed, she didn't know whether Salomon knew her name from the captives or knew her himself, "I don't know Where did you hear my name, listen, you and your organization have been wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"Wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D.? My organization?" Before Natasha finished speaking, Salomon said with a puzzled face, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Salem, Collins Town, isn't it an action organized by you?" Natasha said, "You have violated the law..."

"I guess I understand what you mean," said Salomon. "I'll talk to you guys."

"Looking for us?"

"Yes, it's now." After Salomon finished speaking, he hung up the radio and got off the driver's seat.

"How is it?" Cascilios asked.

"Kama Taj is wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D. They caught my foot in my actions, although I don't know what I missed?" Salomon spread his hands, "I plan to talk to S.H.I.E.L.D. It is more useful to talk to their boss directly."

"I'm asking, what should we do now?" Casilios rolled his eyes, "You're going to be late for the opening ceremony."

"If I don't talk to them, I'm afraid more secret service agents will break in during the opening ceremony." Salomon said, "Leave this person here, he can still receive An insurance, if S.H.I.E.L.D. is willing to buy it for them."

It's strange that Hydra can buy insurance for the team members, Salomon secretly complained. But no matter what, it is imperative to have a good talk with Nick Fury. As for going to school, don’t even think about it. After Casilios cast a spell to open the portal, he helped push the car that was already broken into shape. As for going to talk to Nick Fury about it, Salomon refused to be accompanied by Casilios, and he insisted on going alone. Casilios had to say that he would inform the Supreme Master about it.

"I don't think S.H.I.E.L.D. can pose any threat to me." A golden-red fire burst out above Salomon's head, and a big bird wrapped in flames appeared out of nowhere and landed on Salomon's shoulder. As his summoning demon, the resident phoenix, Salomon will never forget it. The mystic cast a spell to open the portal, and got in with Phoenix.

"I'll tell the Supreme Mage!" Casilios was still yelling at Salomon on the other side of the portal.

"I know! Let's go, I'll go back later!" Salomon waved his hand and closed the portal.


"'Do you think you are the only special person in the world?'. I especially like this sentence, a certain sense of superiority is so easily reflected." Salomon sat at the desk of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Before, speaking to the person behind the desk, beside the mystic, Phoenix was spreading his wings and hovering in the spacious office. But if someone reacts, they will find that there seems to be something wrong with this big flaming bird. It is belly up, like a turkey on a plate.

But as long as it is turned upside down, everything will go smoothly, including that Nick Fury who is clinging to the edge of the desk. Both the blood in his veins and his intuition told Nick Fury that the ceiling under his feet was the ground, but even as the experienced director of S.H.I.E.L.D. What happened was a bit unacceptable.

After he received the information that the operation failed, Nick Fury returned to the office, intending to use the computer to access Salomon Damonette's information. Coulson lost his memory and failed to act. All the signs showed that the organization Salomon Damonette belonged to was not that simple. But when he turned on the computer and raised his head from behind the desk again, Salomon Damonette, the target of this operation, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Before he could react, everything was turned upside down, and what he saw through the window turned around, as if the building had been folded. Before he even took out his pistol, a soul-piercing cry made his speed extremely slow. When the folding was completed, he could only hug the desk tightly, trying not to let himself fall. And that bastard, Salomon Damonette, was sitting quietly on the chair with his head down as if nothing had happened.

And then there's the opening scene.

Is this hallucination? or real? Nick Fury pinched himself quietly, but the scene in front of him remained unchanged.

"As the keeper of secrets, let me ask you, do you think you know all the secrets, Nick Fury?" Salomon asked, but he didn't expect Nick Fury to answer.

"Why not let everything go back to normal, so we can have a good talk." Nick Fury said.

Monther Fxxker! When has the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. been threatened by someone in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tripartite Wing? However, this situation made him confirm the doubts in his heart - this organization is indeed not simple.

"This kind of talk clears your mind," Salomon said. At this time, the door of the office opened, and a tall woman with short black hair walked in, holding a document in her hand. At this time, Maria Hill, the adjutant assigned to Nick Fury by the World Security Council, has now been taken under Nick Fury's command.

She looked around suspiciously—she had clearly seen the chief enter the office, but now he was nowhere to be found, and the computer on the desk was turned on. But after being an agent for so long, she also knew what to ask and what not to ask. She just put down the documents and left the room without doing anything unnecessary. She even closed the door before leaving.

"She can't see yours," Salomon said, "and she can't see me. Now we are in an illusory dimension. From the moment you enter this office, you have stepped into the mirror dimension."

"Is this also your ability?" Nick Fury asked, "It seems that our intelligence is outrageously wrong. The superhuman organization behind you seems to be quite powerful."

"You are still trying to get information from me at this time, you can only say that you are a natural agent." Salomon said, "And, when did I say this is a supernatural power? This is magic!"

"Magic?!" Nick Fury would not believe this kind of nonsense. He even thought that the guy in front of him was an idiot who regarded supernatural powers as magic. Such an organization, S.H.I.E.L.D., has caught many. He yelled, "Does that mean there are both God and the Devil?"

Salomon was silent, and after a while, he spoke.

"Yes," he said, "you're right. All you're dealing with are aliens, real-world threats, the Kree, the Skrulls. What we're fighting against, are aliens. Demons, devils, angels, black magic creatures. Why do you look at me in surprise, do you think it is difficult for us to know about this kind of thing? Kama Taj is a force that has existed for more than a thousand years, you know This kind of thing is normal."

"Or, do you want to secretly press your little pager?" Salomon stood up from the chair and walked towards Nick Fury on the floor that is now the ceiling. "This is the mirror dimension, the signal is It cannot be transmitted to the outside world. Maybe I should let you try, you can call Carol Danvers back, such a bull who only knows how to sway energy, I can trap her to death with a finger."

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Spitting black mud: There are really many bullies who don't read books seriously and like to fight, and the good mood of the day is gone. Then I didn't eat much for two days in a row...

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