Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 90 Negotiation

When Salomon revealed one of Nick Fury's biggest hole cards, the pupils of the long-time agent couldn't help trembling. For an intelligence agency, or an agent, secrets are equal to weapons, and Salomon revealing secrets is tantamount to disarming Nick Fury. But soon, Nick Fury regained his composure, and his cards were more than that. Now, what he needs to consider is the loss of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Salomon's heels rattled against the floor, and he walked around the room without finding anything unrelated to work. He glanced at Nick Fury, feeling that the time he had given him for thinking was enough, he waved his palm again, everything in the room returned to normal, Phoenix also stopped flapping his wings, and stopped on the desk in front of Salomon .

"You see, we can have a good talk after we calm down." Salomon sat back on the chair. The mystic treated Nick Fury as a poisonous snake, and he would not talk until he pressed the head covered with fine scales. He said , "You think you know a lot of secrets, but you don't."

"I know, magic." Nick Fury accepted it quickly. As one of the few earthlings who knew the existence of aliens, Nick Fury's thinking was far more enlightened than many ordinary people. What incredible things in this world Anything can happen, and magic is one of them. He rubbed his sore arms, then raised his pistol sharply and pointed at Salomon, "This is the only way to negotiate, tell me, how do you know about Carol Danvers?"

"Shoot." Salomon suddenly grabbed the pistol and pointed the muzzle at his head. "That's what the members of the action team did. As for why I wasn't injured, you can try to shoot."

Nick Fury didn't move, just looked straight at Salomon, this is a threat assessment. The mystic impatiently grabbed the pistol and fired a shot at his temple. The bullet stopped suddenly when it approached Salomon, as if it had lost all its kinetic energy. Salomon took off the hot bullet and threw it to Nick Fury along with the pistol.

"I have to declare one thing to you," Salomon said, "Kama Taj has stood in the world for thousands of years, and knows far more secrets than S.H.I.E.L.D. I know more than just Carol Danvers , and much more. Do you think a cosmic policeman who has power because of the Rubik's Cube, and only knows how to wield it indiscriminately, can escape the mirror dimension? Magic relies on intellect, not brute force. What do you think is waiting for those fleets? The Supreme Sorcerer will not let go of a guy who may endanger human civilization, even if this is not a matter of the wizarding world."

"Magic world?" Nick Fury's tone eased slightly, he glanced at Phoenix - he now also understands that he is alone and helpless, and can only listen to Salomon, "There are many people like you?"

"Yes, but no matter which magician, even if he is not from Kama Taj, as long as he lives on the earth, he must accept the jurisdiction of the supreme magician and hand over part of his magic as a certificate." Salomon said, " You can imagine the Supreme Sorcerer as the king of the magical world, and I am the Supreme Sorcerer's student."

"Sounds like a dictatorial tyrant." Nick Fury tentatively said.

"Perhaps. People in a democratic society usually associate dictatorship with tyrants. It is not surprising that you have received a Western education since childhood." Salomon put his legs up on the desk nonchalantly, and he also untied the The emperor's shawl with the emblem of Eton College is now indoors and does not need to be worn. He said, "The crisis in the wizarding world is more dangerous. Any one of them may destroy the world. We don't have time for a democratic vote. Do you remember when all the satellites disappeared a year ago? It was because of a god and a The battle of demons, even the aftermath of that battle can destroy human civilization. The supreme mage activated the planetary defense system and the mirror dimension, protecting the civilization of the earth."

"Since it is so dangerous, it should not be out of the government's jurisdiction..."

Salomon sat up straight suddenly, and he looked at Nick Fury very seriously.

"Who do you think you are, Nick Fury? Do you think why humans have not been colonized by aliens so far, just because of good luck? Do you think why the bastards of heaven and hell have not established their own country on earth to rule humans , Is it because of kindness? Who do you think is the king of the earth? Every outer dimension beyond your imagination has the footsteps of the Supreme Mage, and under each step lies the corpse of the enemy. It is a throne made of blood and bones , do you think that the throne was won through hypocritical votes and weak political declarations? Do you think the laws of the world have any meaning for His Holiness? Do gods and demons care who has more votes? In this In the universe, the only one who has legal dominion over the earth is Karma Taj."

"What about the Salem incident? Does such an organization still need to rob a congressman's jewelry? And the town of Collins, didn't you also do so many murders? Could it be that the Supreme Sorcerer intends to target him with the butcher knife? The people of the country?" Nick Fury said sarcastically.

"The event in Salem was to recover a magic item, and I think you probably saw it." Salomon said, "As for the town of Corinth—vampires, werewolves, and clichéd dark magic creatures, there is just one in Corinth town." A large nest of dark magic creatures, I just cleared them out routinely."

"Aren't they human?"

"I didn't know you were a sympathizer of black magic creatures, Nick Fury." Salomon showed an extremely disgusted expression, "Whether it is vampires or werewolves, they are plagues that exist in human society, and they reproduce at an extremely fast rate. Quick, as long as they have the will, they can easily transform countless of the same kind. Moreover, after transforming into black magic creatures, they are no longer human beings, one is a dead person, and the other is a beast that can never be cured .Wait... vampires and werewolves don't just exist in Corinth, did S.H.I.E.L.D. already know that?"

"Yes." Nick Fury readily admitted, "I know werewolves and vampires, and SHIELD has also studied them. But I assure you, these are within the controllable range, we have never added them quantity."

"I believe you have no selfishness when you study these things. I know what kind of person you are. But don't let me catch you, Nick Fury, I won't care who the werewolves and vampires are, their The result is death." Salomon said, "But vampires and werewolves are only a trivial threat, and there are many more terrifying beings threatening the earth."

"You are the one who can understand this feeling best. You should know that under the proposition of 'survival', all human civilizations are meaningless. Whether it is democracy or autocracy, no matter what ideology, there is no point in life and death. In any sense, there is no racial distinction in the face of death. Only under this proposition, human beings are truly equal, and those extra-dimensional creatures and aliens will not let someone go because their skin is fairer.

Karma Taj is the last line of defense for human beings, the barrier between reality and the outer dimension, which is why those mythical creatures do not appear under your bed. Do you still want to watch angels descend and the church restore tithes? Don't let me hear your temptations again, Nick Fury, I've lost my patience, I have always had a good impression of you, at least your S.H.I.E.L.D. is solving the mess that capitalist countries and S.H.I.E.L.D. Very skillful. "

"Then I don't see the Supreme Mage coming to rule the world." Nick Fury spread his hands and said, "It sounds like this kind of rule is quite equal."

"His Holiness narrowed his kingdom to the magic world because magic is not the future of mankind." Salomon said, "Technology with universal applicability is the future of mankind."

After the above conversation, Nick Fury also had a general understanding of what organization Karma Taj is. He said, "But you also know that the technological gap between us and the aliens is almost impossible for us to catch up. If possible, I would like to get help from magic, in any way, presumably there are more magicians than humans There are not many, otherwise S.H.I.E.L.D. would have discovered it a long time ago, and I can send agents to study with you Karma Taj to supplement your numbers. We are fighters fighting together for mankind, and we should be friends, not enemies."

"The one who chooses who can become a mystic is not me, nor the supreme mage, but Vishandi." Salomon stretched out his hand and let Nick Fury look at the ring on his hand, "I did not sign a contract with Vishandi." It is impossible for ordinary people to use magic. I understand your small thoughts, but do you think that even if your agents can sign the contract, but instead of joining the outer dimension battlefield and leaking secrets afterwards, will it be regarded as Betrayal, will it be cleared?"

"Who is Visandi?" Nick Fury asked.

"The Holy Trinity Wisant is the source of white magic, an omniscient existence, and the first supreme mage. I can't name him." Salomon said, "But your little calculation is meaningless, as long as Those who are qualified to learn magic, Visandi will guide them to reach Karma Taj, and those who are not qualified will not be able to learn if they go there. If you want to spy on magic, then you have to bear the price."

"Okay, so what's the point of you coming to me?" Nick Fury said, "Don't tell me, it's just because the members of the action team stopped you from going to school? Do wizards still want to live a normal life?"

"You are right," said Salomon, "Your Majesty asked me to use my intelligence and physical strength to crush those arrogant Saxons, but your action team members interrupted this plan. I am a little impatient, but I will abide by the decree of the supreme mage."

Salomon is too young, he still leaked some information in the conversation with Nick Fury. Such as Salomon Damonet will obey the orders of the Supreme Sorcerer, such as Visandi, such as the existence of magic items, this is purely a matter of experience. You must know that Salomon is an academic mage, not a thief, and you cannot ask him to be impeccable when he speaks.

Nick Fury, who knew these things, was quite satisfied, but he never showed it on his face, but continued to pretend to be bitter and hatred. "But you killed them!" he said. "They were only following orders!"

"When I was in Corinth Town, I also carried out the order, but I also endured the pain of the choice behind it." Salomon said, "Anyone has to bear the results of what they do. I bear it, and they have to bear it too. And, maybe in a while, you will thank me, maybe."

"Okay." Nick Fury nodded. Mercy does not control soldiers, he knows what the lives of those members of the action team have been exchanged for, and to put it a bit arrogantly, it is precisely because of the lives they gave that Salomon Damonette appeared in front of him, and the two sides have opportunity for communication.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Don't disturb my life, all surveillance and tracking will be regarded as hostile targets by me. After all, you are not the only ones spying on magic. If you send someone over then, I will not show any mercy." Sa As Lomon spoke, he took out a piece of parchment and wrote this on it. "Also, you can't reveal to anyone that Karma Taj exists, you can't record everything about Karma Taj, you can't explain or imply any information about Karma Taj to them, including written information and electronic storage. .”

So young, Nick Fury thought. I even thought about writing it out to remind me.

"I'll do it, why don't we talk about cooperation?" Nick Fury said, "I think I still need your help personally. S.H.I.E.L.D. Appraisal?"

"Yes." Salomon also wrote this on it. He wrote again eloquently, and finally took out the wax from the dimension bag, melted it with flames, and pressed the ring on the little finger of his left hand. He pushed the parchment in front of Nick Fury, "Sign it, I don't believe in the promise of an agent, only this document can become an agreement."

"You mean, this is..." Nick Fury realized that this was not a memo at all, but a contract.

"Magic contract." Salomon said, "In order to prevent you from breaking the contract, the contract has imposed restrictions on both of us, which is fair and reasonable. Tonight, you will see the scene of hell for yourself. going in the future."

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