Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 842: The Titan (Second)

"I am Asa, the God of Chaos! I am the master of the Eye of the World!" The prophet threw back the comatose boy. He looked at the other people indifferently, and then smiled at everyone, "Take it, he is just an empty shell to me. Witness your death!"

Salomon took the boy and cast a spell to prop up a Seraphim shield with orange-red sparks, blocking the explosion, gravel and sound waves from the shield. Even the elite among mortal soldiers couldn't bear such a scene, and even the nervous Andrew was a little confused, but Salomon didn't have time to think about the mental health of the soldiers, because there was something more surprising to them next.

"Support is coming, and the next step is left to the wisdom of mortals."

Salomon predicted that the arrogance of the prophet would give him time, he calmly pointed to a few inconspicuous meteors in the sky and said loudly. This is a foundry project that the Supreme Master, Malbus and he personally participated in, and only one experimental prototype has been obtained so far. Considering that he will face more enemies similar to Chaos God Asa in the future, Salomon asked the Mars Foundry to be prepared. This is why when Constantine asked Mars for support according to the order left by Salomon, Marbus was able to respond so quickly, because the Mars Foundry had already done the logistical work required for departure.

The prophet slowly walked down the altar and walked towards the crowd who were huddled in a corner.

Salomon jumped off his horse, hung the holy spear on Pegasus, and continued to cast superimposed protective spells. In the eyes of the Prophet, this kind of behavior was just a struggle of a mortal. For him, this bit of protective magic was not a difficult barrier to break through. He even stood in front of the shield and taunted Salomon, claiming that this barren magic could not even delay him from getting the Eye of the World for a second. The Prophet didn't lie, the protective magic from the "Book of Visander" couldn't stop him for too long, he just touched it lightly with his finger, and the Seraphim Shield, which can resist meteorites, burst like soap bubbles.

No one seems to be able to stop the Prophet from unleashing the power of Chaos God Asa right now.

Beunita and Baldr are only the holders of the Eye of the World, and Chaos God Asa obviously has more powerful authority, and almost no one can prevent the Prophet from taking the Eye of the World. Although the cause and effect are unknown, this unparalleled pressure still makes the hands and feet of mortal soldiers cold, and only the Sisterhood can rely on the tenacious will to keep standing. Baldr clenched his spear nervously, ready to give the Prophet a head-on blow when he broke through the protective magic. Only Beunita looked relaxed, and she believed in the countermeasure. The same is true for Constantine. He doesn't think there is anything to be afraid of. He has long been cleared of fear by secret methods and chemicals. He stands firmly by Salomon's side, ready to fight with him at any time.

Just when the Prophet wanted to continue to mock Salomon, two 20-meter-high airborne pods fell from the sky like two huge artillery shells accompanied by thunderous roars, and hit the top of Finnbowente Mountain. The shelling of the siege artillery changed its target at some point. At the same time, densely packed assault transport boats also surrounded the top of Finnbowente Mountain. Almost all armed personnel who could be mobilized by the Sisterhood jumped out of the ramp hatch, and began to massacre the surviving extradimensional creatures.

Constantine issued the order instead of Salomon. Salomon asked the Sisterhood to quickly take advantage of this time to cover and evacuate. No matter how unwilling Tita was, the current scene was not something ordinary people could participate in, let alone those mortal soldiers who had already been filled with fear. Asking them to continue fighting here was simply ordering them to die.

The Prophet was also a little puzzled by this sudden situation. He waved a strong wind to disperse the smoke and dust, and saw that the thick alloy plate of the airborne pod was covered with traces of atmospheric ablation. Hundreds of fastening bolts thick enough for a person exploded one after another, and the bolts flew everywhere like bullets. The dim light from Wen's mysterious cannon, the mysterious energy from the astral world that was poured into the core of the machine without being filtered and integrated, even made the prophet feel threatened.

Salomon removed the shield in good time.

He opened the stigmata in an instant, drew out the holy sword around his waist, and used his incomparable power to deal a severe blow to the shocked prophet. The two giant cannons on the shoulders of the bipedal war machine were lifted up very quickly under the control of the extremely advanced fire control system. The arcane pulse artillery aimed and fired a mysterious black beam, precisely hitting the prophet who was knocked into the sky.

"What the hell is this..." Balder gasped for the air full of ionized stench, dust, and chemical fuel combustion exhaust.

Even after losing the target of the Prophet, the war machine continued to fire, but the target was the giant extradimensional creatures trying to prevent the assault transport boat from evacuating. The sage saw that the war machine crushed a four-dimensional angel with only one shot. The mysterious energy seemed to be some kind of black hole at the magical level. It created a vortex of the sea of ​​souls to crush the souls of extra-dimensional creatures. Even secondary weapons can easily kill an outer-latitude creature. However, what shocked him even more was not just this terrifying war machine, but the figure that jumped off the last assault transport boat.



"Report on the Logistical Arrangement of the Battle of Fenbowente Mountain and the Post-War Impact" page 5362

Appendix B Section 15 Memoirs

by intelligence chief victoria hand

[Source] Immortal City Database Alpha-Zero-Zero;


【Database Level】Crimson-Top Secret

【Access Level】Crimson-Top Secret


[Gene sequence certification - pass]

【Voiceprint Authentication—Pass】

[Iris authentication - pass]

[Secret Method Certification—Pass]

[Warning: Unrelated persons need to check after approval]

The Battle of Finnbowente was the first time that the terrifying war machine was used in actual combat.

Before this, I never knew that such a terrifying war machine like the Titans in the myths actually existed. Until now, the Mars Foundry has not opened up this part of the information to me. But I still got a few words from the mouth of the monarch-that is, the war machine I saw at the Battle of Finbowendt Mountain is still very special now that the war machine is used on a large scale to form a legion. It is the product of a high degree of combination of witchcraft and machinery. I firmly believe that the monarch has personally participated in the construction of these war machines, because he is the best alchemist and mystic I know. He seems to be worried about such a war machine, and claims that every time such a war machine is used, a terrible price will be paid.

After that, Karma Taj mobilized a lot of manpower to go to a top-secret location. I speculate that it may be to maintain those war machines. It may also be destroyed-the reason why I think so is because all the soldiers who participated in the Battle of Finnbowente Mountain and reached the altar on the top of the mountain were all brainwashed, but I was exempted from this fate because of my authority. The only thing those soldiers could remember was the first half of the war, and the second half of the war machine was vague. They only remembered a red dragon-shaped coat of arms and a sword coat of arms.

This part of the mystery has been lost to history forever, because the world no longer has Fenbowent Mountain and Noah Doon Town. There is nothing but the pitted plains.

Ask for a ticket!

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