Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 843 Mutually nested time loops (first update)

Friday, December 18, 2015, a week before Christmas.

The Sorcerer Supreme dispelled the magic covering the entire dungeon and awakened Salomon from his resting state. This is the awakening time set by Salomon five hundred years ago. If the Supreme Mage fails to wake him up in time, the spell time set by him will end on time. He deliberately set aside a week for preparation, just to give himself more time to think. At the same time, in order to avoid bumping into himself at this point in time, Salomon didn't plan to leave the dungeon. He planned to rely on the power armor's life support system to spend seven days until the time for the final battle came. In addition to the daily copying of scrolls and reading books, Salomon also discussed with His Holiness how to deal with the Eye of the World.

His Holiness believes that the existence of the Eye of the World is very necessary.

Although the power of the Eye of the World is not as powerful as the Time Gem, it can still be used as a means of interfering with time other than the Time Gem, and has a universality that the Silver Key cannot possess. Especially in the catastrophe against the Infinity Gems in the future, if all of Salomon's preparations fail and the Time Gem goes wrong, keeping the Eye of the World is equivalent to retaining the means of counterattack. Since the sea of ​​souls caused a storm due to the loss of balance of the eye of the world, the best way to deal with it is to find another eye of the world, the right eye of light belonging to the sage family. Combining what Salomon saw and heard five hundred years ago, that is, the timeline where Beunita was not sealed, His Holiness and Salomon made an extremely bold decision that violated the precepts of Karma Taj 1000%.

That is to interrupt the time loop of this timeline, take away the right eye of light from another timeline, and ensure that the power of the chaos god Asa will disappear forever, so that there will be no power in this world that can seize the authority of the eye of the world.

The prerequisite for this is to take care of the young Seresa, and strengthen her mind so that she can quickly walk out of the grief of losing her mother, so as to avoid being sealed into the bottom of the lake by Joan of Arc; in addition, it is necessary to bring Baldr, the holder of the right eye of light, to this timeline, so that the eye of the world can be balanced—the venerable and Salomon sorted out tens of millions of possibilities in the final battle through the time gem. No matter how the process changes, the final result will be led to the Prophet regaining the other half of his power to seize the Eye of the World, and finally Baldr seals his soul into his body to integrate the Prophet's consciousness, leading to the Sun Island incident-this is a complete time loop. But in the past, Baldr sent the young Seresa to the future, which resulted in the grown-up Theresa not being sealed. This shows that the Sun Island incident is impossible to happen in another timeline. As long as you guide the right event at the right time, you can change the direction of the timeline without breaking the time node.

Of course, such a plan cannot be completed in a week.

In fact, this plan has been started since the Supreme Mage asked Salomon to meet Bayonetta under the pretext of looking for the "Dark God Book". Although the logic and causal relationship are quite complicated, in simple terms, this is also a time loop. The future Salomon guides every step he has taken in the past to ensure that all steps are carried out according to the plan, just like a ouroboros biting its own tail. The only thing Salomon didn't expect was that the Supreme Mage broke the jar, which made the plan take a bolder step. Now that the plan has reached this point, why not be bold and make changes to non-critical time nodes.

Like using the Time Stone on Rosa's corpse to take her soul from Rosa's pact demon?

Baldr was still in shock, not to mention Beunita, whose calmness and composure she had been struggling to maintain almost collapsed.

When Salomon knew that Rosa had actually lived in Karma Taj for five hundred years, his expression was not much better. Especially when he knew that Rosa changed his diapers when he was a child, his expression became even worse, and what was even more unacceptable was that Karma Taj’s dungeon guard was actually Rosa who used illusions to cover up. The dungeon guard he met five hundred years ago had long been buried in the crypt because of his lifespan. The person who showed him the dungeon for the first time was actually Rosa. Salomon couldn't complain at all, because everything was due to his own calculations, and any consequences would be he shooting himself in the foot.

"There's no time to be surprised, Balder!" Under the cover of War Machine's secondary weapon, Rosa rushed towards the Prophet who had just been directly hit by the pulse artillery. Salomon quickly followed. He didn't ride a horse, but went straight to the prophet's landing point, and Constantine followed behind him as a guard, clearing away the remaining angels and demons around him for Salomon. The three of them are currently the few powerful fighters who will not be affected by the power of the Chaos God Asa, but these are not enough. Salomon, the Supreme Mage and Marbus jointly designed the magic version of the war machine as insurance for this mission, especially the two giant cannons on the shoulders of the War Machine.

In the future, Kama Taj and Supreme Mage cannot be the only forces fighting against outer dimensions. Human beings must come up with other forces that can make the final decision. These two experimental war machines are an attempt. War machines made up of pure technological products will be used on future battlefields. When necessary, especially when facing enemies who also possess magical powers, the joint creations of magic and science will also become the backbone of the war.


"Report on the Logistical Arrangement of the Battle of Fenbowente Mountain and the Post-War Impact" page 5364

Appendix B, Section 17, Memoirs

by intelligence chief victoria hand

[Source] Immortal City Database Alpha-Zero-Zero;


【Database Level】Crimson-Top Secret

【Access Level】Crimson-Top Secret


[Gene sequence certification passed]

[Voiceprint authentication passed]

【Iris authentication passed】

[Secret method certification passed]

【Certification passed】

[Irrelevant personnel need to check after approval]

This is the second time I have seen the power of the monarch.

The first time was during the Chitauri invasion of Earth, where the Monarch was on top of Stark Industries to meet the portal that kept feeding the aliens. For a while after the Chitauri invasion, I still had doubts about how much power a man could have, because I hadn't seen it with my own eyes—though all Manhattan, all New York at the time couldn't forget the terrible beam of light that shot into the sky, and even all the glass manufacturers in the United States couldn't forget how much business it brought them. But as an agent in a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base at the time, I only trusted what I saw and verified, not redacted reports and blurry footage on TV shows. This time I stood on the bridge and witnessed the power of the monarch through satellite and communication systems, and I have never questioned it since.

I'm pretty sure he's the most powerful human being I've ever seen.

Human, that's what he called himself.

Not only me, but many colleagues have had more than one debate on whether the monarch is still a human being. No one thinks that a creature with such a powerful force is still a human being, even if he looks no different from ordinary people. [I suggest that you look at it from a rational point of view, just like the Asa Protoss are actually aliens, the monarch may also have a bit of a strange bloodline] - [Warning: Please be sure to accept the purity review when reading this blasphemy]

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