Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 847 Abominable Soul (Part 1)

"The answer to this question is no longer up to me. Why is it interesting that you ask a riddle that is up to you?" The recalled memory did not change the boy's way of speaking. He looked around and snorted disdainfully. The iron-black cage around it hummed when it was powered on. The floor and walls were engraved with twisted curves and complicated four-dimensional polygonal topologies that hurt the eyes. Even the lighting facilities above the head were independently powered.

It was not difficult to judge how long it would take to create such a tight magic prison, and the boy didn't need to think to know that this place was definitely not for him in the first place. This is a place where spirit bodies are held, and the reason why he stays here is just because it happens to be useful here.

"I don't thank you, Salomon, I don't think you are helping me." He said, "I heard the grief from the crowd above, like a saw slowly pulling on the spine. You sacrificed so much life and weapons to destroy half of Chaos God Asa's soul. Even out of revenge, you will not let me leave so easily."

"You underestimate me, Asa." Salomon called his name unceremoniously, "You know why I want to destroy the other half, even at the expense of interrupting this time loop, calculating my past self, and deceiving the entire universe and timeline to achieve my goal. But you guessed one thing, even if you are the good side of Chaos God Asa, I will not treat you differently."

"Where are you planning to seal me? On which planet is Karma Taj?" The boy raised his face curiously. "I'm curious how you made such a decision. Does Bayunita know what you plan to do?"

"No, I will let you go and let your soul begin to reincarnate." The mystic smiled. Before the surprise on the boy's face subsided, he continued, "You once possessed the power of Chaos God Asa, and I believe you foresaw the future plight of the human race. Perhaps it is for this reason that Chaos God Asa gave the eyes of the world to the witch and the sage."

The boy made a nasal sound incredulously.

"But it's not enough. The plight of human beings doesn't just come from the outer dimension. Before your soul is reincarnated, I need to reach an agreement with you, a soul contract that allows you to stand on the same side as me. As I said, even if you are the good side of Chaos God Asa, I don't have much trust in you. Who knows if you will go crazy due to memory loss after being incarnated, just like your brother."

"Does your paranoia really not affect your life? Do you really trust anyone, Salomon? You said one thing wrong. I never thought of myself as higher than human, I was just one of the crowd, but look at yourself, and you continue to deny your own nature." The boy laughed. "Maybe you need a psychiatrist. Given your cursed future, this is a sincere suggestion."

Salomon ignored the boy's advice. "After the soul contract is signed, I will let your soul leave and let you incarnate as a human being." The mystic said, "I know what atrocities I will do in the future, but whether the actions are justified depends on the results. In order to avoid the destruction of the human race, I will do anything you can't imagine. These things can even make your evil brother as childish as a little bastard who snatches snacks from other children. Now you have time to take a good look at this contract. I have distributed contracts to many people, but this is the most binding one, because it is based on The contract of my real name certificate."

"What if I don't sign it?" the boy asked.

"Then you can use your imagination." Salomon pointed to the runes drawn on the wall, behind which there were several mystics waiting for orders. They held scrolls full of dark power in their hands. These scrolls were copied by Salomon and the Supreme Mage. Some of the words on them were exactly the same as some of the runes on the barrels on the shoulders of War Machine and the energy cores. Although doing so would definitely arouse Bayoneta's dislike, Kama Taj would never gamble the future on some baseless things, and only a hairy boy like Stephen Strange would gamble (although Strange was twice the age of Salomon, this did not prevent him from calling Strange a "hairy boy"). However, with Salomon in charge of the future, even if Strange had the title of Supreme Mage, he couldn't just take the fate of the human race to death.

"Tsk!" The boy smacked his lips disdainfully, "Let me see the contract."

Salomon told Beunita that "the boy has been incarnated into an adult, and I don't know where in the human society he will become a baby." Although this statement is correct, it is not quite accurate. Salomon and the Supreme Mage have other arrangements for this special soul-although the body will lose its memory, but the essence of the soul will not change. Half of the soul of Chaos God Asa is immortal after all. The contract signed by Salomon and the boy will be accompanied by the continuous reincarnation of Chaos God Asa's half soul, even if the memory is lost. However, with the character of a boy, he still uttered a lot of ridicule towards the mystic, like "a vampire who wants to make people work without being paid", spewing out words like "no money".

"Actually, it's a pleasure to get along with you, Salomon." Before the mystic master broke the seal, the boy said suddenly, "But I didn't expect you to be so cruel to me."

"Did you see some future?"

"Yes, abominable soul." The boy nodded. "Good luck and goodbye."

"My lord?" Constantine lowered his head and asked.

"It's okay, the contract has been signed. It's better to be prepared than not to be prepared, and it doesn't matter even if you don't need it." Salomon waved his hand, calling the mystics in the next room to return to Kama Taj, without mentioning the content of the conversation in the room. There is no way to open the portal here. On the ceiling leading to the external corridor is hidden the alchemy robot (an upgraded version of the dark elves' invasion) that he made in his spare time after combining Marbus's mechanical manufacturing technology and biological transformation technology.

Not only that, but the ghosts and shadows he summoned are also lurking in the dark, constantly hunting down enemies who try to infiltrate this place from another dimension. Layers of arcane traps, powerful protective spells that spend a lot of precious materials, independent security systems, and tens of centimeters thick vibrating gold gates are guarding every secret here. As an underground prison that hides the secrets of the cosmic gods and the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, the security measures of the Immortal City are one of the strictest places, and only the biological laboratory can match it.

"Come on, we still need to go to a few funerals."

"The human resources of the Immortal City have bottomed out this time, and we have to find a new source of population." After the mass funeral, Stephanie immediately found Salomon who was watching from a distance—he didn't go straight to the funeral, and he didn't say hello to anyone. His current status is not suitable to appear in front of everyone, and his appearance will only remind people of Finn Bowente.

Stephanie had just had a nap and looked much better. "The next batch of students of the Sisterhood must extend the exam time, and the girls who officially joined before must continue to receive training. Tita has reflected to me more than once how bad those girls' tactical literacy is. Before that, we all paid too much attention to those girls' personal force. If we want to train qualified soldiers, we must strengthen education..."

Salomon nodded.

He was wearing the skeletal robes as usual, but this was a new one.

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