Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 848 Nonstop (Second Change)

Since the monastery's sacristy was raided during the Son of the Devil incident, Salomon's holy relics could still be used to make a few robes, otherwise he wouldn't have used the original cloak as armor. Compared with his previous commoner attire, his current attire is much more gorgeous—his hands are wrapped in steel gauntlets made of black snake scales, and the long and short knives never leave his body. The gold-rimmed magic book is hung on the waist by an iron chain, the exquisitely cut gemstone sleeves, and the exquisitely carved silver collar pin, all these things can give him enough combat power and survivability before wearing power armor.

"Let Tita go to my personal library, she can take "Jacob Brothers" with her own authority." Salomon said, "Tell her, this is my reward for the sisterhood. As for the tactical teaching...Ask General Hale if there is a solution."

"Oh, and there is also the issue of the regular army. Sophia whipped a few soldiers from Northern Europe because they proposed to take a weekend off. She proposed a joint training, and her clansmen would also participate..."

"The quality of NATO soldiers is like this. There is nothing surprising. As for training targets, with so many local warlords in Africa, isn't it enough to be used as training targets?"

"Are you referring to the warlord group that can be killed with just a few armed helicopters?" Stephanie smiled unnaturally, "We have killed so many warlords funded by diamond merchants and oil merchants, do you think they will be so indifferent?"

"Then kill them together. The last time the Sisterhood trained were the chaebol's private army and African warlords, and the effect was very good. It is very quiet there now, and it is continuously supplying resources to the Immortal City." Salomon waved his hand impatiently, "You can decide this kind of trivial matter yourself. I have assigned you the number of assassins and air forces that can be mobilized. As long as it is beneficial to the Immortal City, even if you launch a large-scale air raid in the city or send assassins to assassinate the heir of the chaebol, it will be fine."

"There is another thing, and that is the war machine dispatched by the Mars Foundry in the Battle of Finbowent..."

Stephanie dragged Salomon to the office mercilessly, and even the Praetorian Guards couldn't stop him, because there were still many documents that Salomon needed to personally review, which was his job as the master of the Immortal City. What's more, the security system of the Ministry of the Interior building and even the entire Immortal City is personally in charge of Constantine. The Imperial Guards know very well that there are few places in the world that are safer than the Office of the Ministry of the Interior, which is wrapped in vibrating gold armor plates and can fall into the underground passage at any time.

Stephanie has completed most of the logistics supply tasks, and Salomon still needs to hold a meeting with Mars to discuss the improvement and upgrade of weapons and equipment, as well as the performance of new weapons in war. Stephanie has already prepared this part of the information, and he only needs to read it once. These are simple tasks, nothing more than data issues and scheduling issues. Salomon recruited these employees to deal with these issues. He only needs to give orders, and then let Constantine take care of part of them. He also approved several construction plans, such as the subsea tunnel that can increase the cargo carrying capacity, the upgrade of the support system and general security system of the Immortal City (the coordination between the Praetorian Guard and the Mars Foundry), the handling of local residents after the Finnbowente war, and so on.

The really important task is that he has to personally break a person's hands.

It was a decision made early on by His Holiness to separate the organization of Karma Taj from the title of Supreme Mage, because His Holiness always believed that the fate of human beings cannot be placed on the kindness of the demon gods of outer dimensions. Who knows that Weissandi will change his mind one day, or deliberately do some unacceptable things through the human race and the earth goddess Gaia, this possibility is not impossible.

Salomon's idea was created by the Venerable, and he naturally believed that there would be unpredictable risks in continuing to bind the title of Kama Taj to the Supreme Mage. Even if there was the first supreme mage Agamotto among Visander, it would not be able to increase the trust of the Venerable and Salomon in Visandi—not to mention that the Venerable knew Salomon's secret plan and provided full support. For this plan, it is very important to separate the relationship between the title of Supreme Master and Karma Taj, and the person who obtains the title of Supreme Master must be in the hands of the real speaker of Karma Taj.

Out of seriousness and responsibility, Salomon first dealt with his own private affairs before performing this task.

"This is a bank card, and this is a passport. I hope you can learn to use a mobile phone in a few days. After all, there was no such thing five hundred years ago." Facing Salomon's eloquent lectures, Balder raised his eyebrows several times. If Rosa hadn't been sitting in the seat next to him, he would definitely have scolded Salomon unceremoniously—he didn't like this guy from the beginning, although Salomon showed terrible fighting power and was always very polite in the process of getting along afterwards, but Balder just didn't like him. However, both Beunita and Salomon were raised by Rosa when they were babies. As a mother, Rosa did not object, and his father, who had never seen his daughter before, could not raise any objections at all.

If he dared to say that, Rosa would bring up something that happened five hundred years ago.

Behind the bus was a mountain of luggage, and the assassin in charge of driving turned a blind eye to the situation on the bus. No one could imagine why the assassin who was hiding in the dark and responsible for security work was caught by Salomon and drove. Salomon and Bald were crammed into one row of seats, Beunita and Rosa sat on the other side, whispering, and Joan sat at the front, not talking to anyone. Now everyone has changed into casual clothes. The facial features of Rosa and Bayonetta are surprisingly similar. The same young and beautiful mother and daughter are almost invisible, more like sisters. Only through those eyes can it be seen that Baldur's blood is indeed flowing on Bayonetta's body.

When the pent-up desire to shop for five hundred years is suddenly released, the power is amazing. Since Rosa decided to travel around the world with Baldr, she has started to prepare all the things needed for the trip. The hall of the Oxfordshire manor was almost flooded with express cardboard boxes. Thanks to Dinah's hard cleaning, the express cartons did not pile up in the Thames River next to the manor. If Stephanie hadn't bought the logistics company and opened up a dedicated line, Rosa's departure date might have been delayed for several months. Clothes and daily necessities accounted for the vast majority of Rosa's purchases. Beunita was busy for several days and couldn't even talk to Salomon, just to choose these things.

Bayonetta opened an account to cover Rosa and Balder's expenses.

At first Baldr wanted to refuse, but Salomon bluntly said that this was not a charity, but to monitor the trajectory of the sage and the witch in this world by monitoring the flow of funds. Balder felt that he hated this scheming guy even more, especially since this guy was a Kama Taj mystic.

"Also, please try to kill some people or other things as little as possible, and never summon extradimensional creatures." Salomon also knew that Baldr was disgusted with him, so he tried to make a long story short, "You are still within the scope of Karma Taj's regulations. I believe Ms. Rosa will be able to explain to you what you cannot do."

Baldr took a deep breath.

If he's a pressure cooker, steam is coming from his ears right now.

Ask for a ticket!

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