Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 849: Informal Contact (Part 1)

Balder resolutely rejected the proposal to take a private jet. If Rosa hadn't wanted to go to the southern hemisphere to sunbathe first, the sage might even want to refuse Salomona's request to help book a hotel. The sage five hundred years ago was not good at using intelligent communication tools such as mobile phones. In fact, he is not unfamiliar with modern technology, but he is not familiar with the environment of modern society. He just needs to spend time learning. This matter is not difficult, not only because the technological level of the two races of the world monitors is beyond the times, but also because everything he sees now is not as good as the weapons and equipment displayed by Salomon during the Battle of Finbowente Mountain.

Before that, he thought that human society has already entered the era of robots everywhere and spaceships flying around the galaxy. Now it seems that humans are still running around on the ground, which makes Bald a little disappointed. In his eyes, the current level of human social development is not much different from the mud-legged people who used to live near the World Watchers.

Salomon didn't stay at the airport for too long. After sending Baldr and Rosa on the plane, he was ready to return to Karma Taj.

In order to save time, even the suit on his body was transformed from the holy skeleton cloth robe.

Although it was weird to wear a black suit with a long knife on his waist, but this attire is not forbidden to go through the VIP passage of the airport, so the mystic did not pay too much attention. Although Bayunita was very dissatisfied, before leaving, Salomon promised the witch that he would be able to go home tonight to make up for the dinner that he couldn't have on Christmas morning-in fact, this is a euphemism. Dinah used to have to change, wash and air the sheets every morning after they got up, but now the sheets in the bedroom haven't been changed for days because of what happened to Finn Bowent.

Salomon wasn't worried about Rosa and Balder traveling the world together. Rosa has been in Karma Taj for so many years and knows exactly what not to do, and she can manage Baldr well. Salomon began to shift the focus of his life to Karma Taj while the Immortal City was still sorting out all the things after the Battle of Finbowent. The last order he left before leaving for the airport was to buy the town of Noah Dean, which is now completely buried by the mountain.

"Noah Dunn and the oil mining rights in the surrounding areas negotiated with the Kazakh government to obtain the right to invest in Almaty State, so as to set up a charitable foundation to make up for the war losses caused by the Immortal City." He said, "As for the excuse of the previous biochemical weapon leak... Let's find some experts and say that the volcanic eruption of Finbowente Mountain buried Noah Dunn Town, and then we entered Kazakhstan through the form of a non-profit organization, hidden under the American Democratic Foundation. There are 10,000 American non-profit organizations, one more is completely inconspicuous, anyway, we are not going to subvert the regime. As for the radiation phenomenon, we can erase it, after all, it is no man’s land now, and no one will go to that deadly place except our engineering team and engineering mechs digging for ordnance there.”

"I don't think it is necessary for us to compensate the local people more." Stephanie put down a list of relief supplies. "We waged wars to save their lives and souls, and we even saved the entire world. There is no need for the Immortal City to pay more. What's more, Almaty is the site of Mobil Oil and the former president of Kazakhstan. Our rash proposal to join will only lead to violent backlash. It is completely unworthy to fight against Mobil Oil for a little mercy, which will lead to the decline of industrial production capacity on our planet."

"You can call it hypocrisy, Stephanie, but I still don't want to cause unnecessary casualties."

They all knew the irony of that statement, and of the rescue effort.

During the entire Battle of Finbowent, through the rules and regulations they formulated, Sophia and her people were shot and killed countless deserters. Most of the recruited war dogs are a group of veterans. Their daily work is to be hired to do some dirty work. The most powerful opponent is the African warlord who has a group of boy scouts. Some weak-willed guys either turned around and ran away or corrupted on the spot, and then were killed by the supervisor team. There is no funeral for these people, and no one will even mourn them—during the post-war mental examination, Sophia and Victoria Hand received orders to deal with the mercenaries in batches. Except for some soldiers who really joined the Immortal City and agreed with Salomon's philosophy, they used various excuses to spend mercenaries and then carried out the order without hesitation. They all knew that although the order came from the interior department and had Stephanie's signature, the actual manipulator of the interior department was Salomon.

For Salomon, the Battle of Finnbowent was a quiz on the Immortal City, a comprehensive test of military, logistical and internal affairs capabilities. The results of the Immortal City are barely satisfactory to him. Only the completely impersonal place of the Mars Foundry can deliver a perfect answer—the war machine is transported by rail, and then fired with a chemical rocket, and then Kama Taj opens the portal and sends it to Earth orbit. All this was done by sudden request, which proved that the foundry of Malbus was ready to deal with war at any time, and the Fifth Demon God Pillar even started to design a spaceship that could directly deliver the war machine.

On the other hand, the performance of ordinary soldiers can only be said to be unsatisfactory, barely too bad with the blessing of high-tech weapons and equipment, and even the performance of the sisterhood cannot be said to be perfect. Although their battles are heroic and fearless, Tita's command ability still needs to be honed. Salomon naturally knew what happened to Catherine and Vera, but he asked no one to mention it.

"But I still want you to remember what we are fighting for, that you and I are the building blocks of the future, just in different sizes."

Salomon put aside the self-operating Immortal City for the time being, and discussed Stephen Strange with His Holiness in detail.

This matter was arranged by Salomon himself. No one except the Venerable knew what kind of preparations Salomon had made. In order to ensure that Stephen Strange could walk into the arranged fate, Salomon prepared an extremely powerful curse. As the most knowledgeable man in Kama Taj, Salomon's curse ensured that no matter what treatment Doctor Strange tried, his hands would not be healed. After he took away the cursed scroll, he set off to the hospital where Stephen Strange was, and began to get in touch with this arrogant and narcissistic doctor.

For the first time, he planned to approach this unworthy guy through informal means.

"Hello." Salomon sat on the off-white soft sofa. He looked at his watch. "I'll be sitting at the dinner table in three hours. I want to ask, is Dr. Strange planning to come?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Damonette." The nurse smiled apologetically, "Strange he...he has an emergency operation. So this appointment..."

"It's okay, Ms. Palmer, I'll come back next time." Salomon was not too harsh, "It's just a physical examination, I'm not in a hurry."

He knew exactly what Strange was doing, the so-called "emergency surgery" didn't exist.

Strange has always accepted the operation after carefully studying the medical records and confirming that he will not fail and the patient's assets are rich enough. He never accepts emergency patients. Even in a private hospital, this kind of behavior is quite criticized by other doctors, but given Strange's neurosurgery skills, the hospital doesn't mind using him as a brand name, and maintaining a 100% success rate of surgery is not without benefits. Salomon looked at Christina Palmer with pity, and now Stephen Strange had come home from get off work early, and his new girlfriend was still in the car.

"Have you ever heard of one thing?"


"Someone wants to buy this hospital." Salomon said with a smile. "There is no need to feel guilty, and there is no need to apologize, ma'am. I am very satisfied with your service. See you next time."

Ask for a ticket!

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