Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 850: Suffering With His Desire (Second Change)

Not seeing Stephen Strange for the first time was completely expected, but Salomon was in no hurry.

If the car accident was the first setback in Strange's life, Salomon didn't mind another setback coming sooner. For example, let Ms. Christina Palmer become the management of this hospital, responsible for managing Stephen Strange's medical project. I don't know if this can make this stupid and arrogant guy let go of his ego a little bit - if it is not necessary for Strange, an easy-to-control object, to take the title of Supreme Mage, Salomon would rather find a guy who is more competent, responsible and smarter. I heard that there is a private detective in London who is very powerful and very serious (shh). Salomon happens to have a business card that he got from a taxi driver many years ago. The phone number on it can be used to contact the private detective.

If that doesn't work, he still has the silver key. Salomon had already selected the next candidate for the next supreme mage. Even if Stephen Strange in this world is a standard waste, Salomon can find a substitute, that is a blond girl named Iliana Nikolaevich Rasputin, nicknamed Secret Guest. What he wants to choose is not only the supreme mage, but also an assistant who can help. But if possible, Salomon still wants to avoid kidnapping across the multiverse as much as possible, so he must try his best to examine Stephen Strange's talent and mind, and try to instill a sense of responsibility in his mind before leading him to the sanctuary through Kama Taj's dark lines.

But judging from the current situation, it is difficult for this annoying guy to have the word "sense of responsibility". Therefore, the car accident must have happened, and His Holiness must put the suffering on Strange to sharpen him. Salomon is not a fan of suffering education, but it is undeniable that suffering can polish the spirit. Therefore, when heaven will send a great mission to people, they must first suffer their minds and minds, exhaust their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and mess up their actions. Therefore, their hearts and minds are moved, and they have benefited what they can't do.

. Although Salomon himself didn't think so, he himself experienced many tortures that ordinary people could not bear, whether it was mental or physical. The smallest thing among them - getting up before dawn for more than ten consecutive years to practice martial arts and read books. This is not everyone can achieve a strong will. Not to mention the many things he encountered after he began to take responsibility. Just knowing his own essence, he can ensure that he can follow the philosophy taught to him by His Holiness.

The Supreme Sorcerer did not perform any spiritually reshaping arcana on Salomense.

Even without any psychological expectations, His Holiness unceremoniously showed Salomon who woke up in the dungeon all his possibilities, some of which were so bad that he was physically uncomfortable-if he hadn’t been adopted by Kama Taj, he would probably go crazy because of the stigmata, be swallowed by the outer dimension, and be thrown to an unknown corner of the timeline because the stigmata lost control. Even if he could live in the world and don't know when, he would most likely die of malnutrition, shooting, or St. Elizabeth's mental hospital. If this kind of thing happened to an ordinary person, it would most likely cause that person's temperament to change drastically or become depressed, but to Salomon, it seemed to be just a layer of thin dust on the books, which could not affect his mind or change his behavior.

This state of mind is absolutely unnatural, and Nick Fury saw it from the very beginning. Salomon is also self-aware of himself. He knows that this is the state he must have before taking on heavy burdens. Only by slowly grinding away his emotions and desires can he take over the future he wants. Without a happy family ending, the world doesn't develop according to Disney's script. In any case, he was off work, and the damned Stephen Strange could be put aside. Salomon sat on time at the dining table in the Witch's apartment in New York, shutting all the aftermath of the Battle of Fenbowent behind the door of the apartment, and waited patiently for Dinah to bring dinner to the table.

After experiencing the Battle of Fenbowent, the witch completely let go of her knots, and the only sequelae was excessive drinking.

When Salomon got home, his liquor cabinet was more than half empty. He has nothing to complain about, because it's the only family ending he's ever been able to achieve in any timeline, and a little fallout really doesn't count for much. Before the main course was served, Joan stuffed a large glass of sherry into his hand and watched him drink it.

In the early morning of the next day, Dinah happily changed the wet sheets and started her most familiar life.

But however much Salomondo wanted to push back the effects of Finnbowent, the man who should be called was found.

"I've been looking for you for a long time." Tony Stark spoke this sentence, "Do you have anything to say about Kazakhstan?"

"Here, in the bar?" Salomon looked around.

The decoration of this bar is quite retro, full of the style of the 1980s and 1990s, game consoles and record players are placed in the corner, and the disco ball hanging from the ceiling is full of dust. This kind of American country-style bar usually doesn't have too many customers, and even the bartender looks sleepy. From the way he wipes the cup with a dirty rag, it can be seen that it is difficult to open without external financial support. Salomon came here after receiving the invitation. He hadn't investigated the situation here at all, but he could still guess that this might be one of the meeting points and transit stations of S.H.I.E.L.D. Even the bartender's clothes were full of muscles.

"Still in a bar full of agents with pistols, I don't think bullets and whiskey are any good. If you want to ask me about something, I can explain it to you with the patience I have left. Don't make excuses for Christmas parties. If I don't let my security personnel conflict with these agents, as many people as you bring can only be killed."

"Okay, you are a big shot now, and you have bodyguards." Stark curled his lips. "These people were arranged by Agent Hill. It's none of my business. They are mainly responsible for my security. I'm not interested in what you do, but I hope you know what kind of impact your actions have caused. Do you know that the earthquake shut down several oil refineries and the price of oil in Kazakhstan soared? Do you know how many lives you destroyed?"

"I know, this is necessary, at least they are still alive." Salomon did not touch the wine glass on the bar, "As for all your questions, I can only answer with no comment."

"What if I urge you to tell me?"

"Then I will officially ignore your application." Salomon pinched his forehead. Last night's heavy drinking still caused a little aftereffect, but it was not serious, and he also drank Beunita's ancestral hangover recipe. "It's so serious that I'm going to blow up a mountain, do you think I'll tell you? Besides, I think the reason why you're asking about it is because of the request of the White House, right?"

"You guessed it?"

"Let me ask you again, have you reconciled with the Rockefeller family and plan to jointly develop new energy sources?"

"You can watch the news about this."

"You're still a chaebol, Tony Stark. You haven't made any progress. It's just that the Rockefeller family wanted to figure out why the oil company jointly established by Mobil Oil and the family of the former president of Kazakhstan shut down." Salomon stood up and patted Stark on the shoulder. "You're getting worse, Tony Stark. You want to pay for your sins, but you alone can't pay for your sins."

Ask for a ticket!

Take the cat to get an injection, the update is late, sorry sorry.

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