Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 851 Secret Transaction (Part 1)

Stephen Strange is as annoying as Tony Stark before the Afghanistan incident. Only suffering can polish these idiots with eyes above the top into normal people. Now communicating with Stark will not feel the urge to punch his eyeballs out of his skull at all. But Salomon still couldn't talk to Tony Stark. If it wasn't for Stark's research and development capabilities and the black technology that made Salomon jealous, he would even try to avoid talking to this guy. Not just because of the aesthetic differences between the two (Tony Stark likes hot girls with protruding backs, and Salomon also likes hot girls, but he thinks a little muscular line is better), but because both of them have no sense of trust in most people.

Stark doesn't trust Salomon and thinks that Salomon should tell the Avengers about the crisis so that everyone can find a solution. Even if it's not resolved, it won't die unclear. This is the "citizen's right to know" that Stark and Steve Rogers want. Of course, the situation will change when it comes to him. For example, he will think that some information is not suitable for the public, because it will only lead to social chaos-in short, Tony Stark regards the Avengers as an official organization independent of the official. Salomon knows why he thinks that, because the fuck "the people like us". Avengers-flavored ice cream is the best seller. Children will definitely receive gifts from the Avengers series for Christmas. Anything related to the Avengers will sell well, and Hasbro can guarantee it.

Tony Stark's undefended mind is a door for the mystic to come and go at will.

"It seems that you have finally found a way to save the Avengers from destruction. Congratulations, Stark." Salomon said in a mocking tone, "Although your companions will not agree with your idea."

"You have spies in the White House...damn mind reading."

"Your thoughts are easy to read, but I don't need to understand what's going on to understand what's going on. It's no secret that you entered and exited the Rockefeller family, and it's no secret that you handed over most of the benefits of the Ark Reactor Clean Energy Project to others. I believe some people have already noticed some doubts." Salomon pointed to the bar hall, and the agents who had pretended to be drinking and talking did not seem to be aware of his actions. The bartender came over and poured another whiskey into Salomon's untouched glass. "In their eyes, I'm still sitting at the bar drinking. Among the people who came with you, two belong to the CIA, one to the FBI, and one to the Homeland Security Agency. There are only two real S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and one of them is the bartender. The Avengers have been transparent to intelligence agencies since the beginning, and so is your intelligence."

"I know, but do you think I have a choice?" Stark sighed anxiously, "I'm an ordinary person, not a weird wizard who can go to a corner of the earth to live in seclusion. I have to think about Pepper, and my destined daughter. And Steve, he certainly doesn't want to be locked up in a military laboratory as a research material for super soldier serum. And Natasha, she certainly doesn't want to be locked up by the intelligence agency for interrogation or sent out as a spy again. You can't imagine what they will use Means to deal with her. Clint, he has a wife and kids, he needs a quiet life without interruption, Dr. Banner, I haven't seen him recently, but General Ross would be happy to take him. And Vision, many people want to take him down... Even if they don't count them, my driver Happy, my staff, except Saul and you don't need to worry. Get that shit out of your head! I don't want to talk about this anymore!"

Tony Stark became more and more irritable, drank all the spirits in one gulp, and then he coughed desperately, as if he was going to cough out his lungs.

At this point the bartender came over to refill drinks for both of them.

"You've changed a lot, Salomon," Stark said. "What happened?"

"This is growth. If a person can't think that he was a fool a year ago, then this year is not growth." Salomon said with a smile, "Like you, I am ready to take responsibility, so I will grow."

"Including Finn Bowent?" Stark smacked his lips and said, "I never understood why you were unwilling to reveal your identity and become a hero, and now I know."

"I don't know what you understand, but the emergence of superheroes originated from the lack of public safety and lack of credibility, which has nothing to do with what I did. And I'm not interested in being pointed and discussed over and over again and liked by a bunch of people, you idiot."

All the agents stood up nervously, took out their weapons and glanced around, even the bartender behind the bar took out a gleaming silver pistol. One of the agents first reported the situation through the tiny microphone on the collar, and then walked towards the bar, "The agents watching outside didn't see anything. Mr. Stark, where is the mission target?"

"I don't know, we had a good chat." Tony Stark picked up the glass of wine that Salomon hadn't touched and drank it, "Then he disappeared. You also know that the target of this mission has superpowers, so what can I do?"

He knew Salomon was going to kill some people.

As part of the deal, this time he won't say anything. Sometimes he also admires Salomon's eloquence. If this guy is not a wizard, according to his education and ability, whether he becomes a scholar or a politician, he can stand at the pinnacle of human society. Salomon will do everything possible to delay the Rockefeller family's move towards new energy, and Tony Stark will ask Pepper Potts to do some secret cooperation. Salomon seemed so impatient that Stark thought he had some unresolved feud with the Rockefellers.

The facts are indeed true. The first official combat training in the Immortal City was the private army of the Clinton family, and Clinton's biological father was Winthrop Rockefeller of the Rockefeller family. This is not a big secret in Little Rock. Coupled with Hillary Clinton's close ties to the Freemasons and the Skull and Bones of Yale University, the real target of the sisterhood is the Rockefeller family and a series of financial syndicates. Tony Stark succumbed to these people as an emerging group, and it is for this reason that the media they control will continue to say good things about the Avengers—if he refuses, then the media can manipulate fools to make the reputation of the Avengers plummet, and even the White House will characterize the Avengers as a terrorist organization.

Only through the years of Hydra's layout and infiltration, Salomon can understand the human society under the water through the Malik family. Excluding the Nazi faction, the influence of the other Hydra factions on society is not even comparable to the tearing of the society caused by the feminist and human rights movement proposed by the Frankfurt School created by these chaebols.

But on the other hand, Mobil Oil is also an important partner of the Immortal City, so Salomon's attack on the Rockefeller family is also for the development of the Immortal City. After all, it is better to hold the energy of oil in the hands of one's own people, such as the Malik family-Gideon Malik is very happy. The Malik family has never been involved in the energy field, but it is different now. Following Salomon, they can snatch the cake that has been distributed from other people's plates. It doesn't matter at all who snatched the cake from.

Ask for a ticket!

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