Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 852: The Dark Side of the Moon (Second Change)

Except for the new energy deal about the Ark reactor, Stark got what he wanted to know, Salomon got the technical support he wanted, and no one suffered. Stark's question is actually very simple, that is "what kind of weapon can wipe out a mountain", and then he got the answer he was thinking about and worried about.

At first, he was a little happy when he knew that the mountain was pushed down by magic, because it meant that there was no high-destructive weapon in Salomon's hands, but he soon fell into worry because of the growth of Salomon's power. In order to get this answer, he also had to agree to attend an academic seminar and take over some project optimization work.

After leaving the bar, Salomon turned around and returned to the Immortal City. He called Stephanie and discussed with Gideon Malik through a conference call about how to snatch resources from the current chaebol.

Due to their superstitious behavior in the past, the Malik family was unhappy, so it could only be regarded as an influential and famous family, far from a real chaebol. Previously, part of the source of funds for the Malik family came from the military-industrial complex, but after all, it was not their own property, but a bribe given in the name of political donations, an under-the-table deal reached through political means, and a lifeblood held in the hands of others.

Now that the Malik family itself will become a member of the military-industrial complex, Gideon Malik has begun to thank Salomon for breaking into the Malik estate directly and threatening the Malik family to join by force. At the end of the meeting, Gideon Malik also quietly hinted that Stephanie should give birth to an heir soon, regardless of Salomon's presence, making Stephanie flush. After all, chaebols also need to have immediate family members to inherit. Gideon Malik believes that the efforts of his generation are to pave the way for the future of the family.

"My lord, please don't mind..." Stephanie forcibly interrupted the video conference, "My father is old, and now he only cares about whether the family has an heir."

"It's okay." It's not that Salomon didn't hear Stephanie's hint, but he chose to put this matter aside first. "I need you to send someone to take Ruby over, but don't tell General Hale her mission before that." He said, "We have to start with the military and control Ruby first. I'm worried that General Hale has other ideas. General Hale is a talent cultivated by Dr. Whitehall, and I don't believe she will submit so much."

"What are you going to do to this girl, Ruby?" Stephanie asked cautiously.

"I have no other ideas for the time being. It would be even better if I could find out General Hale's little secret through Ruby."

"As a tool to control General Hale, it's really overkill to transform her into an assassin." Stephanie smiled. She swept the documents on the table aside, turned around and said to Salomon with a very serious attitude, "Ruby's spirit and body have never been tempered. I think it is necessary for us to bring Ruby to live in the Immortal City and reduce General Hale's influence on her. Only in this way can we carry out follow-up plans to control General Hale. For parents, there is nothing more troublesome than a child who has the ability to resist when they disagree with their own ideas."

"You mean, give Ruby to you to train."

"That's right." Stephanie said, "Although General Hale is also Hydra, she is just an extension of the Red Skull's faction. During World War II, the young and strong factions of Hydra were just some humble young men. They didn't know the real means of Hydra. The faction's achievements today are due to the paper clip project promoted by conservatives, not their own abilities. No one can subvert the regime better than Hydra. My lord, leave this to me."

"Very good." Salomon nodded, "Catherine...Damn it! Ola, send a team to cooperate with Stephanie's operation. If General Hale is prepared, then it is very dangerous for you to meet her alone. Try to avoid meeting her at the Ministry of Defense, and then check the military base controlled by General Hale. And this document... the intelligence on the dark side of the moon from our satellites and rover."

"As a branch of the Inhuman race, their accomplishments in genetic science are unparalleled." Salomon stood up from his seat, the curtain covering the window was slowly opened, and the screen used to play the rural scenery was turned on again. When he thought of the guys in the lunar Inhuman base who had completely lost their human form due to genetic mutation, his face was full of disgust. According to the information detected by his secret magic eye, three of the five mistresses of the Inhuman race could no longer be seen as human. Instead, they looked like reptiles and amphibians. More importantly, the common belief of the Inhumans is that they hate humans, and some Inhumans even believe that the Inhumans have ruled humans. The reason why Jiaying was able to know the Terrigen mutation was through the Inhumans on the moon.

Although this part of Jiaying's memory has been diluted and erased afterwards, traces must be left behind as long as it exists. Although Kama Taj is not particularly good at the skill of mind magic, it is not comparable to the rough mind control method of the Inhumans. Even things that are erased by the Inhumans cannot be hidden in front of the mystic.

"As the price of interfering with the Inhuman race on Earth, they have only two choices, surrender or destruction." What Stephanie Salomon was talking about, she has evidence and research records of Jiaying's spiritual reshaping in her hand. Most of the few Terrigen left on the earth are in the laboratories of the Immortal City. Many scholars have already started research on Terrigen, trying to find out the real secret of the Inhuman mutation. "Start the next stage of training, we must start the moon war. I don't want a bunch of mixed-breed bastards to disrupt my layout in the future."

"Yes, my lord." The Hydra daughter narrowed her eyes happily.

Stephanie watched Salomon rebuild the ruins of the Immortal City step by step with her own eyes, and now she has become a top warlord with alien foundries and spaceships. She is well aware of Salomon's vicious methods and far-reaching layout. But what she likes are these traits. Although they are all protecting the world, Salomon will not talk nonsense and hesitate like those mother-in-law superheroes. Hydra admires people who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Even from the standpoint of the Malik family, there is nothing wrong with submitting to such a person-since Salomon said that he will start a war against the Inhumans on the moon, then Stephanie believes that this war will not be lost, and it will be profitable for the Immortal City. She put this part of the plan on the agenda, and began to arrange the priorities of related training and weapon equipment improvement plans.

For example, the space suits worn by ordinary soldiers, the airtightness improvement of tanks and armored vehicles, and experiments on the impact of thin atmosphere on ammunition, etc. With the order issued, the Immortal City quickly came out of the sad atmosphere after the war and re-entered the busy atmosphere. The engineering team began to build an anti-gravity training field and a vacuum environment experiment field large enough to accommodate large-scale weapons and equipment inside the Immortal City. Whether it was Sophia's tribe, the intelligence department, or even the sisterhood, they all had to join this extremely time-consuming pre-war preparation. At the same time, Stephanie also logically used "The Immortal City needs you" as an excuse to start a plan to control General Hale.

Ruby was brought before Salomon in this way, unaware of what kind of trap she fell into.

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