Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 853 Artificial Soul and the Next War (Part 1)

Salomon tried to keep himself busy so that he could not think about the Sisterhood's human sacrifice.

He likes Catherine, a lively artificial human. There seems to be a little problem with the character program of this artificial human. He always shows a cheerful appearance, and then does some ridiculously stupid things. Even if he regards Catherine, who is close to him, as his daughter, he can't show obvious sadness like those girls in the sorority. He can only fill this part of his emotions with work, study and the next war.

He naturally knew of Catherine's performance in the Battle of Finnbowent. As a soul born from his soul and the Philosopher's Stone, Catherine was born with the stigmata. Even if Catherine's body dies, her artificial soul will still be wandering in the sea of ​​souls, beside his soul projection. He has also done experiments himself. He can use spiritism to communicate with Catherine, and he can also summon Catherine through the four-ring spell [Spirit Body Guard], but Catherine's stay time, and even the strength of the spirit body are related to the time and scale of the opening of the stigmata. Under normal conditions, she cannot stay in the real world forever.

The reason why he made this attempt was because he failed to activate the spare body prepared by Catherine before, and Catherine's soul could not be pulled back by the spell on the spare body. This is not in line with the original idea, he did not expect his soul to have such a strong attraction to the artificial man. If you want Catherine's soul to stay for a long time without opening the stigmata, you can only use the Philosopher's Stone.

He had gifted Tita with fragments of that etheric particle, to use as one of the Sisterhood's ultimate weapons. Tita has already taken over the alchemy body that was supposed to be Catherine's spare body, and sealed it in the secret room of the sisterhood, as a means for Catherine to come to the real plane voluntarily.

He also unreservedly told Tita the results of that experiment, and now only a small number of high-ranking sisters knew how to activate the magical summon Catherine on the Philosopher's Stone. The sisterhood also needed some comfort, and Salomon agreed to Tita's request for replacements, increasing the scale of the recruitment process by an order of magnitude. Although this will cost a lot, Salomon doesn't mind, not only because he has a great tolerance for artificial humans, but also because combating the human trafficking trade route of the Clinton family from Europe to the east coast of North America is completely in line with the strategy of the Immortal City in the next stage.

Gangsters and mercenaries who drive sky battleships to combat human trafficking are simply overkill.

But before Tita led the team out, Victoria Hand was to give the Sisterhood commanders a counterespionage course.

As more and more people are recruited into the Immortal City, spies will inevitably try to infiltrate the organization. Even the girls rescued by the Sisterhood are likely to be mixed with spies, so no matter which department it is, it must start preparing for counterintelligence work. At present, the main anti-espionage target of the Immortal City is the CIA-the Langley headquarters does not know the true face of the opponent, but it can still be judged from the law of the Immortal City that this is a long-term task targeting the drug trade smuggling route from Afghanistan to the United States and the human trafficking route from Europe to the United States. In order to find out the truth, to cover up the evidence, and even to avenge the attack on the Langley headquarters, the CIA is very likely to send agents to disguise themselves as victims to sneak into the Immortal City.

Anyway, the excuse is that this organization is related to Hydra, and now this kind of excuse works everywhere.

But the CIA certainly didn't expect that the Immortal City was really related to Hydra, and it was a very intimate kind.

Salomon can use Gideon Malik and the secret society to which the Malik family belongs to make the CIA's intelligence one-way transparent, just like Hydra did to S.H.I.E.L.D. But other people didn't know this, except for Victoria Hand, both the sisterhood and the scientific research department thought that there were really spies infiltrating the Immortal City.

Salomon just wants them to get nervous so that there will be no real problems at that time. After all, the Immortal City is not a grassroots team, but a warlord with weapons of mass destruction. Once it is infiltrated by spies, the consequences will be disastrous. It is not enough to rely on the Praetorian Guards to conduct security checks on everything around Salomon. Everything must be formalized, including the development of relatively strict anti-espionage procedures and requiring everyone to implement them. The next step is to ask Natasha Romanov if she has time. Salomon needs her to help build an anti-espionage system and cooperate with the Praetorian Guards.

The Wakanda group, after a little objection, agreed to this approach.

Princess Su Rui obtained most of the information on the Battle of Finnbowent by virtue of her own authority. She witnessed the role of the Immortal City and the enemy they were about to face. After that, she no longer had any objections to Salomon's aggressive military thinking. This Wakanda princess who advocates science began to try to find another way, looking for information about the panther god, Bastet, through the myths and legends of Wakanda and surrounding tribes. She had no idea what the little black cat that liked to hang out near the Ministry of the Interior building and like to spit milk was.

"Don't pursue those things, Shu Rui." Salomon kindly suggested to Princess Wakanda, "This is not the way you should go."

"Do you want me to give up the truth in front of me? It's impossible, Salomon. I'm a scientist. I need to know what I don't know."

"Both science and magic lead to the same place. Excessive pursuit of knowledge is not without danger." Salomon said calmly, "If you complete the laser cannon that is being developed, then seemingly powerful extradimensional creatures will not be able to reach such power. If one is not enough, ten or a hundred are not enough. This is the power of technology, and it is also the path advocated by me and His Holiness. Magic is just a shortcut for special people rather than a standard answer. I must kill you, like the apprentice mystic who died at Kama Taj. Get ready, we are about to face the next war."

Su Rui raised his eyebrows, "When? We just went through an incredible war, and the whole mountain collapsed!"

"I don't know, it depends on the preparations of the Immortal City. But allow me to remind you that the enemy's technological level in the future far exceeds that of ordinary human society on Earth, and they are extremely organized. Every high-ranking person has great combat effectiveness and knowledge. They can't just rely on decapitation to achieve their goals, but to achieve their goals through occupation and conquest. Even if I hate those bastards, I must admit their accomplishments in genetic science. In the entire war, neither the environment nor the quality of the soldiers will be on our side. This will be the worst thing we have ever encountered. troublesome enemy."

"I saw that the task you gave was a low-gravity environment test. Is our enemy on any small planet?"

"On the moon, Shu Rui." Salomon laughed, "Don't have too much psychological burden. Although some guys with alien genes mixed with human form, most of the Inhumans do not have human form due to genetic mutation. I can show you the divination spell through the mirror, and you will know what the Inhumans are like."

Ask for a ticket!

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