Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 864: The Official Red-Haired Witch (Second)

He paid an exorbitant amount for his consultants, more than enough for Sherlock Holmes to run three laps around the world and still have plenty left over.

The detective doesn't care about consultant fees, all he wants are puzzles. The mystic knew exactly what he was thinking and had left enough puzzles to lead him to this place. The road to the final mystery is full of monsters, monsters literally - Salomon hasn't quite hunted down all the vampire colonies that live in London's sewers, those guys are hiding too deep. Those monsters are not immune to the depopulation of the race, so Sherlock Holmes' investigation of this case will have the twists and turns of a horror novel, and there is no family ending in Salomon's projections.

Stephen Strange and Sherlock Holmes have their own flaws, and Salomon wants to use this case to make him understand that irrepressible curiosity will eventually become the root of disaster. Salomon's clues would lead them to the sewers, and he just hoped they both had enough bullets.

Now the detective is rummaging through the rubbish bin with the permission of Scotland Yard. The woolen coat is full of the smell of garbage. John Watson does not have the fanaticism that can mask the olfactory nerves. He can only carry the used-up walking stick. Every once in a while, he flips through the garbage awkwardly. The people living here are either addicts or poor, and the living conditions are quite bad. In addition, the weather in London is wet and cold, and even the patrolmen wearing overcoats who are responsible for sealing off the scene are unwilling to stay longer. They had long been wearing fluorescent green coats with fluorescent stripes and drank hot tea, and even the nearby residents didn't pay much attention to it—thanks to Inspector Lestrade's secrecy work and a small amount of information from With the help of Mycroft Holmes, this case was not known to many people. The patrolmen and nearby residents thought that an overdose addict died here.

It's not a big deal, at least in this neighborhood.

Standing on the roof, the mystic took one last look at the figures of the detective and his companions investigating the case, then turned and left. If Sherlock Holmes succeeds, the teleportation trap left by Salomon will be activated, teleporting the detective to the London sanctuary, where the mystic will lead him to the Himalayan temple, where he will learn about the the truth of everything. If the detective fails, then Salomon will have to go back and collect the remains of the vampires and even the remains of the detective himself, erasing all traces of the vampire community in the London sewers, and then declare the candidate disqualified. But he didn't have much time to spend on candidates, so he called in a helper.

When Salomon entered the London Temple, his apprentice waited here for a long time.

The red-haired witch wore a knee-length dark black leather long trench coat, with exquisite baroque-style brass decorations inlaid on the collar, and her rank and title were marked with gold threads on the shoulder pads of the trench coat. Under the windbreaker is a blood-red thin jacket that is also knee-length. The brass magnetic belt tightly binds the two clothes to her body, and the pistol and long knife are firmly hung on her waist. She wears black leather gloves that reach her arms, and on the middle finger of her right hand is a silver ring that signifies her service in the Immortal City's special department. This is not an ordinary ring, but a magic item that can instantly release protective spells. It is the best trial product in Salomon's spare time, and was given to Wanda by her as one of the many gifts. I choose it and put it on my finger.

Wanda Maximoff looks extremely capable, far from the temperament and appearance of a country girl when she just left Sokovia. She had voluntarily participated in the training of agents Victoria Hand and Natasha Romanoff. Salomon did not know the content of her training, but after the Battle of Finbowente due to manpower shortage, Wanda Maxey Morph officially entered the job and put on this uniform. From the appearance, her training is very effective, but the specific situation can only be answered after the actual combat. However, compared with her, her blood relative, Pietro Maximov, has become a young man wearing tight sportswear and Adidas under the education of the Avengers, and his loose breath can even overflow from his eyebrows. It made Wanda very angry.

She really couldn't bear Pietro's looseness. In her eyes, the little bourgeois life that Pietro is living now is completely given by others. Pietro should embark on the road prepared for him by Salomon and become a scholar. Or employees who can stand on their own, instead of messing around with the Avengers gang. Especially Tony Stark, Wanda still has some hatred for him. After all, Tony Stark, as a member of the military-industrial complex, even if he subjectively did not sell weapons to Sokovia, but sold weapons It is also a sin that cannot be erased. Because of this old-fashioned topic, Pietro had another big fight with Wanda, and he couldn't even attend the party at Christmas.

However, this does not affect Wanda's current mood, because the Immortal City has given her a goal worth striving for.

She greeted Salomon at the door of the sanctuary with a faint smile. Before the mystic master could tell her what task to give her, she quickly stepped forward and welcomed Salomon with a hug. "Well, I have to say that the clothing design of the Immortal City is actually quite bad. It pays too much attention to the appearance and ignores the comfort." Salomon patted the witch on the back, and then complained mercilessly about the small decorations on the clothes Harm to the hugged. The mystic deacons on duty in the London sanctuary showed disdainful expressions, and then dispersed to stop watching the excitement. "We're going to fight together again this time, Wanda."

"I'm ready." Wanda responded loudly.

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a vampire." Salomon said. "I need you to go with me to determine the number of vampires in the London sewers, but due to time constraints, I can't carry out this task to the end. The last part needs you to complete, I have other things to do."

He fetched a staff, the same staff that Wanda had used in New York City before the Battle of Finnborwent.

Judging from the number of kills, Wanda did a good job, and Salomon thought that this mission should not be a big problem for her. Her current position is mainly responsible for some magical affairs, and many future tasks will be to cooperate with Kama Taj to hunt down black magic creatures, so this mission is actually within her scope of responsibility. What's more, this time with Salomon, as long as Wanda has carefully studied the book "Dark Magic Biological Anatomy and Ecological Habits" summed up by the biology laboratory, as well as many secret agent textbooks compiled by Victoria Hand, this time To her, the task is an ordinary task that she doesn't bother to mention in the future—it's not that the third-level angels are stronger than vampires, but because the most powerful vampires in London have been killed by Karma Taj for more than a hundred years. After killing them before, the remaining low-level vampires can be killed with bullets. But those guys are too good at hiding. At most, the mystics can summon some spirit bodies to hunt them down. It is completely impossible to put aside the official duties of the Sanctuary and clean up all the monsters in the London sewer system. thing.

"Magic and technology, the means are unlimited." Salomon raised his eyebrows, "How is your marksmanship?"

Wanda Maximoff laughed loudly, and she pulled out the Seiko pistol produced in the Immortal City Armory, "You can try it."

When I write, I have to keep pushing away the cats that come up to me, which is really tiring.

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