Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 865: The Little Secret of the Sewer (Part 1)

There are still many areas in London that still use the Victorian sewer system. The London sewer designed by Sir Joseph Bazargit is also known as one of the seven engineering wonders of the world. However, it is conceivable how much manpower and material resources such a public facility will cost to maintain. For the London City Government and the Council, the sewers in the City of London only need to be usable. It is conceivable how many evils will be bred in such a dark and humid place extending in all directions. Scoundrels, drug addicts, homeless people poured in like lice and fleas on the fur, and garbage, corpses and everything that wanted to be hidden were all stuffed into every corner of the dark concrete tunnel by gangsters or murderers.

Salomon had seen this homeless man twice, but the last time he was still alive, this time he was not so alive.

Wanda took out the pistol decisively, aimed at the back of the homeless man's head and shot several times.

Obviously, she carefully reviewed the teaching materials given by the Immortal City, and she didn't put down the gun until the unlucky guy's head was smashed into pieces. She didn't use the small-caliber bolt pistols that are common in the Immortal City, which are extremely difficult for less strong people to use. She uses a modified Beretta M92F that not only has an extended clip, but is also capable of triple bursts and fully automatic fire. This kind of firepower is enough for Wanda. If it is not enough, she can still use magic - but it is not a powerful high-level evocation spell. Wanda's "Introduction to the Elements" has always been poor in practice. Well, the most powerful evocation spell she can cast is at most a small explosion, which is about as powerful as a grenade explosion.

Their heads are covered with a thin bubble of air that insulates and filters the air in the sewers so they don't get swooned by the stasis deep in London's sewer system. Two glaring white light sources hung above their heads, showing them the blackened masonry and the brownish-yellow water flowing through the shoe uppers. It's just that this trick is a bit redundant, because both Salomon and Wanda are wearing cross-spectrum combat goggles. This kind of equipment is still in the experimental stage, and it will be distributed to the special warfare teams of the intelligence department for use after the test is over. The electronic eyes of the power armor will also receive an update.

"I mean, he can still move. Of course I know he can still move, but he was still alive last time instead of being bitten with two holes in his neck. It seems that the traces of my last investigation have been found." Salomon muffled Said sullenly. Wanda's decisiveness impressed him, and it was hard to imagine that she could make such progress in such a short period of time.

Perhaps left-wing intellectuals in Europe and the United States will condemn this brutal behavior, but for Salomon, killing decisively is an advantage, and those who radiate sympathy for vampires, drug dealers, human traffickers, and robbers should be bitten. Wanda’s contact with Pietro did not make her change her mind and accept the human rights discourse system from Europe and America, which shows that she fully agrees with the handling style of Karma Taj and the Immortal City.

Wanda obviously realized that the differences between herself and her blood relatives were not only in the views on the future, but in the differences in their actions, but she did not try to change this, because she had witnessed the world on the verge of destruction crumbling. The Avengers' idea of ​​"going all out even if you lose" is not accepted by her. The Immortal City's "must win by all means" approach is more suitable for her, just like Salomon As taught her in Sokovia.

"However, well done, Wanda. I'm glad to see your progress." Salomon believed that the last mission to track down the burrower had a great impact on Wanda, "Let's move on, Last time I gave this bum a bottle of Jack Daniels, that vampire must have had too much by now."

According to the records, the vampire leader in downtown London fled into the sewers in panic at that time, and it took several days for Kama Taj's mystics to find and kill him. But before that, no one knew how many bloodlines he had bred. Until today, more than a hundred years later, the newborn vampires who had lost their bloodline leaders and misbehaved continued to multiply like pests, so that the vampires in the London sewer Severely degenerated to the point of being almost like a mouse. The one that Salomon caught was not that degenerated, only the hair was sparse and the whites of the eyes were missing. Otherwise, the victim would not be so easy to take the bait in dim light.

Wanda shrugged. She was already familiar with Salomon's sense of humor, and she didn't believe that vampires could get drunk.

"Let's keep moving forward." The mystic said, "Our purpose is to determine the number of vampire groups and prepare for the next eradication. So if you can't beat them, hurry up. I believe this is not good for you. difficulty."

"I brought the scroll you wrote, and you said that I can take it at will." Wanda said with a smile, "I don't think those vampires can withstand a bombing comparable to a nuclear explosion."

"Our mission is to detect, not destabilize London."

"So you really left a girl in the dirty sewer?" Bayonetta curiously asked the mystic who was busy taking off her waterproof boots, "Didn't I ask you to invite Wanda as a guest?"

"She will knock on the door in about an hour." Salomon took the hot towel handed by Dinah, wiped his hands and face, and tried to cast spells to get rid of the sewer smell on his body. He had been standing in the hallway while doing these things, because he was really dirty, and Bayonetta waved the spatula in her hand to prevent him from leaving stains on the delicate oak floor. "She said she was going to take a shower." After some cleaning, Salomon was allowed to step on the floor. Bayonetta pinched her nose and gently pinched the corner of his clothes with her fingertips. Salomon said, "I really don't understand. She can shoot a vampire without changing her face, but she will run away when she encounters a group of cockroaches!"

"Stupid man!" Beunita waved her hand, "Go take a shower, I don't want to smell the sewer smell on your body at all. If you still smell like this, then you will not be allowed to go to bed tonight! Dinah hurry up Go help him, or he must have washed up casually."

"You allowed me to do this?" Dinah's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course, but fast!" Bayonetta snorted. "I don't want him to be in the bathroom when a guest knocks on the door."

Wanda's hair was still wet when she walked into the witch's apartment.

Bayonetta welcomed her warmly and said she could stay here for a while. The guest room she stayed in last time was still the same, and the spare clothes had been washed. Salomon uncomprehendingly took her to a place like the sewer, and let her face swarms of cockroaches and rats, which made Bayonetta feel quite inappropriate. When the three witches gathered at the dinner table, Salomon came out wrapped in a towel—he didn't mind at all, Wanda was his apprentice, the witch was his lover, and there were no outsiders here. Joan's approving glances lingered on his chest and abdomen, and she happily announced the start of dinner. Only Beunita angrily hit him on the head with a spoon, asking him to get dressed before taking Dinah out of the bathroom.

Ask for a ticket!

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