Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 866 Mycroft Holmes (Second)

Wanda was still a little confused when the alarm clock rang, but when she opened her eyes, she immediately realized where she was.

The floor of the room did not have the coldness that is common in winter, and the expected cold air from the soles of the feet to the brain did not appear, and the air in the room was warm and humid. Thanks to the hard work of the floor heating and humidifier, she did not encounter dry skin after waking up. She stretched lazily, and then there was a knock on the door, and she froze like a wind-up doll whose work was interrupted. "Wanda, we are ready to go." Salomon's voice came from behind the door, "Hurry up, the gunship is already hovering upstairs. We have to set off before dawn!"

"Wait! I'm not dressed yet!"

"I told you not to sleep without clothes..." Salomon's voice faded away.

Wanda jumped off the bed with a flushed face, and hurriedly put on the uniform that was put aside. It was a new uniform, the one from yesterday's operation still in the laundry basket of her apartment. She cursed in a low voice, wondering why Salomon still had the energy to get up after such a big commotion between Salomon and the Witch last night, and even ran to urge her. After washing up, she ate two mouthfuls of breakfast indiscriminately, and then followed the fully dressed Salomon out the door.

The screech of the gunship's engines and the gusts of wind forced her to hold her hair down so that the simple bun Dinah had made for her would not be blown up. Salomon was too lazy to open the portal, so the gunboat capable of traveling outside the atmosphere became the standard means of transportation—this fully armed gunboat can leave the earth and travel on a secondary orbit only available to ballistic missiles. Deliver the passengers to the destination within time. At the same time, the extremely advanced anti-reconnaissance system can also make the U.S. Air Force's radar blank, making it impossible to capture the position of the gunboat.

"My lord." The android in charge of security operations stood on the ramp in full armor and saluted Salomon. To Wanda's surprise, she saw the Praetorians in golden armor were also here. Constantine stood aside silently, only reacting when Salomon came up. Salomon nodded to him, and then said loudly to Wanda who was following, "You still have three hours to sleep, I hope you can take advantage of this time to rest well."

"You haven't said what we're going to do!" The ramp hatch gradually closed, blocking the engine noise from the outside.

Wanda put on her seat belt quickly, and then she felt a strong pull, squeezing her on Salomon's shoulder. She couldn't see the scene outside the thick armored cabin, but she knew that soon the ablative armor outside would generate unimaginably high temperatures due to the friction of the atmosphere. That kind of acceleration is not something humans can bear, but the driver doesn't think about it so much. The so-called "good rest" is actually a joke. Any ordinary human on a gunboat can't take a good rest.

But there are no ordinary people in this gunboat. Not the Androids, not the Janissaries, not Salomon, not her. Professor Salomon's temporary physical enhancement spell was cast, which barely curbed her desire to vomit, preventing her from fainting due to acceleration.

"London, my arrangement has failed." Salomon was a little annoyed when talking about this matter, but at the same time he was a little relieved. "I didn't expect that detective to be able to find places that shouldn't be investigated in such a short period of time. Now the vampires in the London sewers have already started their operations."


"It's not something you can know, Wanda." Salomon gave her a meaningful look. "In short, we're going to start a massacre today. Before that, we're going to get someone out of the police station." Come out and deal with this before MI6 reacts. The London Temple is on the move, and our inside MI6 lines can hold us back for twelve hours."

"You want to act with us?" Wanda asked.

"No, I'm going to meet someone." Salomon felt a little unhappy when he thought of this person.

The reason why the inside line of the Immortal City was able to delay for twelve hours was because of this person's acquiescence, and the reason why Sherlock Holmes was able to jump out of Salomon's calculations and go straight to the finish line was also because of this person. In the past, when Salomon was still studying at Eton College, he had a conversation with him under the lead of the headmaster. The purpose of the other party was to recruit him, and he would join Whitehall as a civil servant after he graduated from university. To be precise, It was to join MI6 and do intelligence work among politicians. Salomon rarely mentioned that conversation to others, because it was the only guy he had ever met who could rival him intellectually—he bluntly pointed out that the other party threw a bunch of fishhooks casually, He didn't expect to catch any fish at all, and even the real bait was hanging on the hook in the dark. The reason why he came to find him was because he had a good talk with the little princess of the royal family at a banquet held by a classmate's house, and he wanted to develop himself into an informant.

Salomon did not ask the Praetorian Guards to attend a meeting, but asked them to complete the task. And he himself jumped straight from the ramp hatch, and then appeared in a deserted building on the outskirts of London with a flash of light. Salomon straightened his cuffs. The man hiding in the darkness in front of him can be said to be his mentor to some extent, such as suit taste. Because of this, Salomon specially chose a suit to attend this meeting.

"I didn't expect you to meet me in this place."

"Are you still mad at me for my past underestimation, Salomon? Do you think someone who was approached directly by the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. would be ignored? No fighting chances through here today, but I still hear the engine Voice. You still have fighter jets now?" A man in a suit came out with an umbrella. There is no wrinkle in his suit, as if the wet and cold London weather does not affect his gentlemanly elegance. However, his hair volume follows the consistent tradition of British gentlemen and looks extremely worrying. "Is it some kind of vengeance that makes my curious brother go after some dark secret? A dark blue striped suit with brass cufflinks and oxfords, a good match. When I After learning that you studied science and engineering, I was worried that you would turn into one of those vest-wearing freaks at MIT!"

"I'm giving your brother a wider world." Salomon strode over, "Do you have to be so domineering, Mycroft Holmes, a small staff member of the cabinet. Your performance is not what you said So easy, and if I'm not mistaken, you still have a sword in your umbrella."

"You also brought a sword, Mr. Damonette." The man said with a smile, "Am I in such danger?"

"A man with a gun in the handle is not qualified to say that," Salomon said. "But I'm not here to argue with you, Mycroft. I need you to help me hide the news."

"I've already done this, but I need you to explain why you want Sherlock to touch vampires." Mycroft poked the concrete floor with the tip of his umbrella, "Don't you know what happens to Sherlock's curiosity?" Disaster?"

"I know, and I appreciate your help. But I just want to make him suffer, because he has the potential to take on greater responsibilities." Salomon stepped forward and showed the other party that he had no weapons in his hands, "I Everyone's help is needed, Mycroft, including you. The door that was opened to Sherlock Holmes is also open to you."

Ask for a ticket!

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