Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 870 Showdown (Second)

"Can we also have high-tech equipment in the future?" The soldier with a London accent asked.

He looked down at the rifle in his hand, then at the bolter in the Sisterhood's hand, and suddenly felt greedy. Compared with other SAS players who are still in trouble, Davis is much more relaxed. The Immortal City has already investigated his background. He likes rock music, beer and football. He is Hunter of the S.H.I.E.L.D. old acquaintances. He was the only one without a family among the soldiers sold by Mycroft, and he was also the youngest and most impetuous member of the team. He liked the big guns that thumped, and the bolt rifles held by the sisterhood were obviously very suitable for him. . He'd been looking for a chance to play with the bolter after seeing the scene where the bolter shattered concrete and vampire anatomy.

There is nothing more precious to a warrior than a reliable weapon capable of crushing enemies on the battlefield. Even if he is a secret service member, the British government does not attach so much importance to SAS weapons and equipment. It seems that because of the special nature of this operation, the weapons distributed by the army to this team are not very good. The L85A1 rifle in his hand is much inferior to all types of rifles of the same era, let alone more advanced, more violent, A more brutal bolt rifle. After all, the original intention of the design of the bolt gun is to smash the protection of aliens, black magic creatures, and even extradimensional creatures. It is purely overkill on the human body. For those vampires whose blood is thin and seriously degenerated, they almost become ghouls The same is true, their bones are completely unable to withstand such a terrifying killing, and they are easily blown into two pieces.

From the moment they got their weapons and equipment, they knew that they were abandoned, and the people above were going to send them to death.

The Immortal City now doesn't have time to do anything with the vampire's biomass other than roughly burning it with a flamethrower.

The Sisterhood has no time to stop. They need to cooperate with Kama Taj's mystics to suppress the monsters that have wandered into the city. According to the speculation of some Karma Taj mystics who had nothing to do later, it is very likely that some blood-sucking monster fish with fangs and actively attacking humans will be born in the Thames River in the future. Just like Salomon's careful handling of alchemy waste, a careless substance with magic may cause some sewer creatures to produce unnatural mutations, and perhaps those mutated substances will perish, but the possibility is even worse It is those mutated substances that will enter the ecosystem and cause some human mutations—but this is not bad news. The mutated genome with black magic power will gradually fade away, as long as the mutated substances do not accumulate too much during the process, and some special effects appear. Human beings who are beautiful, physically strong, have a particularly long life span and possess magical talents are not a bad thing.

When the pinkish-white sun rises from behind the city's shadows, the quest for Karma Taj and the Immortal City comes to an end.

Mycroft Holmes washed and got ready for work. He sat on the soft chair in the study all night and talked on the phone, learning about the situation through his subordinates. He didn't relax until he received a call from Salomon at dawn. Even though he hadn't slept all night, there was no sign of fatigue on his face—according to the agreement, he must use his own strength to pass the proposal to repair the sewers in downtown London. But the cabinet secretary is just a humble social instrument, used to hold the prime minister's thoughts, and this great proposal must be put forward by the prime minister himself.

Sherlock Holmes was awakened by a hasty knock on the door, and John Watson, who lives with him, hurriedly got up to open the door, but the knocker was not the person Watson expected. They had been waiting for a call from Mycroft all night. Sherlock Holmes knew what happened in the city of London last night, he was just an ordinary criminal case consultant, and he was unable to participate in it-he had to seek help from Mycroft to solve the mystery, but the situation took a turn for the worse, and he Experienced a thrilling sewer adventure with Watson. As far as he knew, a special service team was dispatched last night.

"I knew you would come." When Salomon stepped into this small but warm living room wearing a power armor full of mud and plasma, Sherlock Holmes had already been waiting here. The mystic held a bolt rifle in one hand and a long sword in the other. The pungent smell of blood somehow covered the smell of air fresheners and piles of books in the room.

"Tell me, what are those creatures."

"It's another world." Salomon stuffed the bolt rifle with wet mud spots into John Watson's arms. The retired military doctor showed an incredulous expression as if he was hugging something extremely heavy. "According to the original plan, you should not go deep into it, but wander around the periphery. That is already an extremely dangerous behavior for you, and the prize I prepared for you should be safer." He ignored the dirt on his body The son sat on the soft chair, the heavy power armor and weight made the soft chair creak under the weight, "But Mycroft messed up everything, so your test is cancelled."

"You haven't answered my question, Mr. Damonette. I already knew that the victim was not your relative at all. Why did you come to me?"

"The things you have seen are all real, and they are also the targets that my organization and I have hunted all year round. There are many creatures similar to those monsters. The murder of Elinor is just one of the things that my organization has dealt with over the past thousand years. One thing. When I was a teenager, I personally hunted all the monsters that wandered in a small town, but there are quite a few monsters in the London sewers." Salomon watched John Watson carefully lift the heavy Put the bolt rifle outside the carpet, "Originally we had time to clean it up slowly, but because of the prize I prepared for you and the news from Mycroft, they were completely enraged. They probably didn't expect humans to be more vicious than vampires, so--"

"Vampire? Then Count Dracula is real?" Watson raised his eyebrows, "So you are Van Helsing?"

"This is not the time to discuss this, Watson. Could you fetch us a cup of tea? Please go on, Mr. Damonette."

"—So... All in all, there is another world under the surface of this world, Sherlock Holmes. I try to let you get in touch with that world, so that your wisdom can be used in a wider world." Salomon said , "I believe you will be interested, after all, there are so many unsolved mysteries in the other world."

"why me?"

"Because you have talent."

"That's not enough." Sherlock Holmes shook his head. "It's not enough to be your motivation."

"Because you are a good fit." Salomon said, "I need you to compete for a position, and there is another candidate for this position. I can't tell you more about the selection mechanism for that position, but you just need to use it Just treat it as some kind of exam. You are one of the candidates for that position. Before you take the exam, I need you to understand the commandments of another world, lest you kill more people after you get the position. Another candidate The chosen one is arrogant and arrogant. You have the same problems, but you have a sense of social responsibility... I know some people will say that you have anti-social personality, but it is not a big deal. Your problem is uncontrollable curiosity, Ellie No's case is prepared to correct your curiosity, Sherlock Holmes."

Ask for a ticket!

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