Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 871 Persuasion (Part 1)

Salomon looked at the man sitting on the soft chair opposite.

"But I don't think that's enough. Once you are driven into the darkness of the magical world by your excessive curiosity, it is very likely that you will fall into it and cannot extricate yourself. Many magicians think that they will not cause any harm if they just taste it, but Facts have proved that Kama Taj kills more spellcasters, both externally and internally, than you can imagine." He said, "You can also see that a large part of our work is killing besides research. No Wrong, magic in fantasy literature is much worse than in books, magic is not a good thing, but we cannot do without it.”

"Wait! Magic?" Although Watson wanted to remind Salomon not to smear the blood all over the carpet, the term still attracted his attention. "So you guys are more professional than Van Helsing?" Holding a teacup, he asked with interest, as if his previous sewer adventures hadn't dampened his optimism, "Do you guys have magic wands too?"

"I have nothing to do with Hogwarts. Why do you British people have to ask this again? Vampires exist, so what's so special about magic?" Salomon didn't look back when he answered the question, but Sherlock Holmes You can see how bad his expression was when he answered this question, "Actually, you don't need to find a topic of conversation, Watson, I won't be embarrassed. Thank you, I don't want to drink tea now."

Sherlock Holmes changed into a comfortable sitting position, leaning on the armrest with his elbows, his fingertips facing each other to form a spire. He stared closely at the eyes of the mystic, as if he wanted to dig out some secrets that Salomon didn't want to reveal. However, even if he learned to read minds, he still couldn't pry open the secrets of Salomon's mind. From the beginning of learning magic, he knew that an open mind is a page that can be tampered with, and guarding one's own mind is something that spellcasters have learned for a long time. beginning.

"You can now choose whether to join us and try to assume a title that concerns the fate of all mankind, Sherlock Holmes. I know you want to ask me why I don't seek this position myself... In fact, this noble title belongs to me The teacher is the most respected title of magician in the world. His Holiness divided the title into two and gave me half of it. The other half is the lofty position. We each have our own responsibilities. The reason why I am here Fighting the Chitauri in New York and the Dark Elves in London because that's my job. That's what you know, there's a lot of war behind the scenes."

Watson opened his mouth wide and kept pointing at himself. Although he really wanted to say that he had seen Salomon in full armor on TV, he couldn't say it because of the atmosphere. Moreover, Salomon was not wearing the same set of armor, and he didn't know what topic to talk about.

"Why?" Sherlock Holmes raised his chin, his messy curls bouncing. "Why did your teacher do this?"

"I know the answer, but I have no comment. Unless you join us, only in this way can you learn the most confidential information. But your exam has not started yet, even if you agree now, I can't tell you, only after taking that position I will tell you the real secret about Kama Taj." The mystic opened his hands and signaled, "There are so many magical threats to face in the world, and there are all kinds of malicious aliens in the endless universe. The stars need to be killed. This is the future we are facing, a hopeless future full of killing. I need help to solve this. You have what it takes to be a helper. Don't confine yourself to this small world like Mycroft Island, and use all your powers to mold yourself into a decent shit-stirrer - that's the only thing I can say about him, by the way - try taking more responsibility, you'll get what you want. "

Salomon stood up from the soft chair. In his black power armor embossed in rich gold, he looked so tall that one thought his head would hit the ceiling. However, this piece of power armor has lost the exquisiteness when it was first cast, and the complicated relief grooves are filled with dried blood and mud. He took a business card from the magazine compartment of the power armor and put it on the soft chair, then bent down and picked up the bolt rifle lying on the floor-the smell of gunpowder smoke was still so strong. The plasma pistol's compressed high-energy gas ammunition has been used up, and the bolt rifle fired at least five hundred rounds tonight to fill Salomon's firepower needs. Relying on this powerful gun, he was able to drive back or kill at least half of the vampires in the entire London area by himself without much effort.

Now he really wants Malbus to try to make some mechanical hounds to help hunt, the kind controlled by biological computers. His cautious attitude towards artificial intelligence is the same as before, and the only artificial intelligence used has been heavily blocked. Combined with that head-scratching Vision of the Avengers, Salomon couldn't be worse off with AI, and he hasn't come to an agreement with Stark on that front.

"This is the address of the London sanctuary. If you think about it one day, come here, where you will see a wider, more beautiful world full of countless mysteries. But please note that time waits for no one, we They are all busy, busy preventing the world from being destroyed." Salomon said, "If you think about it, it means you have to suffer a lot. If you are willing to join, then you will see us spend our lives What kind of world was cast. Immortality is not a mental pressure that anyone can bear."

"Do you think I will agree to this matter because of these vague information? Another question, how old are you?"

"Twenty-one!" Salomon's expression twisted again. He didn't understand why everyone who had known him long ago had doubts about his age. But he kept his tone, and no one but Holmes could see his mood swings. "I think you will, and I understand your thirst for knowledge, because I am the same. A strong thirst for knowledge is both the impetus to seek knowledge and the sword of Damocles. This vampire riot was cut by that sword The first sword mark, I don’t want another one. In order to deal with future disasters, I need the help of every outstanding human being, and you are one of them.”

"Remember to clean the stairs when you leave, Mrs. Hudson doesn't like people getting her floors dirty."

"Don't dress like a parish priest, remember to bring a change of clothes." Salomon urged.

"Where's the tea?" Watson asked. "Aren't you going to drink it before leaving?"

The mystic master left without looking back. After he left, the atmosphere in the living room became much more relaxed.

"He doesn't like tea with milk."

"How did you know?"

"That's reasoning, Watson." Sherlock Holmes picked up the cup of tea. He came to a conclusion through what Salomon hadn't said and all the information of the night. This organization not only has magic, but also has extremely powerful technological power. He heard the sound of fighter jets flying over London, and he also saw the technological content of Salomon's power armor. It was impossible to say that he was not interested. It's just that what Salomon gave was too little, and he still needs to think about it and collect more information. The detective raised his eyebrows, "Well, he said it himself. Let's clean the stairs quickly, or Mrs. Hudson will be angry."

Ask for a ticket!

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