Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 879: Special Cargo and Dying Visits (Part 1)

When the weather was getting warmer, a cargo ship slowly sailed into the port of Manhattan. The cargo on board was a forty-foot standard container with a single load capacity of 26,500 kilograms. Nijadaka couldn't wait to jump off the cargo ship after it docked. After living on the ship for a long time, he missed the land very much. Due to the particularity of these cargoes, he did not go to the pier bar to drink or find prostitutes to relax like sailors when the cargo ship docked. He had to guard the cargo all the way, not to mention the two expressionless men who followed him Allow him to run around because he is also one of the cargo.

One of the two men had a scar extending from the throat to the eyebrow, which cut the white eyes in half, and the other had short hair and a cold expression, and he took out his own pistol to wipe it from time to time. Nijadaka knew that these people were here to monitor him, but he didn't know what the purpose of these people was. The order sent to him by the Immortal City only instructed him to go to New York and told him that he would receive more information when he arrived. Multiple commands.

However, the transportation was not without disturbances. The coast guard who went out to try to crack down on smuggling also had several inexplicable murders on board. Once, the chef in the kitchen was found dead in his own pot. When he was found, his head had been cooked and no trace could be identified. Another time, a crew member caught an arm while fishing at sea, and then found out that the arm belonged to the first officer based on tattoos. After that, it was found that the first officer was dismembered in the toilet, and his head disappeared. But fortunately, the captain is an experienced smuggler, and he barely managed to complete the transport. If it were someone else, he would have abandoned the ship and fled long ago.

Nijadaka knew very well that there was a deeper reason for this order. After he found that the lower lips of all the victims were unrecognizable, he immediately keenly realized that this mission might be related to Wakanda. Later orders also confirmed his conjecture. He also occasionally heard a very awkward word in the conversation between the two people who were watching him. This word means "the shadow of the monarch" in ancient Latin, but when he walked out, the two people immediately pretended to be innocent. The way it happened.

In any case, Nijadaka was happy to undertake the task.

Regardless of the goals and objectives of those big bosses in the Immortal City, this is the opportunity he has dreamed of for a long time. He doesn't mind taking advantage of each other, and he thinks he has the ability to jump off the chessboard. If he knows that the so-called "Shadow of the Monarch" is actually an assassin who has undergone body modification and brainwashing training, he will surely understand that the Immortal City has never really trusted him, and his life is always hanging by the assassin's wrist (actually still Poison Needle Pistol [1], Broken Bone Finger Cot [2]). These assassins even took part in the attack on the CIA headquarters in Langley, in one of the highest security places in the United States. It only takes one assassin to ensure that Nijadaka kills him before he turns back. .

Nijadaka has no way of knowing this information, and no one will know as long as the Immortal City is determined to keep it secret.

Even the Wakanda agents on board.

The heavy weapons in the container loaded and unloaded at the New York port have been transformed by the Immortal City. Even the National Guard can enter the New York City area to fight, but only if Nijadaka can complete his task. He landed in New York with this box of weapons, and the person who greeted him was none other than Wilson Fisk—he is now Salomon’s partner, and these weapons that can wage war were loaded and unloaded through his channel, entering the East Coast, as a payment, a tenth of the small arms portion of the arms belonged to him. Although it is only one-tenth, it is already the highest single transaction volume in the history of black market gun sales in New York. Wilson Fisk, who agreed to the deal, simply couldn't turn down such an offer, and had no idea what else was in the container. It's not a big deal for a gangster to have light weapons, but if he has a lot of heavy weapons that can destroy buildings, start wars, and overthrow governments, and use them, then even the cover he buys with bribes in politics will not keep him safe thing.

Because this is beyond the scope of the government's acquiescence, even he would not dare to do such a brain-dead business.

"Come with us, we will take you to the safe house." Nijadaka greeted a man with a tattoo on his head. The mercenary heard the roar of the car's engine and glimpsed a burly figure behind the man squeezing into the black car. Nijadaka has already received the information from the connector, and it is reasonable that Wilson Fisk did not come to speak. After all, he has seen the shipment enter New York, and he will soon get his share .

No written commitment is required, no supervision is required, and Salomon's reputation and power are the best guarantees. Wilson Fisk will be responsible for delivering the goods to the warehouse of the Immortal City. He must do his best to ensure that the goods will not be intercepted by the masked vigilantes in Hell's Kitchen. Only in this way can he be qualified to make the next transaction . For this reason, he specially dispatched all the militants under his command to participate in the transportation. Although he has only met once, in the eyes of Wilson Fix, Salomon is more terrifying than the cruelest gangster. When facing Salomon, he feels that he has become that cowardly little fat man again, without the courage to resist The brutal father protects the mother.

Everything was still brewing, and Salomon took time out of his busy schedule.

Without an appointment, he walked into a small house on the outskirts of London with a bouquet of flowers. He has been here more than once, and he also knows who lives in this small house. He came not for the Immortal City, Karma Taj, or his personal interests, but purely to see him off.

Peggy Carter's conscious time became less and less, and Salomon used magic to wake her up from the coma after Salomon's arrival. The medical equipment was erected by the bedside, and the medical staff told Salomon that during this period of time, Peggy Carter's life was extremely unstable, and the less time he could visit, the better. After handling all the formalities, Peggy Carter temporarily asked the medical staff to leave the room.

"White roses." She watched Salomon insert the bouquet into the vase, "How much time do I have left?"

"Am I a symbol of death?"

"You're in mourning." Peggy Carter's breath was as thin as paper. "Actually, I saw you, in 1943. But you didn't have that name at that time. As in the past, where you appeared, there was death. And you're here now. I'm dying, so some of the questions that have haunted me all my life have to be solved. Who are you, Salomon Damonette, and how old are you? You and Dotty, What does the first Black Widow have to do with it?"

"I think the person you know is me, but I don't know what happened in the past." After finishing the vase, the mystic sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed, "It should be a product of a time loop, But in order to preserve some surprises, please don't explain. Where is Steve Rogers? You know who it means, Agent Carter, and the other purpose of my trip is him."

[1] As the name suggests, it fires poisonous needles, propelled by a projectile loaded with high-pressure gas. The wound caused by the poisonous needle is almost invisible to the naked eye, and the violent poison can even kill the target in an instant. But the range of this piece of equipment is only ten meters, and the killing conditions are so harsh, so the user needs to go through a lot of modifications before he can aim at the vital point with the help of special equipment.

[2] A magical technology weapon, inlaid on the fingertip of the assassin. When a sharp nail blade is inserted into the target's body, the mysterious circuit engraved on the blade can instantly form a violent curse into the target's body, and the bones near the victim's wound will rotate clockwise around the wound caused by the nail blade and shatter into pieces. arc. This is an experimental equipment that has not even been recorded in the files, so it has not yet been equipped on a large scale. However, because the target usually dies extremely tragically, it is usually used by assassins to spread fear to achieve their goals.

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