Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 880 Information Sharing (Second Change)

"I'm relieved to know that my future self will still be so romantic and passionate, Ms. Carter. Ten minutes after I leave, you will fall back into the chaotic state that an aging body should have. Please hurry up." Salomon stood up with a smile. Through Peggy Carter's mouth, Salomon still got a glimpse of some things he experienced after entering time travel in the future. However, even with the help of Salomon's magic, Peggy Carter's aging brain still can't function as smoothly as a young person's. From time to time, she will forget what she said before, and then repeat it, as if stuck tape.

Aging is the most terrible curse in the world, and magic can alleviate her symptoms, but it is not permanent. The magic of restoring youth is an extremely advanced alchemy. Only the "first melissa" in Salomon's hand is the first trial product of the so-called "red potion" that can make Peggy Carter young, but her The lifespan cannot last until the "first honey balm" comes into play.

"In addition, thank you for your frankness. In fact, I am also collecting my future identity after entering time travel, and what role it will play in human history. The only known one is Christopher Marlowe. After all, a Catholic who can burn to death The Atheist is so much my idea, the only downside is that I have to go to school again. I didn't expect to get such an opportunity during WW2, it is so wonderful, I plan to burn it if I can Some Puritans."

"Stop telling stupid jokes, you used to tell such cruel jokes." Peggy Carter's aging lungs were exchanging gas with the help of a ventilator. Salomon's words really made her laugh, but her physical condition did not support a good laugh. Yet Salomon was not telling a joke. "Ten minutes is enough. See you in the future, Salomon Damonette."

"See you in the future, dear Ms. Carter." Salomon opened the bedroom and greeted the medical staff who were so anxious to kick the door to come in. Most of these medical staff are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and they were not held accountable because of Peggy Carter's asylum after the Hydra rebellion. After all, both MI6 and the US intelligence system have been subjected to Peggy Carter's grace. He took a last look at Peggy Carter lying on the hospital bed—death had spread its wings and enveloped this legendary agent, and in the eyes of the secret method, she had been completely covered by huge black wings. Even he couldn't help Peggy Carter escape death, and even if he could, the price to pay would be extremely heavy. Salomon turned and left without looking back, without disturbing anyone.

Including the white-haired old man sitting on the bench at the door of the small house.

"You're in mourning, and I hope you don't have another 'distant relative' die, Mr Damonette."

"Pendragon. If you respect me so much, please call me by my full name, Salomon Messiah Damonet Pendragon. This is the name my teacher changed for me, which means For the peaceful reign of the anointed Pendragon, this is a beautiful wish. I know you want to laugh, but I don't mind." The mystic took a black taxi to Baker Street, and after he rang the doorbell Immediately met with a warm welcome from Mrs. Hudson, he was able to set foot on the stairs leading to Sherlock Holmes' room after stuffing himself with six freshly baked biscuits and a cup of hot tea. Facing the mystic sitting on the soft chair, Sherlock Holmes didn't have a good face - not only because Salomon played tricks on him last time, but also because he didn't clean up the dirty footprints when he left Baker Street Well, it took Holmes and Watson about an hour to clean up his bloody and muddy combat boot marks, or Mrs. Hudson would have had a heart attack when she woke up to see the sight.

"Perhaps you have forgotten that it was you who called me, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Thank you, Watson. Without you, Holmes might have forgotten even the most basic hospitality etiquette."

"Tell him, Sherlock." Watson rubbed his hands, patted his thigh and sat on another soft chair, "Or me?"

Sherlock Holmes held out his hand, beckoning Watson to take charge of the commentary and the summary.

"That's right, we have encountered a very weird case." Watson licked his lips, "It's so weird that Sherlock even started to think about the possibility of magic."

"I don't believe in magic. In my opinion, you and your Karma Taj are just high-tech sects. Maybe those monsters in the sewers are all genetic mutation experiments produced by your organization." Holmes suddenly called To cut off Watson's words, "Blindfolding, hallucinogens, etc., just like alchemists in the past. So this is a consultation, not a help."

"Think what you want, Mr. Holmes. I appreciate people who look at the world rationally." Salomon nodded approvingly, "I didn't let you experience magic last time, but I believe that after listening to Mr. Watson's We still have time to describe. Please continue."

The disturbed Watson didn't know what to say. "In short, there is a criminal ... a criminal with a title came back from the dead." He said, "Although this criminal was held in solitary confinement, he was stabbed to death by a sharpened toothbrush handle in prison, but after the burial On the third day, his grave was dug open. Witnesses saw the criminal leave the cemetery in the clothes he was buried in. The police cordoned off the scene, and the intelligence agencies were also involved. Otherwise, this would be the headline of the major newspapers now. We want to know..."

"Is there any magic involved?" Salomon raised his eyebrows. "As far as I know, no. I speculate that the reason why the criminal with the title was not published in the newspapers and was not publicized by the media is because the case he was involved with It is related to a young girl, and it is related to Epstein and the British royal family. A pedophile, such a person, even the most disgusting inmate in the prison will spurn."

"How can you be so sure?" Sherlock Holmes strode from the window to the soft chair where Salomon was sitting. "You haven't even been to the scene, and you haven't read the file!"

"Because we have monitoring means, non-physical monitoring means. I mean, magic." Salomonte bit the accent at the end of the sentence, "by monitoring the wave of ether to measure magic, the structure is precise and stable, since human civilization It has been as accurate as ever for tens of millions of years since its birth, and the objects of observation even include the observable universe and the unobservable universe. If it is the black magic of resurrecting the living dead, the Agamotto crystal ball can detect it; if it is resurrection from the dead, then even No need for an Agamotto crystal ball, that level of aether wave could be sensed by even the dumbest apprentice in the London Sanctuary. I know both, by the way. As for why I can speculate about the crimes committed by the inmates— — I have a copy of Prince Andrew's incrimination. Complete, clear, incriminating evidence that even the dumbest judge could have convicted. Guess where I found it?"

"MI6?" Watson asked.

"CIA and KGB, don't forget Anglo-American intelligence sharing."

"In fact, Watson insisted on inviting you. I have always believed that there is no inexplicable magic in this case, but only unsolved mysteries." Sherlock Holmes immediately turned and walked away. "As for your Order, I'm not interested."

"He has studied most of the monasteries in history, just half a month after you left." Watson added, "He still thinks that your order is exactly the same as those Christian monasteries that promote holy marriages. It's just mastering the technology."

Salomon just smiled. "Tell me, Sherlock Holmes. Do you like skydiving?"

Ask for a ticket!

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