Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 881 Tarot Divination (Part 1)

Of course, Salomon would not throw Sherlock Holmes into the portal without saying a word, which would not only be impolite but also make him appear to have no confidence. It was different from the time when the Malik family was conquered. The Malik father and daughter easily accepted the powerful power of the surreal because of the belief of the Hydra Order, but Sherlock Holmes was the kind of rational and scientific thinking that Salomon admired most. Guy, the mystic really didn't want him to be put off by magic because of his crude display.

In his opinion, Sherlock Holmes is more suitable for the position of the supreme mage than Steve Strange. Putting these two people together to compete will really add obstacles to Weissandi, which both the sage and Salomon are willing to see things.

Glancing at the spine of the book on the drawing-room fireplace, he knew at once that Sherlock Holmes had done his research on medieval wizarding lore, and had consulted the professor of history at Cambridge University on the history of medieval magic. The reason he knew such details was that he had talked with the professor about the Latin history of medieval alchemy. Sherlock Holmes believed that he had completed the "disenchantment" of magic with a short study, eliminated superstition and fear, and looked at it from a rational perspective—but Salomon was well aware of the many magical texts handed down in the world Whether it's full of lies or nonsense, how many magicians who claim to have completed a certain research are actually just charlatans. Although it is not ruled out that there are people who practice magic through rituals and training (refinement of life and ether, as mentioned in the previous chapters of this book), there are very few people who can obtain this knowledge. According to Sherlock Holmes The information in it can't peek into the tip of the iceberg of magic arts.

"Let's play a game, Sherlock Holmes." Salomon lay back, leaning against the back of the soft chair very relaxedly. "We can solve the mystery of the resurrection of the dead in this room, and we only need a few clues in our hands." His hands formed a steeple in front of him, and his fingertips barely touched his lips. His sense of presence was so strong that when he frowned, the atmosphere in the living room became very dignified. Salomon said to Watson, "I know that Mrs. Hudson has a collection of tarot cards, please borrow them for me."

"You want to find out the truth through divination?" Watson glanced at the cohabitant standing by the window, as if he was afraid that Salomon's words would make Holmes angry. "Or do you want to hold a psychic meeting?"

"Prophecy and deduction, although the essence of the two are the same, but I still want to show the power of magic." Salomon said, "I can get the answer without asking the ghost. What's more, the words in the ghost's mouth are still Don't believe it's better."

"I don't believe in luck." Sherlock Holmes asked blankly. "Do you think that a few cards drawn by chance can replace thinking?"

"Your reasoning is based on a huge amount of information, Sherlock Holmes. The same is true for prophecy. Even prophecy's ability to obtain information is far beyond the limit of the human brain. Screen the key clues from the complicated information and make your own judgment. The most powerful prophet is equivalent to the Laplace demon, which is something that even you cannot do." The mystic said softly, "If I first If you deduce the truth, you have to participate in a skydive, otherwise I will not bother you anymore."

Sherlock Holmes gazed into Salomon's eyes for a long time. "Watson, Mrs. Hudson, please make a pot of tea." After a while he seemed to let go of probing Salomon's thoughts, "but there is no need for cookies, and I don't think this guest will stay here too long." Long."

While waiting for Watson to fetch the tarot cards, Salomon downloaded Google's stargazing app on his mobile phone and showed it to Sherlock Holmes. "Astrology is used to interpret the Major Arcana, and modern technology can save us the step of observation." He said, "Do you think astrology must use brass celestial bodies, telescopes and water basins? Thank you, Hua Sheng, why don't you turn over the first card? I suggest you follow my instructions to build the card array. I don't touch this set of tarot cards at all, so as not to be suspected of cheating. The first card will be divination for me first. Can you win this reasoning competition?"

Watson raised his eyebrows in surprise. After Holmes nodded slightly, he hesitated and lifted the top card of the tarot deck on the low table. "Ace, the right sword, represents victory and strength. You can shuffle the cards, Watson." Salomon laughed, "Follow my steps, think about the questions I asked, and you will get the answers. First, Is our Mr. Criminal still alive, and what is his condition? Please turn over three cards after thinking about it, and place this card in the upper left corner in turn."

"Reverse Reaper. Reversed Wheel of Fortune. Reversed Hermit." Watson couldn't help but gasped. The 22 major arcanas and 56 minor arcanas of this set of tarot cards are completely mixed together. The probability of drawing three reversed major arcanas is about 0.641%~0.649%. The probability of being in the Major Arcana is astonishingly low.

"It seems that our Mr. Criminal went into hiding after escaping death, carefully concealing his tracks, and fell into anxiety due to the loss of power and social relations." Salomon checked the positions of Scorpio, Virgo and Jupiter Then came to a conclusion. He said, "Perhaps you have discovered that the Tarot card does not indicate that the criminal lost money. That is to say, even when the account is frozen and monitored, our Mr. Criminal still has his own hidden account."

"That is not surprising," said Sherlock Holmes. "Even the dullest policeman at Scotland Yard would have thought of it."

"Then turn over three more cards and think about the criminal's property. Four of Wands upright, which proves that the criminal has no property problems and has a lot of money to manipulate. Reversed is the Seven of Cups, reversed. The Eight of Cups, which indicates that the criminal may have had to use this hidden account, and that this has caused him great anxiety. It shows that this hidden account does not belong to him, or that it is the funds of some kind of behind-the-scenes transaction."

Sherlock Holmes suddenly felt an itchy nose. Mycroft Holmes told him that the reason why the criminal was able to escape death in this way was because of the black gold trade. Someone needs him to live and not die in prison like Epstein because he has some top-secret intelligence that even MI6 doesn't know.

Someone or organization wants this information.

"Please think about whether the criminal himself has received help from others, and what price he paid for the help. The same three cards, the same arrangement." John Watson felt that the air in the living room was getting colder and colder, in a trance He found that he didn't hear any sound outside the window. This strange situation made him unable to help but clenched the Tarot cards in his hand. Just when he was about to stand up, Salomon pressed his shoulder in time, and he noticed that the hot air he exhaled was forming A burst of white mist.

He couldn't help shivering. He gritted his teeth and asked, "What kind of trick is this!"

"Don't be nervous, Watson, this is just a warm-up exercise, not the focus of our cracking the truth of the case." Salomon said softly, "This is to help you put your thinking on the Tarot cards. As a novice, you must be familiar with this Feeling, I don't want you to make mistakes because of inattention when it comes to divination on key issues. Sit down, turn over three cards, and then we can officially begin."

Ask for a ticket!

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