Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 897: Historical Relics (Part 1)

"Don't forget to carry out the traceability work. I know that the genetic laboratory is very busy, and the internal affairs department is also very busy, but this is a necessary procedure to find qualified persons in the future. There must be qualified persons in the blood line of genetically qualified persons. The reference population Flow and blood line inheritance, we can use this as a clue to find more genetically qualified persons in the history of population flow.” Salomon reminded, “It is not accidental that there are two eligible persons of Achaemenid Empire descent at the same time , I believe there are more, try to find the settlement bloodlines lost in the war, and collect enough test subjects. Thank you for the secret biography of Kama Taj, otherwise I would not be able to get the remains of Cyrus II Dig out from Pasargarde, although only one head remains."

"In this way, there will be a Cyrus II among my colleagues? I am looking forward to getting along with a tolerant person, and he can be called a 'righteous' person. I hope that my new colleagues can It has the mind and vision of Cyrus II. But please allow me to remind you that there are no archives in that place, and all records are passed on by word of mouth.” Constantine said with a smile.

He never asked what was special about these genetically qualified persons, and he never considered why the monarch chose him for transformation, and he didn't even ask why his sublimation process was so smooth in the files. Constantine is familiar with every step of the transformation, and Salomon has never hidden anything from him, but he still knows that some things are not suitable for exploration.

"I insist that at least one of these ten qualified people will successfully survive the sublimation process." Constantine waved a small fork that was about the size of a long match in his hand, "This is some kind of intuition, character The closer the qualified person is, the more successful he will be."

"I don't remember adding the gift of prophecy to you when I created you, boy, I certainly didn't throw LSD into the mechanical womb that day." Salomon's sense of humor made Constantine laugh. The mystic pointed to the door, "Remember to help me with those boring government affairs, I plan to take a short vacation for myself, if Stephanie asks, just say that I am busy with the Kama Taj project. Oh, don't forget to bring Dinah has your share of lunch."

"I will remember, my lord, and I will tell your life assistant that the veal steak is very delicious." Constantine stood up with a smile, and bowed pretendingly with a halberd in hand. He has no prejudice against artificial people and the Sisterhood, he just thinks that the Sisterhood cannot fully afford the monarch's security work. Poisoning, long-distance sniping, laying mines on the necessary roads, and bribed airline personnel to plant bombs on private jets. There are countless methods of real assassination that do not need to be face-to-face with the target, but in Constantine's view, the Sisterhood can only deal with the frontal conflict of the ordinary human army, and cannot deal with the secret methods. This is also the reason why he had several quarrels with Tita and Dinah.

"I promise no one will know that you are being lazy. Please say hello to the mistress for me."

"Get out of here, you're annoying."

After Constantine left, Salomon exhaled slowly.

The existence of a genetically qualified person is also his mark on history, just like Constantine. Only those who are qualified can accept the power and influence of the stigmata and resonate with his soul, and Constantine is currently the one with the highest degree of matching among all the qualified people. He never told anyone about this matter, only Maya Hansen found some inconspicuous doubts from the massive gene sequence comparison, but Salomon didn't know what happened in the past. It may be due to experiments or other reasons, but in any case, the Praetorians are far superior to the Asgardians in terms of physical strength, longevity, and intelligence. This is the result of genetic alchemy that transforms the Praetorians. In Salomon's heart, he hopes that future humans will be stronger, longer-lived and wiser than the Asgardians, and become almost immortal gods like the Praetorians.

Through natural means, instead of using genetic alchemy and dark technology to force transformation like the Janissaries.

As for Thanos' theory, Salomon doesn't care one bit.

Malthusian population theory is pure calculation, scientifically rational and correct. But the resources of the Milky Way are completely sufficient for one species, not to mention the resources of other galaxies that can be mined and explored. Even if all of Salomon's plans are successful, it will take many, many years for human beings to consume these resources. I am afraid that the heat death of the universe will come earlier than that day. Even if that day comes earlier, with the help of human technology, I am afraid that we will be able to go to a higher dimension. There is no need to worry about it at all--by then his mission will be completed and he will run away. If he becomes Biasa by then Even the higher-level gods of the Protoss cannot make decisions that are beneficial to the entire race. Like a crying giant baby, it means that human beings are hopeless, and there is no need to continue Kama Taj's mission.

As for other alien races, that's none of his business.

Unless the alien race can accept the management of human beings and dedicate their strength to the overall sublimation of the human race. It's the complete kind, not something like "accounting for only 13% of the population but causing 50% of the crime rate", let alone occupying a financial position to control politicians and doing things harmful to the human race for profit.

The universe is a place where social Darwinism is practiced. If a race fails to defeat the invaders and find a suitable planet as a colony, then this race is doomed to fail to survive in this universe where the weak prey on the strong. Thanos and his Titans ended up like this because they failed to put all their strength into exploring and colonizing, and obtaining enough resources to feed the population. To be honest, it is very likely that future humans will end up with such a result. The science and technology at this stage are completely insufficient to resist alien invasion. Even the Chitauri Biochemical Fleet, the weakest interstellar fleet in the universe, cannot be resisted by the current human beings once it enters the solar system. After all, the interception system of the battleship is not a decoration—even if it is only the population of the Earth and the population of the Chitauri Soldiers. Half gone, and Earth would be colonized by the Chitauri. The worst result is that all human beings will become slaves and experiments. Even if there are guys who betray their race and seek refuge with aliens, they will only become better slaves.

Even if the flames of war are ignited throughout the galaxy, Salomon will never allow this to happen.

While thinking this way, he took the mouthwash from Dinah.

The Praetorian Guard will be the sword in his hand, and he must create more Praetorian Guards to resist foreign enemies.

Constantine, as the first Praetorian Guardsman to be successfully transformed (not including the clones used for experiments before transformation), Salomon intends to create a gift for him. A real magical weapon, a weapon that contains all his current knowledge and can also guide Constantine. At the same time, he also intends to start formulating a tactical operation code for the Praetorian Guards, integrating tactical strategy, intelligence collection, assassination and subversion, protection patrols, weapon maintenance, and other technologies that the Praetorian Guards will need in the future. A book that combines planetary training and combat experience,

But this matter will start planning tomorrow. Today is his holiday, and the witch is still waiting for him in the room!

Ask for a ticket!

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