Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 898 Power Disputes (Second Update)

Salomon wrote about 2,000 words and threw the computer aside.

First, because he doesn’t like writing on a tablet computer, and he likes the feeling of typing on the keyboard; second, because he feels that a person can only write two thousand words a day, and writing too much is a symptom of genetic mutation and requires firm vigilance. The third is because he is on vacation today, and he should not work when he is on vacation. Although he couldn't resist picking up the computer at the beginning, he soon began to reflect and resolutely implement his decision to take a vacation. These are not the most important reasons, the most important reason is that there is a white and slender arm resting on his shoulder. "We've missed lunch and dinner, dear." Salomon's eyes widened. "It's been a whole day!"

"You know what the ending is, my dear, it has happened more than once. On your days and nights on vacation as an adult, you are more intense and passionate than ever." Bayonetta narrowed her eyes and gently moved her fingertips from top to bottom. Lightly brushed across the skin of the mystic, as light as a feather. She said in a cheerful tone, "Although you performed well today, I only lost consciousness a few times, and I'm still far away!"

"My lord, I need you to take a look at this document." Stephanie looked at the mystic who was slumped on the office chair while hesitant to speak. As soon as today's work started, Salomon began to doze off, and very rarely showed symptoms of lethargy. "What's wrong with you?" she asked. "Need to call the paramedics?"

"No, no, it's just that I didn't sleep well." Salomon rubbed his eyes and carefully read the document. "This is an application. Who is qualified to use divination spells to divine genes? It's you and Maya Hansen who proposed it?" he said. "Do you really think this will work?"

"At least we can quickly determine the location of genetically qualified people and obtain a group of people with the same genetic sequence." Stephanie shrugged, "Although I don't know the transformation process of the Guards, I know that the transformation of each Guardsman is Very special. You need to have experimental subjects with similar genetic sequences but unsuitable physical conditions, otherwise you would not ask for cloning experiments before transformation. If you allow us to do this, then the time for the Praetorian Guards transformation experiments will be will be greatly shortened."

The mystic master sighed long, as if weighing the pros and cons.

"Agreed." He finally stamped his personal seal on the document, and then Stephanie handed over the next document tacitly. "Every document is a test of my humanity, Stephanie," he said. "It's another pain I have to live with."

"This is the pain you have to endure to achieve your ideals, Salomon." Stephanie called him by his first name without hesitation, suddenly transforming from the head of the interior department and Salomon's personal secretary to his friend. She leaned down, helped Salomon open the kraft paper cover of the document, and said very seriously, "I have never heard that the person who controls the supreme power can live a good life."

"I know, I'm just complaining, don't you think my career? Well, let's look at these three hundred pages of documents...hell, there are appendices. Well...this is the Mafia's ledger and Relationship network?" Salomon looked at Stephanie suspiciously, "Konstantin allowed you to do this?"

"He borrowed some clerks from me, permanently. But unfortunately, all clerks have been trained by me." Stephanie said calmly, "I will not allow anything in this organization that is not under your supervision. Within scope, my lord. Whether or not you delegate power to Constantine and his future fellow Praetorians, I will do so. And no one is better at manipulating the administrative system than Hydra. As long as we are fast enough, then It’s up to us to decide who the Prime Minister of Italy is. Controlling a country is the only way we can get on the right track, isn’t it?”

Stephanie burst out with considerable enthusiasm and pride when she said this.

Although this document involves the power dispute between the Guards and the Interior Department, the fundamental reason is that Stephanie feels that the current power of the Eternal City is not strong enough. A country, even a country like Italy, is the stage on which the Eternal City plays out. With Italy in hand, many things in the Eternal City have become much easier to handle - Salomon saw through her thoughts at a glance and understood that she had fallen into the fixed thinking of Hydra again, parasitizing corruption and inciting rebellion. , and finally revealed his true colors. She is not wrong to think so. The methods used by the world's financial complex, the military-industrial complex and a series of large and small secret business alliances to control capitalist countries are not much different from Hydra. Stephanie was previously responsible for The power of the Immortal City controls the above groups and quietly replaces them.

When the Eternal City needs to take the stage, the early layout can save a lot of effort.

However, this is the power that passes through the hands after all, and Stephanie's ambition cannot tolerate her staying in the background.

"Patience, I think Mr. Gideon Malik understands the role of patience." Salomon said, "You should learn from your father, Stephanie. Remember how I persuaded the Malik family? Money is just a number, votes are just bargaining chips for sensationalism and backroom deals, real power is steel and fire. This is why the Malik family has been pursuing the Inhuman God, Stephanie, spend your time on supporting the army , the army is the foundation of everything.”

Seeing that the face of the Hydra's daughter was getting worse and worse, Salomon said in time, "But your proposal is not impossible to adopt. In fact, controlling a country to serve the Eternal City is a very correct thing, but it cannot be It's up to us. Use the old method, don't involve anyone or anything in the Eternal City, support both the ruling party and the opposition party, and stir up conflicts among the people, slowly but surely. Feminism, environmental protection, human rights, LGBTQIADK, etc. , there are so many issues for those idiots to choose from. Anyway, after the alien invasion, these stupid things should not exist, and those who believe in these stupid things should be the first to die. Imagine John Rockefeller, the reputation of the Rockefeller family was not good at that time, We don't have that reputation just yet."

"You mean, you agree?"

"Call Constantine over. We need to discuss this matter together." The mystic lowered his head and continued to look through the documents, but he knew that Stephanie had clenched her fists and was preparing to have an argument. "Don't be so aggressive." He said, "Since Constantine dares to recruit the clerks you trained into the mafia to handle finances, it means that he agrees with you. Don't forget, his brain was modified by me. It’s clear what his level of intelligence is. He is not only my bodyguard but also my advisor.”

"It looks like some people will be unemployed in the future." The daughter of Hydra shook her long brown hair menacingly like a locomotive that kept spewing steam, and with the help of gears and machinery, she pushed open the alloy steel plates and The embossed oak door strode out of the office door. She was so angry that the Sisterhood androids guarding the door thought something was going on inside.

"It's nothing, she's just a little competitive." Facing the somewhat silly artificial man on duty today, Salomon explained, "If you can, please go and have a cup of tea. I'm safe here. Really, I I’m not going to lie, the Imperial Guards will come to hand over to you later.”

Ask for a ticket!

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