Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 899 Big Snake (First update)

For the next few months, Salomon continued to live a normal schedule.

Normal here means going to school and working at the same time, rather than using alchemical simulacra.

The main job of the Immortal City now is to digest and absorb the power of the Italian Mafia. Salomon has given full responsibility to Stephanie and Constantine. In addition to sometimes participating in the laser technology research and development of Tony Stark and Malbus, He was finally able to go to school in person and try to work on his own Gauss weapon project. Salomon was very sure that Mycroft Holmes was watching him closely through the cameras of Oxford University, and he did not mind showing his scientific research project to the cabinet secretary - Salomon knew that Mycroft would definitely do the experiment. During the investigation in the room, Mycroft also knew that Salomon would not store scientific research results in the laboratory, but the cabinet secretary must ensure that this high technology will not be stolen. To this end, he must send someone to sneak into Salomon's laboratory to investigate the progress of scientific research, and do his best to protect Salomon's scientific research project from proceeding smoothly.

As for who has the final say in the UK, Mycroft Holmes is in the minority because he believes that the real master of the UK is No. 10 Downing Street rather than the White House, Congress and the Foreign Relations Committee. He eagerly hoped that Salomon could hand over some of his high-tech achievements to him, although he also knew that this was simply impossible. In any case, it was such a joy to fool the cabinet secretary that Salomon had the time to drink and party with political and economics students, personally maintain the long-abandoned interpersonal network, and even make friends with the former Lady Amelia Windsor, whom she had met once, was in contact again.

Of course, this was done to make Mycroft stand out. Salomon had no interest in Lady Windsor at all.

During this time, Lara Croft came to Oxford University.

As the London social season approaches in April, the Baroness's research results in the Middle East have been published in London street tabloids. Compared with the previous two absurd explorations, this time she brought back many cultural relics. The tabloids' nickname for her changed from "crazy archaeologist" to "good archaeologist." Lara Croft told Salomon that she wanted to continue following in her father's footsteps, and to do so she wanted Salomon to fund her expedition to South America.

"When have I ever said no to you, dear Laura? Your work has honored all of human history, digging secrets out of the soil. Although some of them are not suitable for public disclosure, you know that I am very grateful for what you have done. ." Salomon was very satisfied with Laura's enterprising spirit. He received Laura in the parlor of his manor and selected a bottle of wine from the wine cellar. He has been waiting for this day for a long time, and he must solve this problem before Ragnarok. Father Moru's dream prophecy has pointed out what he will do, and he will complete this destined mission. As a person who has seen the brilliance of the stigmata with his own eyes, the alcoholic Father's precognitive dream has a certain degree of credibility. Coupled with the predictions of the mystics of Kama Taj, all this is guiding Salomon's actions.

"Bring some high technology, I have a feeling your investigation may not go well this time."

"There are still a lot of weapons left that you prepared last time. As agreed, I will put those cultural relics in the museum."

"Put it in the museum I built for you, Laura. It's just that it hasn't been built yet. British workers are really too lazy. Those refugees would rather receive relief benefits than work." Salomon took a document from the android's hand. Handed to the archaeologist, "The Croft Family Museum, don't use my name, I don't like to be famous. When it is built, everything you find during the exploration can be stuffed inside, and with this museum in London Private museum, the whole London high society will call you Dame. You have always wanted to prove to Sir Richard Crawford, I think this is a good opportunity."

Lara Croft's face was full of surprise, "This gift is really precious."

"A museum is nothing compared to what you brought me. Cheers!"

"Cheers...Wow! Why is this wine so sour?"

"Because this is monastery wine, it has a history of nearly two thousand years, and there are test reports. You can take some away and put them in the museum. I believe many rich people will spend a lot of money just to have a taste. They I can only pretend and try not to spit it out, but I can’t say it doesn’t taste good.”

"Good idea!" Laura also had a mischievous smile on her face. It is not that there are no gossips during the social season. The reason why the tabloids have so much to talk about is because some people who knew the former Crawford family betrayed the friendship of Sir Richard Crawford. The bottle of wine Salomon presented was enough to make them look foolish without breaking out, maintaining their fragile self-esteem that they had protected with money, hair transplants and beauty treatments.

"I can not wait any more!"

"Me too."

After Lara Croft left, Salomon immediately called Malbus.

"Maintain the power armor," he said. "Prepare for war."

"It's only been a few months and we're facing another war?" Stephanie quickly followed Salomon, her high heels making a sharp sound on the marble floor. She was wearing an everyday office suit and holding several documents in her hands. "Who is the enemy?" she asked. "It certainly cannot be a real enemy. We have already begun to tame Italy!"

"It's a god," Salomon said. This corridor connects Stephanie's office in the Interior Department with Salomon's office, and Salomon does not worry about being overheard here. “Based on Karma Taj’s observations of the etheric waves and a priest’s precognitive dream, we found our enemy,” he said, “a god who once enjoyed blood sacrifices, reincarnation, and rebirth. Don’t be intimidated by this name. Damn it, we also killed a god once."

"I'm not worried about the so-called gods, but about our fleet. It will take time for them to reach South America. The First Secret Regiment of Finbul is already dealing with the remnants of the Holy Trinity, and it is unlikely that they will still be able to hinder Laura Crawford."

"Have you ever seen an immediate war? We still have time. You are responsible for the logistics as usual, and at the same time order our satellites to conduct reconnaissance of the South American rainforest." Salomon said as he walked, "Secret societies are always unable to kill them all, you You should know this very well. Cut off one head and two will grow."

"How long?" Stephanie asked.

"A few more months." Constantine stood there, holding a weapon in one hand and a roll of parchment from Karma Taj in the other. Salomon took it and continued walking to his office. There are many rooms in this corridor, but they are all used by clerks and intelligence department liaison specialists who handle confidential content. Through these people, Salomon can control satellites, fleets, and various departments of the Eternal City as he pleases.

"Snakes, rain, floods, these are not good signs." Constantine pointed to the vague prophecy on the parchment and said, "We have detected the earthquake and are now determining the epicenter. If Father Moru's conjecture is correct, then these There are signs that Quetzalcoatl's resurrection is near."

"Lara Croft is going to dig it out."

"She has already set off on your private plane," Constantine said. "She also carried a transmission beacon."

"Very good." Salomon stopped in front of the office door and turned to face Stephanie and Constantine. "Everyone, we are going to kill the gods again."

Ask for a ticket!

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