Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 900 The Drum Brothers (Second Update)

The word "godicide" used to mean blasphemous and impossible feats.

But in recent years, this word can also be extended to "kill an Asgardian" or "kill an alien with advanced civilization." Thanks to the guidance of Salomon and S.H.I.E.L.D., most people in modern times believe that the gods in history are actually aliens who came to the earth. The Vatican claims that Jesus is definitely not an alien, and God is not an alien who created human beings. Star. However, this does not prevent the "alien creation theory" from continuing to spread among religious idiots. They also firmly believe that the earth is flat and surrounded by icebergs on the periphery of the world. The earth is actually the experimental ground for various aliens. Salomon was dumbfounded when he learned that the theories of religious idiots had evolved again. These guys actually guessed the truth and guessed the experiments conducted by aliens on the earth.

However, compared to the problems of the Inhumans in Attilan on the Moon, the problem of Quetzalcoatl, which is about to resurrect, is more pressing.

This operation will not be the same as the Battle of Finbowente. In order to achieve certain goals, only the Immortal City will be the main force. This time, most of the mystics of Kama Taj will be dispatched, and many of the mystics and deacons who are performing tasks will slowly end their work and prepare to join this operation. But Salomon was not satisfied. He was used to being prepared, so he told his apprentice, Wanda Maximoff, who was not yet the Scarlet Witch, about Quetzalcoatl.

"Are you ready to take this potion?" the mystic mage asked softly.

The alchemy laboratory in Wanda Maximov's apartment is filled with many modern chemical instruments, which he had previously given to her along with the apartment. Although Salomon didn't teach her much, Wanda's progress was much greater than in the past period of random fumbling, not to mention the adult education she later received. This is enough to illustrate how important systematic education is - Ka The reason why Karma Taj is far more powerful than other schools is not because the spells in the collection are powerful, but because Karma Taj has the most comprehensive basic knowledge. The theory of elements, planes, souls, etc. is everything a spellcaster needs to know when delving into unfamiliar magic in the future, not to mention that Salomon also fills the library with boring tomes from time to time.

There was no light on in the room, and the orange-red afterglow gradually receded under the shadow of the curtains. This afterglow is worth a fortune in Manhattan, because those low-rise buildings have long been deprived of sunlight, and the beautiful afterglow can only be enjoyed by those who live in high-rise apartments. The witch looked at the translucent red potion in the test tube with a solemn expression.

"Pietro has to carry out a mission." Wanda said with a frown, "I'm worried that the Avengers will take him with them."

"If you want to adjust your menstrual cycle, you can take birth control pills. As far as I know, your alchemy technology has not reached a level that can surpass that of pharmaceutical companies." Salomon's words earned Wanda a slap in the face with annoyance. Wanda laughed. Salomon remembers her menstrual cycle, which makes her feel good.

"You make sense. I also think that the formula found in an ancient book is a bit unreliable. I bought this book in the Doorless Bar. It is said that it is the only thing left in the magic black market in New York." She He glanced at his mentor and pushed the long brown hair behind his ear. Some people already call her the Scarlet Witch, but not because of her clothes, but because of the color of her magic, the thrilling blood-red chaotic energy. In fact, she had seen Salomon perform magic with the same blood-red energy, but without exception, it was very dangerous black magic.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell them about our relationship. If they knew you were my mentor, I'm afraid they wouldn't even sell me this book."

"I knew those guys were connected to the black magic items on the black market." Salomon flipped through the book Wanda took out.

The brown leather cover, copper-inlaid leather strap, and hand-written font should be from the Golden Dawn period. In the centuries before that, the whole of Europe was immersed in the occult, and many deceitful guys wrote books bragging about their abilities to seek funding from the nobles. If Karma Taj allowed the magic black market to exist in the past because many of those black magics did not receive responses from the outer dimension, then Salomon is now eradicating the black market because certain dangerous rituals will receive responses in the future.

No professional magic knowledge is required, just follow the ritual.

The more terrifying the black magic, the fewer things it requires. You don't even need to know who the object of prayer is to gain power. For example, summoning the blind and foolish Azathoth doesn't even require many steps, you just need to be able to understand the spell and recite it. Fortunately there is nothing like this in Wanda's book. Salomon was certain that this alchemy potion would most likely not work, because other parts of the book were not very reliable, and he saw many fallacies while flipping through it.

This was a common problem among magic books of that era and is not surprising.

"I'm here to invite you to a mission, Wanda." Salomon closed the book. He was about to continue, but was interrupted by Wanda's gesture.

"I hope to participate in the whole process. Instead of staying in New York like last time and knowing nothing about Kazakhstan."

"I agree. The reason why I asked you to stay in New York last time was because you were not suitable for the frontal battlefield yet, but this time is different." Salomon nodded, "I need you to learn about the types of animals and plants in the South American rainforest."

"This mission is in South America?" The witch frowned and put the potion aside. Like Salomon, she also caught a blue demon-eating slug to deal with the alchemical waste. Judging from the colorful mollusk in the flask, Wanda had contacted alchemists many times during this period. Technique.

"Is there anything related to magic in South America?"

"This is too much, honey, we can go see the Mayan pyramids. But before that we need to go to the Doorless Bar."

Wanda jumped up suddenly and said hurriedly, "Isn't it because of this book?"

"I'm not that stingy, Wanda. This book doesn't violate the rules of practicing Kama Taj." Salomon shook his head and picked up the coat hanging on the coat rack, "I found a man who is familiar with South Korea. The magician of America, he can provide us with clues.”

This connection was provided by Temple Keeper Daniel Durham, one of his distant relatives.

The two Durham brothers are not pure Latinos, and they have never studied at Kama Taj. Instead, they learn the magic passed down by their family. These magics are a hodgepodge of voodoo, Haitian and Mayan legends, passed down through oral folklore and stories. These magics are good at curses, poisons and spirits, and are considered to have good combat capabilities among all schools. However, due to Karma Taj, many of the darker and more vicious magics in this lineage were eliminated, because these magics were not only dangerous to others, but also dangerous to the users themselves. It seems that because of the cost of magic, in the prophecy of the Durham family, twins are not a good phenomenon. However, the Durham brothers have still lived together until now, and there is hope that they can continue to live in the future.

It's the wish of old fellow Daniel the Mage, and everyone in the Durham family wants to break the curse.

Salomon wrote a letter to the Durham brothers and asked them to meet at the Doorless Bar.

He wanted to ask about Quetzalcoatl.

The Drum Brothers are Dr. Voodoo.

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