Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 908 The Future King (Second Update)

From a certain perspective, the crimson cassock that Salomon usually wears has become his official clothing. As his mystical attainments became more powerful, the more magic items he created, and this robe of holy corpse cloth became more and more gorgeous. Therefore, in addition to Stephanie's custom-made suit wardrobe specially prepared for him, this robe with his personal emblem has also become a garment that shows importance when meeting allies - although they do not know what the use of this robe is, every time something big happens He is either wearing armor or wearing this robe, so they will think that wearing this robe means they are serious.

This was what Stephanie told him, otherwise he wouldn't have known that the Wakandans would think this way.

According to his habits, after attending the college dinner, he would definitely come over wearing formal college clothes to sign the contract. T'Challa had studied physics at Oxford, where he and Salomon had the same professor, and Salomon believed he could understand how long and boring formal dinners were in those old colleges. In view of this, T'Challa and Salomon still have some things to talk about.

For example, he complained about how difficult it was to find the short essays and book lists assigned by the professor for each class.

It is relatively easy for science students. After all, mathematics, physics and chemistry are majors that keep up with the cutting-edge research results of the times. For those students majoring in literature, history, politics and economics, it is too difficult to find out-of-print books that were printed and published a hundred years ago. Not long ago, Salomon saw people complaining about themselves on the forum more than once before the start of school. Can't find the book.

This was the topic of conversation during dinner between Salomon and the Wakanda royal family. It was not difficult for Salomon to have dinner twice in a row. They talked about the original owner and staff of the space station, but focused on the speech they gave in Wakanda not long after. The current King of Wakanda, T'Chaka, attaches great importance to that speech, but Prince T'Challa believes that the decision made by his father is a bit hasty, even reckless.

This kind of sentiment should not appear in a person in power.

He did not hesitate to open the vibranium embargo order and export vibranium in exchange for some resources and diplomatic support. T'Challa knew that this decision, coupled with Wakanda's military deterrence, would win the favor of the international community, but vibranium is Wakanda's industrial and energy foundation, and selling the industrial foundation for some international support that may not be effective is a special investigation. Unacceptable behavior. But he is still a prince and cannot veto the king's decision openly. He can only find out why his father made such a decision through private inquiries.

After Salomon left, the Queen of Wakanda first approached T'Challa. She said nothing after pushing open the door of T'Challa's room, but waved away the royal guards who were responsible for protecting the prince's safety. T'Challa asked for the reason without knowing it, but the queen's will needed to be carried out, and the royal guards did not hesitate at all. and left the room. After she and T'Challa were alone in the room, she handed him a report from the Wang family doctor.

"This is impossible!" T'Challa opened his mouth wide in disbelief and took a breath. "It is impossible for this symptom to appear in my father," he said. "If this were true, he would not be alive today. When did this symptom begin?"

"This is vibranium disease, just nearly a year ago." Queen Wakanda said very seriously, "You learned the legend of the founding of Wakanda when you were a child. It was the heart-shaped grass that our ancestors took to resist vibranium disease. The metal disease invaded, and those who failed to resist the vibranium disease turned into monsters. That is not a myth, but a real history. Your father took the heart-shaped grass, and logically this should not happen. "

"Father, you can take it again... We can start researching the active ingredients of the heart-shaped grass. I have already said, don't hide the heart-shaped grass in the temple. We can research, synthesize and produce the active ingredients."

"No, it's useless, T'Challa." The queen shook her head, "The reason why the heart-shaped grass works is because of the blessing of the Black Panther God. Your father will get vibranium disease, which means he has lost the Black Panther God. favor. I prayed day and night but could not receive revelation, and the royal ancestor refused to communicate with me. He is anxious, my child, and he wants to push Wakanda to the stage immediately, leaving a space for you to play. .”

Although he heard his mother say that the true source of power of the Heart-shaped Grass is the Black Panther God, T'Challa didn't believe this at all. When he was a child, he knew that the souls of all Wakanda kings would return to the Black Panther God after death. However, as he grows older and gets more scientific education, he now only thinks that the Black Panther God is just a religious belief used by the royal family to stabilize the people. , has no special significance, and the heart-shaped grass, a plant that grows on vibranium mines, is the key to becoming a black panther.

However, in order to appease his mother, he still asked tentatively.

"Is it because of our cooperation with the Eternal City?"

"No, the Black Panther God only expressed support in this matter. The priests have conveyed the Black Panther God's will to me." The queen reached out and gently stroked T'Challa's cheek. She couldn't help but choke up. T'Challa sighed and handed back the report given by the royal physician. He hugged his mother gently, "I know, but I still think that my father is too anxious, which will make us lose the staunch ally of the Eternal City. My father's knowledge reserve in this area is not as rich as mine, and it is easy for him to do it." Make bad decisions.”

"Then go and persuade him!"

"Mother, but..."

"Go! You are the future king of Wakanda!" The queen wiped away her tears and her attitude immediately changed. She was a royal guard and had fought for the royal family many times before becoming queen, killing smugglers and spies on the border. The years of pampered life after becoming queen did not extinguish the war in her heart. Seeing his mother put on the expression that he and his sister were most afraid of when they were children, T'Challa immediately swallowed his words. "You must show the attitude and wisdom that a king should have. Your father will accept your advice. He sent you to study abroad just to let you see the world clearly. I believe he knows how important your advice is. If that The old guy won’t accept—”

The queen made a tapping motion, "——I'm going to tap his head and tap out the stupidity inside."

"I really want Shu Rui to hear what you have to say." T'Challa couldn't help laughing, "She stays in the Immortal City almost every day to maintain our relationship with them, so she must have something to say. I’ll ask her what she thinks first.”

Because vibranium is of great significance to Wakanda, the Wakanda royal family also attaches great importance to espionage work. This also makes it difficult for the Immortal City to carry out intelligence work on the capital of Wakanda. Even the embassy of the Immortal City is not easy to carry out espionage work. For anything that happens in the Wakanda royal family, if Salomon does not use Magic is hard to spy on.

However, he still summoned the will of the Black Panther God and asked where the plan was.

The little black cat with a round belly burped, then lay on the desk and spoke in a mature female voice.

"I have kept my promise, Son." Bastet said, "Now it's your turn."

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