Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 909: Hunting the Winter Soldier (Part 1)

Natasha Romanov had just filled the magazine of her sniper rifle and packed it into her sports backpack when the notification light of the satellite phone placed on the pillow began to flash. She pushed her red hair behind her ear and answered the phone. A bland electronic synthesized voice came from the other end of the phone. Agent Romanov immediately stopped what he was doing and took out the small notebook he carried with him from his jeans pocket to read through it. She silently matched the password announced by the electronic synthesized voice with the numbers she had memorized, and then performed the calculations.

This is a very complex cryptographic mechanism, and only intelligence personnel who are familiar with this set of formulas based on the zodiac cycle can authenticate their identities through this set of codes. This is a set of low-security verification methods. If you are a senior official of the Eternal City intelligence department, you will need to conduct online voiceprint, iris, fingerprint, gene and even mental strength comparison. However, when providing information to intelligence personnel outside the establishment, , a set of confidential procedures for hundreds of dynamic passwords after calculation is enough.

After confirming that the call came from the Intelligence Department of the Immortal City, Agent Romanov also gave her password, and then she received the message forwarded to her by the Intelligence Department - Steve Rogers, Pietro Mark Simov will arrive at the mission location in three hours, and Wanda Maximov will arrive in Romania on a Quinjet six hours later. The Immortal City armed forces will not be involved in this mission and will not provide any support other than a safe house. Next up are Pietro Maximov’s local restaurant reservations and Steve Rogers’ logbook. Although Wanda Maximoff joining this mission did surprise her, because she also knew about the arguments and differences between the Maximoff siblings. Now that the Maximov siblings are showing signs of reconciliation, as a member of the Avengers family, she is naturally very supportive.

But she also thought that Wanda might have some kind of mission, some kind of mission given by Salomon himself.

But that wasn't something she needed to think about right now. Natasha Romanoff hung up the phone, walked to the window, carefully opened the hotel's cheap curtains, and took a look at her surveillance target. It was a rental house. It was located in a transportation hub, but the rent was really cheap, and there weren't many high-rise buildings surrounding it. The building she was in was a hotel 600 meters away from the rental apartment. This very dilapidated hotel was on the verge of bankruptcy. She easily sneaked in under her false identity and opened a room for surveillance and sniping.

According to the target's movement pattern, three hours is enough for her to kill the target and return to the mission location. No one in the Avengers will find out what she did before carrying out the mission. Even superhumans couldn't react to assassinations beyond sight, so she was very confident in this operation.

"I'm executing." Salomon said to the black little cat.

Originally, planning conspiracies did not require him to personally participate in the battle. However, this time it related to Wakanda, the largest ally of the Immortal City. Wakanda also involved the industrial and technological research and development of the Immortal City. Although Wakanda's technology The tree was developed based on vibranium, but it was also extremely valuable to the current Immortal City, so Salomon was uncharacteristically deeply involved rather than letting Stephanie do the secret dirty work.

Natasha Romanoff put the target in her crosshairs and took a deep breath.

The Winter Soldier, wearing a brown jacket and a baseball cap, lowered his head and walked very carefully along the covered corridor. When he passed the corner of the unobstructed stairs, he would move slightly faster to avoid exposing himself. In the possible sniper shooting range. He rehearsed all the possible scenarios in his mind before moving in, and returned to the rental house smoothly after going out to collect intelligence several times. However, this time he failed to follow the planned route - living downstairs. A young couple is directing the movers to move the furniture. The Winter Soldier's path to the stairs was blocked by a dresser with ugly writing on it. He walked around the small piece of furniture and tried to move forward, but found that the stairs were also piled with debris.

Natasha Romanoff saw the target briefly appear in the target's mind, then retract.

She had watched the young couple and the porters moving things an hour ago. She also confirmed through the telescope that these people were just civilians who moved here half a year ago and had no unusual behavior. However, she knew that any experienced agent would be alert at this time, and the Winter Soldier was no exception. Through the scope, she saw him hiding behind hidden stair corners and debris. Agent Romanov slowly moved the muzzle of the gun, estimated the target's height, and aimed it at the wooden cabinet that blocked the target.

The Winter Soldier clutched the pistol in his hand. The mover who passed by him was moving another chest of drawers down the stairs with the debris on the steps. Nothing happened, and the young couple even showed him an apologetic smile. After another thirty seconds, the young couple and the porter had already walked down the stairs, and the Winter Soldier turned his attention to That dresser. He saw a line of writing on the dressing table that was very clumsy and looked like a child's handwriting. He originally thought it was a message from the husband to his wife, but now it seemed that something was wrong.

Why don't they move this little piece of furniture?

Adrenaline surged instantly, and the Winter Soldier subconsciously took a step and rolled down the stairs. Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion enveloped the corner of the stairs, and thick black smoke and shock waves swept through the entire apartment. The Winter Soldier, who had not yet stood still, was dizzy by the shock waves, and red and blue stars flashed crazily in front of his eyes. , the choking smoke almost made it impossible for him to breathe. Before he could figure out the situation, the young couple and the porter who had walked down the stairs took out firearms from the chest of drawers, returned to the stairs and started attacking him. The Winter Soldier immediately took out his pistol and fought back. After firing two shots to force the opponent back, he immediately walked up and hid in the smoke and fire caused by the explosion. The killer disguised as a couple and a porter followed closely behind.

He dodged bullets and fired back, while trudging step by step toward his intended escape location in the thick smoke.

The door to the apartment the Winter Soldier was leaning on suddenly opened, and two assassins armed with knives and pistols and wearing standard combat body armor tried to attack him from the side. However, he blocked the dagger and bullet with the metal arm hidden under his sleeve, and twisted one of the killers' collar and threw him against the wall. The sound of fighting attracted three disguised killers from behind. They wore gas masks that had been prepared and joined the battle.

They didn't know that someone would intercept them in front of them, and they were not their people at all.

However, there is no use saying that now, their most important task is to capture the target.

"F*uck!" Natasha Romanoff cursed under her breath, searching the building with her scope to find the mission target obscured by the smoke. There was no going down, but the floors above were shrouded in thick smoke and sniping was impossible. She didn't expect that someone else would find this target and be the first to lay a trap for the Winter Soldier. She now guesses that the landlord of this apartment is no longer the same person, and the two young couples should have been replaced by killers.

Agent Romanov heard a nearby gunshot that was weakened by a silencer, and judged from experience that it should be the sound of a sniper rifle. After the gunfire rang out, the killer disguised as a porter suddenly fell to the ground after walking out of the thick smoke. She quickly looked outside and saw that the curtains of a nearby window were being drawn up. Agent Romanov immediately moved his gun, aimed it at the window, and fired. Then she subconsciously rolled back, and a bullet went straight into the wall next to her ear. Large pieces of plaster wall shattered, white of lime splattered all over her leather jacket.

She rolled again to avoid further attacks.

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