Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 923 The first stage of the secret war (first update)

The original starting point of what would later be called the "Secret War" came from a dungeon interrogation room in this Roman underground city.

After the interrogators found what they wanted, they re-interrogated the Skrulls imprisoned in the dungeon on their own initiative according to their own authority, and as expected, they discovered some incredible things. The little secretary didn't understand what was going on until she was sent to the entrance of the dungeon of the Eternal City, but she still followed the procedure and handed over the report, with a crimson confidentiality seal on the kraft paper cover, to the senior officer. Intelligence analyst and intelligence officer of the 1st Secret Regiment of Finbulwinter. Immediately afterwards, the windows of the intelligence department building, which originally had only personnel on duty, lit up one after another. The communication satellite sent the call request to the communicators of officials at all levels of the intelligence department. A group of sleepy-eyed people wearing uniforms walked out of the residential building one after another. Intelligence officer in black uniform.

Then the little secretary was sent out of the intelligence department, her expression still confused.

She walked into the Ministry of Internal Affairs building with the documents in her arms. After a period of silence, the lights of the Ministry of Internal Affairs building also turned on, and the telephone calls at all levels were opened one after another. It wasn't until the Praetorian Guard Constantine answered the phone that the contact call network finally came to an end. Guardsman Constantine stood silently in the dark office building, holding a tablet computer in his hand and browsing the electronic interrogation report. One from the First Secret Regiment of Finbulwinter, one from the intelligence department, and one from the interrogation department. Only the three reports are completely consistent to be credible. This report helped the Immortal City sort out Carlo What happened after Er Danvers led the Skrulls to leave Earth. As expected, no alien race with advanced civilization is willing to accept the Skrulls. Even civilizations that can only sail and colonize within their own star system have more or less heard of the Skrulls. A person's name.

So at a rather embarrassing moment, Carol Danvers pushed back the Kree orbital space station carrying the Skrulls, and promised to help the Skrulls find a new home. . At that time, the Skrull children on the orbiting space station had all grown up, and the new generation's expectations of finding a new home were far less strong than the older generation's.

Nick Fury, then director of S.H.I.E.L.D., immediately noticed the subtext of Carol Danvers. It was also at that time that he planned to establish the Skyward Sword Bureau with Skrull as its core staff. The search for a new home for the Lu people was definitely not going to be smooth, and it was.

Given Carol Danvers' experience returning to Earth for the first time, Nick Fury believes that some cooperation with the Skrulls can be achieved. However, just as he is a person who habitually hides secrets, the Skrulls also hide their secrets - some new Skrulls believe that there is no need to look far away to find a new home. Both ancient myths and reality show that this is not the place in front of them. The humble planet is the best colony for the Skrulls. This dangerous trend of thought has spread widely after the failure of Carol Danvers, but the entire Skrull population is still managed by Nick Fury's old friend, so it can also regulate the actions of young Skrulls. , a little populist thought is not a big deal.

It wasn't until the Skrull who replaced Nick Fury was killed by Salomon many years ago that the entire Skrull community reacted. Thoughts including revenge, colonization and other ideas gradually gained the upper hand. In addition, Nick Fury failed to join the management of the Skrulls, which led to many new generation Skrulls using the excuse of long-term missions. On Earth, some Skrulls simply abandoned their apparent missions and integrated into human society freely. In order to prevent Nick Fury from becoming suspicious and losing trust in the Skrulls, those responsible for management must also cover up the actions of these young Skrulls.

According to the intelligence compiled by Victoria Hand, Nick Fury knew about this, but ignored the power and size of the new generation of Skrulls. Just like he underestimated the abnormal situation within SHIELD, if things continue to develop like this, a Skrull rebellion similar to the Hydra rebellion will happen sooner or later. After obtaining the information, Victoria Hand communicated with the Guards and determined the next course of action.

This is a secret war of life and death, and the Immortal City must win.

"Intensify the interrogation and clarify all the details." The Guards gave the order directly to the interrogator, "Don't worry about casualties. The life of these aliens is to provide intelligence. Goug out their eyes, cut off their limbs, and let them Taste the horrors of humanity.”

"What do my lord think?" Victoria Hand asked.

"I am the Hand of the Sovereign, and my authority comes from Him." Constantine said calmly, "Execute the order and mobilize all the men who can still be mobilized in the First Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter. I will personally lead the team to carry out the mission. .”

Secret War Phase One·The First Twenty Days

Nick Fury was urgently extracted from the dungeon. Victoria Hand did not talk to her old boss as usual and tried to persuade through words, but directly slapped the information on the interrogation table.

"Hydra is not the only bitter fruit you have brewed." Agent Hand glanced at Nick Fury, whose face was getting more and more ugly. "Deal with it, otherwise all of us will die."

Secret War Phase One·The First Eighteen Days

The 1st Fimbull Winter Secret Regiment, disguised as an armored vehicle as New York SWAT, is breaking into an apartment building.

Before the operation, the Immortal City had already controlled the network in the surrounding area, and neither telephone nor Internet could be used. Not only that, the artificial intelligence buried deep under the Eternal City has controlled all nearby cameras. The police patrolling nearby stayed away from the area under the instructions of the forged radio message to ensure that there would be no information about this incident. Information about the operation was obtained by unrelated persons.

The unsuspecting woman screamed in protest against the police's violent law enforcement, and was then dragged away from the scene by soldiers. The male owner of the house fell to his knees under the hold of two soldiers wearing black bulletproof armor. The leading soldier said something to the man. After getting the information he wanted, the soldier took out the pistol hanging on his thigh and pointed it at the man's head and pulled the trigger. This act that can be called an execution completely exposed the man's true face. The human skin began to shrink, the hair slowly shrank back, the bald head began to reveal greasy green skin and light red stripes, and the ears began to change. Pointy, like the elf ears in the story. The soldiers immediately moved the body back to the armored vehicle and then poured acid over the blood left behind by the Skrulls. The entire process took less than three minutes.

This is the fifth Skrull hiding in New York they've executed today.

At the same time, another group of soldiers who received the information drove to a warehouse on the outskirts of New York City. They brought blasting equipment and demolition equipment with the intention of destroying the concrete floor of the warehouse. A few hours later, a complete human remains was discovered. After rapid identification by the on-site forensic doctor and the physical evidence left at the scene, it was found that this was the remains of a human male, which should be the disguised male owner of the house. After the soldiers drove away, the artificial intelligence anonymously called the New York City Police Department and informed the police of the presence of human remains in the warehouse. The police on the other side who were calming the hostess were also notified. They immediately called the hostess to the Eighth Precinct and asked her to help identify physical evidence.

"There are only five Skrulls in New York?" Salomon touched his chin, "There are fewer than I thought. I thought most Skrulls like to live in big cities."

Victoria Hand ignored the monarch's digressions. "We have tracked more Skrulls through the communication records of these Skrulls disguised as humans." The head of the intelligence department looked serious, "But now our operations are too inefficient. In order to ensure that aliens will not Taking humans hostage, the timing of our actions is very demanding.”

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