Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 924 A strange case (second update)

Police Chief George Stacey had a very, very headache.

There had just been two massacres a few months ago, and now there are strange and bizarre cases happening in the city. The people who called the police all claimed that a group of troops stormed into the house, dragged away a family member and executed them. Director George Stacey, sweating profusely, repeatedly confirmed that the New York City SWAT force had not conducted any operations. He also asked the military whether it had conducted any black operations through connections, but the answer was always negative.

The strange thing is that, except for the testimony of some eyewitnesses, none of the cameras near the scene captured the mysterious force, and even the cameras along the road failed to capture the armored vehicle. Until the police call was received, the Internet and telephone systems near the scene were all out of order. The only comforting thing is that such a tragedy has not yet been posted on the Internet, otherwise the news media in New York, large and small, would rush to the scene of the crime like stray dogs that smelled food, and in the name of press freedom, they would rush to the scene of the crime. The police investigation stumbled.

What’s even more bizarre is that the alarm call is immediately followed by an anonymous call. The anonymous caller speaks in a synthetic voice and will point out a place where the remains are buried. Later, according to the identification of the caller, the identifying items near the remains belonged to the family members who were dragged away, but the medical examiner later claimed that these people had been dead for many years.

Since the victim has been dead for many years, who is the person who has been living with the person who called the police?

All investigators who learned this information had goosebumps. Then the FBI got wind of it and planned to intervene, and asked all information to be kept confidential. The FBI agents in the armored truck took away these information from the police station before George Stacey arrived from the office. All the files on the case, and then left the police station without stopping. When the police chief came to the Eighth Precinct, Detectives Carter and Francesco told him that the FBI agents entered the police station with weapons and that if they did not hand over the files at that time, those FBI agents would People will take it themselves.

The chubby Detective Francesco was threatened with a gun for blocking their access to the archives.

"It's more like the CIA or the military than the FBI. I understand their style of acting, rough and direct, and they may have something to do with that armed force." Someone who has military service experience and deployment experience in Afghanistan Detective Carter quietly said to the chief, "This matter is really weird. I want to investigate it privately."

"This matter is very dangerous, Carter. You are a good policeman and you should not take this risk." George Stacy's face was complicated. Unlike ordinary police officers, Detective Carter doesn't like to make money by issuing misdemeanor tickets to people, even if it is legal income. "The two massacres a few months ago have not been solved yet. I hope you will focus on them. This matter is full of weirdness, and there must be some things we cannot know. I don't want you to die, understand. ?"


"No need to negotiate. Detective Francisco, watch your partner, I don't want to hear any private information from you." After watching Detective Carter and Detective Francisco walk out of the office, George Director Stacey first put a nicotine patch on his arm, then made up his mind to pick up the phone and dialed a number.

This is a huge project, and the cooling pool of the Immortal City's servo array has boiled more than once.

Everyone knows that the Skrulls in the dungeon will not tell all the truth before they undergo the final interrogation. According to the six degrees of separation theory, there will be no more than five people between any one person and a stranger. Screening the interpersonal relationships of captured and executed Skrulls consumes a lot of computing power. The social platforms they used, the unusual stops along their route, and even the newspapers they subscribed to were scrutinized to make sure there were no codes on them. Nick Fury looked at the ice-blue boiling cooling pool, and he tasted the smell of burnt circuit boards, and the bile that rose up stung his throat. He was once again proven to be a failure when, rather than lambasting his ties to the Skrulls, Victoria Hand coldly laid the gathered intelligence on the table.

"I will help," he told Salomon as he walked into the office. "I will keep my promise."

"Your promise is worthless, Nick Fury." Salomon responded coldly, with no warmth in his obsidian eyes. "If you ask to see me just to say this, then you'd better go back to the cell. Reflect on it. The Skrulls' sins are being reckoned with, and yours will have to be put to rest."

"There are more than just these ways that I can hide in SHIELD." Nick Fury said, "Don't you think I won't prepare countermeasures against S.H.I.E.L.D.? S.H.I.E.L.D. was originally used to check and balance S.H.I.E.L.D. Institutions, and vice versa, I would never allow myself to be left deaf and blind.”

"Very well." Salomon responded quite calmly, "Victoria Hand will take over your countermeasures."

"If you don't trust me, then why did you invite me?"

"You know the reason, Nick Fury. Someone died. Because of your connivance, precious human lives died at the hands of aliens." Salomon lowered his head and processed the documents. "You may not be able to see it, but I I can tell you, I'm angry. I would trade all the lives of the Skrulls for the life of a worthless human vagabond. In my eyes, the value of humans is much higher than that of aliens, even if the Skrulls can complete it. Many tasks. In addition, I don’t want your countermeasure to be to inform the Kree - it does seem to be related to the Kree. Even if Asgard is in chaos now, the Kree can’t just carry out the solar system - —If the Kree come, I'll kill them first and then the Skrulls."

The phone rang in a room in the Avengers base, but there was no answer.

After a brief silence, the phone rang again, and this time someone answered.

"This is Falcon. Well, it's Sam Wilson. I shouldn't say nicknames. After all, I don't have an official nickname yet...Captain is on a mission. No matter what you want to talk to Capt about, he I don’t even have time. If you want to be interviewed, please call the official number of the Avengers. If you want to buy peripherals, please log in to the official website of the Avengers... Oh? Oh! I know, I will help, don’t worry. I will Ask my friends in the military, the Stark Industrial AI might be able to help... I know, I know."

Secret War Phase One·The First Seventeen Days

"Captain, Director Stacy may need our help." After a day of repeated contact, Sam Wilson finally got on the phone with Steve Rogers. Before George Stacy took office, the new police chief had visited the Avengers base and had a conversation with Steve Rogers. The main purpose of this conversation is whether the New York City Police Department can ask for help from the Avengers when a major dangerous case occurs - as an organization with faster response speed and more professional equipment than the National Guard, SWAT and other special forces, George Stacey wants the Avengers to take on some of New York City's counterterrorism efforts. Faced with such a request, Steve Rogers readily agreed. No matter how bad this country is, ordinary people are ultimately innocent and they did nothing wrong.

As a result, all the information about the two massacres a few months ago and the five strange cases that occurred yesterday were compiled into the Avengers intelligence network.

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