Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 933 The Logistics Work of the Little Secretary (First Update)

"You have been in charge of the New York Temple since I was born. Until now, you understand my life, at least most of it. Although I have always encountered powerful enemies that only the Supreme Mage can deal with, I have never lived because of danger. Instead of blaming others, there is no complaining and yelling about why I should bear such terrible responsibility. Do you know why?" Salomon raised his eyebrows, "I think my life is full of love. But this does not represent my compassion. It will spread indefinitely.”

"What does this mean?" asked Daniel Drum.

There is a high probability that the curse of the Durham family is the sacrifice made by the ancestors of the Durham family in order to embark on the mysterious path - dividing one soul into two parts and cultivating them separately, and then re-kneading them at the right time to strengthen the spirit. strength. Salomon had to admit that this curse was very creative and very powerful. It did not produce dual personality or even schizophrenia, because the two consciousnesses were one. This is both a curse and a blessing. Relying on blood inheritance and accumulation, the Drum family has transformed from an unknown wizard family into a powerful academic sect that is rare in South America.

"Think about where your talent comes from, and what His Holiness has said to you. This is the bill for the Durham family." He said to Daniel Durham. "His Holiness paid his bill, and I I also paid my own, can the Durham family be treated specially? Do you still need me to tell you what the consequences will be if you evade the price? I have no requirements for the Durham family, and I have no requirements for anyone who abides by Kama. None of the schools of Taj's ancient law require it. It's time for you to fulfill your duty, the temple needs to be guarded at all times, and the safety of the human race is far more important than the Durham family."

"You are really becoming more and more like a ruler, Salomon." The temple guardian bowed slightly and walked out of the door with a very natural expression. He did not seem to have any bad emotions at all because of Salomon's words. In fact, every Temple Guardian is one of the successors carefully selected by the Supreme Mage. Daniel Durham's talent is amazing, because he is one of the twins - this is Salomon's original name as the Supreme Mage. The information found in the records left when Daniel Drum was recruited into Karma Taj's education was the reason for the old guy's astonishingly long lifespan. One soul, two spirits, the power here can make anyone become a very talented spell caster, let alone a school passed down by blood like the Drum family. As long as you choose the right intermarriage partner, the descendants will His talent will only become stronger and stronger.

Stephanie confirmed that Temple Keeper Daniel Durham had exited the teleportation room in the Ministry of Interior building, and then returned to Salomon's office. Salomon's communication with the Temple Guardian did not avoid Stephanie. In fact, when she knew there was a visitor in the office, she immediately put down her work and came to the office. This was also an act that Salomon acquiesced to. Stephanie He is one of the few people in the Eternal City who has access to the inside story of Kama Taj. "It shouldn't be difficult for biological laboratories to repair genetic defects. Extremis virus can cure many genetic diseases." She said, "Wouldn't it be nice to use this technology to make a reasonably good school of spellcasters loyal to you? "

"After the cure, the Drum family will be worthless. By then, the powerful bloodlines and schools of the Drum family will be everywhere. But I have told him the answer and given him the choice of whether to cure it. He, I have fulfilled my promise to the Durham family. As for what they plan to do, it is none of my business. Anyway, my reward cannot be less." Salomon shook his head, "As for the Durham family... …When His Holiness gives me the title and crown, the Durham family will still have to swear allegiance to me. The old guy just wants to take advantage of it, there is no point. The old cunning guy is as cunning as ever. Get the logistics documents Come on over here, I know the logistical pressures, let me help you solve this problem.”

"So sweet!" Stephanie winked happily. Although she wanted to instigate Salomon to seize the claim right now, she also knew that such words would make her monarch very angry. She understood Salomon's character. The Supreme Mage was one of the few people he cared about and would not measure it by numbers or value. "This transfer is not too troublesome. No one has died of exhaustion so far! I will ask Diana to do something. She needs to exercise, otherwise she will stand there stupidly like a goose. ."

Diana Lister was certainly not a goose, she was not stupid at all.

When the order was issued last night, she had already set off from the sea platform, boarded the Tianjian Space Station in an assault transport boat accompanied by the Sisters (and was also injected with anti-sickness drugs during the process), and wore the silver armor transformed from the Brotherhood of Aegis in the Immortal City. The administrative staff who arrived were busy directing the logistics staff to carry out inventory and verification work.

Guns, vehicles, ammunition, fuel, soldier lists, everything else is for her and her administrative staff to worry about, except for the Sisterhood, which has its own logistics department. She needs to confirm the details of the Anti-Skrull Infiltration Act over and over again to prevent Skrull infiltration after the war, communicate with commanders at all levels to ensure that the soldiers are in good condition and suitable for combat, and check missiles with the staff of the Mars Foundry Is the launch vehicle ready? She was not a professional quartermaster, but reality forced her to learn how to prepare everything the soldiers needed and check all the information coming from the Eternal City.

Whether the hemostatic spray and artificial skin spray in the individual first aid kit are sufficient, whether each soldier is assigned two fragmentation grenades, whether the individual anti-tank rocket launchers are equipped with sufficient batteries, whether the prefabricated bunkers have been loaded onto the vehicle, and whether the temporary Whether the field hospital has sufficient surgical equipment and medicines, whether the fire-fighting equipment is still within its validity period, whether the nuclear weapons of the special attack team have completed maintenance, and whether the technicians accompanying the army carry sufficient maintenance tools.

She had not slept since last night, and time on Earth had lost all meaning after arriving at the space station. She could only rely on her own instinct and passion to continue working. Fortunately, the administrators who had undergone a small amount of brain modification and had external thinking units solved most of the calculation problems. Otherwise, even if Diana died from exhaustion here, she would not be able to complete the logistics work of the space station.

She worked very hard and believed that the monarch would be able to see the fruits of her labor.

She didn't want to be seen as an embarrassment to the monarch. The Eternal City is not an enterprise in secular society, and even the high-level position of the Ministry of Interior building where she relied on nepotism does not mean that her status is unshakable. If she shows weakness and stupidity, it will show that she is not qualified for her current position. The Lister family, which has barely squeezed into the center of power, will lose everything they have now and then be swallowed up by other Hydra families.

Today's work is important, she told herself, and then used far more than safe doses of caffeine and expensive alchemical potions to revive her spirits. Today's target is the largest gathering of Skrulls in North America. Destroying them will mark the beginning of a long battle under the dark water. The monarch will not allow such a battle to go wrong.

"At the same time, this is also a battle to test the effects of new weapons." Stephanie stood up and opened the weapons cabinet in the corner of the office. "I know you want to watch the Skrull gathering place be burned." She placed her palms on a pair of curved double-sided blades. At the end of the blade is a mechanical device for power supply and telescopic blade. Can be installed on the arm armor part of power armor. This is a weapon used for close combat, and the user must dance on the enemy's blade.

"How about we watch this process with our own eyes and hunt down the escaped Skrulls ourselves?"

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