Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 934 Infiltration and Reverse Osmosis (Second Update)

The time for this mission is not generous. After all, the orbital transport ship did not use materials that can absorb radiation waves when it was built, and the shape did not consider reducing the reflectivity, so it was very easy to be noticed by the US military's air defense radar. Therefore, this mission is divided into two parts. One part is to destroy the nearest US military airport to buy time for the troops to destroy the Skrull gathering place.

The mission was run by the Sisters who had attacked Langley Airport. Before the main force set off, the Sisters had already entered the atmosphere on assault transport boats. They would pass over the U.S. military airport and use missiles and bombs to accurately destroy hangars and runways, and then block U.S. military reinforcements. But they won't stay here forever, the work of destroying the Skrull base still needs to be carried out, so they will leave a small nuclear bomb and a bunch of mines here.

Fake nuclear bombs, and landmines that are a mixture of real and fake.

These things are enough to slow down the pace of U.S. infantry and armor forces so that frontline soldiers can complete their tasks.

Stephanie put on the power armor excitedly and came to the Skrull settlement through the portal in advance.

This is a vast plain, where temperate rainforest trees are densely packed together. The green shade that blocks the sky ruthlessly deprives other plants of the ground from sunlight. The steel boots of the power armor are deeply sunk into the hundreds of years of accumulation. In the humus, a snake with brown and black patterns subconsciously bit Stephanie's ankle. Although Stephanie is a civilian employee, the definition of a civilian employee in the Eternal City is somewhat different - at least they must be proficient in basic firearms knowledge, their shooting scores must be qualified, and they must be able to use a melee weapon. Chainswords, pneumatic hammers, long swords, short swords, canes, any weapon that can protect yourself will do. The Malik family understood the importance of force after meeting Salomon, so Gideon Malik often urged his daughter to exercise more. However, without her father's urging, Stephanie was able to understand this truth through Salomon's teachings, so she was able to draw her gun at an extremely fast speed, shoot at the snake trampled under the boots, and accurately hit the snake's head. .

"I shouldn't have done this." She growled low in her throat until Salomon wiped away the humus that splattered on her face with his fingers. It's really stupid to shoot a snake with a .50 rocket-propelled ammunition, not to mention that the purpose of this bullet is to kill enemies with thick armor. The warhead has both armor-piercing and high-explosive functions. Stephanie's behavior is no less than that in A small grenade was detonated underground. But considering Stephanie's lack of actual combat experience, this behavior is understandable. As for the ones that splattered on the armor and the decorative fur of the armor, Salomon had no good solution. Even if he summoned the air elemental elves or invisible servants, it would take a long time to clean them up.

Compared to the heavily armed secretaries and interior department heads, Salomon was dressed like a romantic poet.

Black metal double-breasted coat, high riding boots and an Ascot scarf. The belt around his waist holds his commonly used long knife, and the black and silver baroque relief engraved on the scabbard makes him look like a socialite attending a literary salon, rather than a man standing in a dark forest. hunter. But he could assure anyone that he had plenty of hunting experience and was an excellent hunter, whether in the forest or in a crowded town.

He picked up the heavy Stephanie and jumped up to the tall treetops.

"Intelligence indicates that the Skrulls are ready." Salomon raised his head and looked up through the gaps between the gloomy leaves. Soon, transport ships carrying armored vehicles and soldiers will fall from the sky. A sky aircraft carrier, a sky battleship, and dozens of assault transport boats will escort them to ensure that all soldiers can join the battlefield intact. "Let's see what the Skrulls have in store for us," he said. "I'm curious to see what else they have in store against us."

"The agents who were watching said that no Skrulls left. Do we want to trust those agents?" Stephanie stood unsteadily on the thick branch. She was worried about whether the branch could bear the weight of her wearing power armor. . Salomon seemed to see through her worries - Stephanie was used to Salomon prying into her thoughts, and she had no reservations about him - and told her not to jump around so she wouldn't fall.

"No, just assume they have been replaced." Salomon continued walking without looking back, his high riding boots with silver buckles stepping lightly on the raised tree roots. "New agents will come later. Take over their work, plural, and implement it in accordance with regulations. There can be no human kindness, only rules. Those who resist imprisonment will be shot on the spot."

"Can I participate in this mission?" Stephanie was eager to try. The double-edged claws mounted on her armor popped out in the blink of an eye, and the swaying electric current rose from the mirror-like blade like a blue flame, sending out A whistling sound that cut through the air. She likes this weapon. It is dangerous enough and cruel enough. Although it is only a trial product of Salomon in his spare time, it is powerful enough. The faintly visible crimson runes on the blade indicate that magic technology was used in forging this weapon. . According to the description of the scroll on the weapon cabinet, this double-edged claw can absorb the enemy's life to heal itself. It is an out-and-out black magic. If she hadn't been working as Salomon's assistant, it would have been impossible for her to open the weapons cabinet.

"No." Salomon refused coldly, "I can't risk losing an important helper."

"Then what can I do?"

"Hunt with me."

Stephanie jumped off the branch, relying on the powerful power and shock absorption function brought by the power armor and steel wing thrusters, as well as the prediction ability given by the equipped AI, to move crazily between the woods at the speed of a car on the highway. Only then could he barely keep up with Salomon.

The jungle stretched and transformed around her ears.

She only lost Salomon's figure for five seconds when she found a fragmented Skrull corpse lying next to the mystic - to be precise, it should be a Skrull who was shedding human aliens. The stench of the corpse and its open belly made people pinch their noses. The firearm that Stephanie couldn't figure out the principle of was cut into two pieces, the parts scattered on the ground, and sparks were emitting. A hand-held instrument used for detection was held in Salomon's hand - Salomon's face was very ugly, because the detection instrument was a product of the Eternal City.

Her monarch did not believe that there were no aliens escaping, and now it seemed that this judgment was correct. The agents who were following him had been replaced, and the one-sided communication with the monitors was very troublesome but just the right amount of caution. The Skrulls did know that the Immortal City planned to attack, but they did not know the time and number of people to attack.

"Skrulls may have infiltrated into the Eternal City before this, but it cannot be ruled out that they were taken from the monitor." He crushed the casing of the handheld detection instrument with his bare hands and pulled it out from the circuit board chip. Just by checking the chip number, you can know whether it is an instrument issued to the Monitor or taken directly from the production line, which is very helpful in judging the scale of the Skrull spies.

"Order the black-armored interrogators and imperial guards to control the city, activate all defense facilities, close the server room and implement the first, fifth and thirteenth details of the "Anti-Infiltration Regulations". Everyone must stay in their residence or work place , waiting for genetic testing, iris testing and mental testing, and those who violate the rules will be killed directly. Stephanie, take this thing and return to the Immortal City immediately to start more stringent inspections, focusing on people recruited from SHIELD and Nick Fury .At the same time, the investigation team was ordered to station in the intelligence department..."

Although the situation is a bit delicate, Salomon does not seem to be worried at all.

"Tell Victoria this is my order. She knows what to do."

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