Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 940 Multi-line Operation (Second Update)

After Salomon got up from the sofa, he picked up his phone and sent a text message.

Natasha Romanov carefully hid in the corner of the street, leaning against the khaki wall. She took out her mobile phone from the black burqa that covered her whole body and took a look at it. Then she couldn't help but clenched the phone and cursed in a low voice. . She knew Salomon was restless, and she knew nothing about the Skrull settlement. Now the reason Salomon told her about this was simply to let her collect intelligence about the attack in the Avengers and how the Avengers would react to it.

Not to mention how much this explosive information would shock her, she had very few opportunities to track the Winter Soldier between missions, and had no time to complete this mission. She first poked her head out of the shadows to confirm that her tracking target was still in front of the stall, then lowered her head and started to reply. "Let Wanda complete this task." She sent the message word for word, "She can do it."

Salomon's reply was quick, six text messages in total, and the words popped out one after another.

"Wanda has a job to do."

"Fuck you, Salomon!" Natasha cursed in a low voice, and then three more words popped up on the screen.

"You are welcome."

She raised her head and caught a glimpse of the camera installed at the door of the house opposite. She looked at the mobile phone made in the Immortal City again and sighed. Natasha Romanoff dialed the phone, "Fuck you, Salomon! You actually spied on me!"

"This has been standard protocol since the Skrulls officially became a threat."

"What is Wanda doing? I don't think you're letting her run around, she's your apprentice."

She held out her hand to signal her source to follow up.

She spent a lot of money to instigate a target's cronies. If the tracking mission fails, not only will a lot of money be wasted, but her chance to track the Winter Soldier again will slip through her fingers.

"Sorry, confidential information." Salomon felt his back sinking into the soft back of the sofa.

The laptop in front of him not only contained Natasha Romanoff's current location information and surveillance footage, but also a research report on the expressions of the Skrull captives by the psychoanalyst of the Immortal City. He processed both pieces of information at the same time with ease.

"You can't know what you shouldn't know." He pressed the mute button and switched to another communication channel. "Very well, Ms. Jones, we need to determine whether the Skrulls can still lie after being injected with the interrogation agent. You Access to facial recordings from cross-examinations, reports from a software engineer, and biolab testing of Skrull tolerance."

The so-called interrogation potion is not a rare thing. It is also used in the academy tests in the Eternal City. However, the amount used will undoubtedly be much less than in a real torture interrogation. After all, Salomon does not want the students he has worked so hard to train to become fools.

The psychoanalyst is a young blond woman with a proud and cruel expression. If Diana Lister heard her voice, she might be able to recognize her and bring her to the interrogation room wearing black bulletproof armor. people.

Immortal City recruited her from among the captured CIA agents in the Middle East. Through capture, torture, and instigation of rebellion, coupled with Ms. Jones's own mental illness and the mental experiments promised to her by the Immortal City, she was allowed to accept the takeover of the Praetorian Guards and become a member of the black-armored interrogators. Even the CIA would not allow its agents to carry out certain experiments blatantly, but the Immortal City has such conditions and knowledge. The agents got hold of her application, and it all came together as Ms. Jones wanted to treat herself—not only did she have military service, but she also had no family. She has been declared dead in action on the CIA's list, which means no one will come to trouble her. It can be said that she is a perfect full-time agent.

"Is Wanda's mission really so dangerous?" Natasha Romanoff asked, "What other major threats have you discovered?"

"I believe she can handle it. She has undergone professional training. I mean, my training." He pressed the button, "Ms. Jones, I need to receive your experimental report in four days. The time is urgent. Thank you Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to get so much information from the Skrulls.”

"My pleasure, my lord." Ms. Jones nodded and closed the video call. She didn't know Salomon's appearance, and the person on the video call with her was a virtual 2D image generated through motion capture. To put it simply, even if the Immortal City staff with insufficient level were given the opportunity to have a video call with Salomon, they would not be able to see him directly and could only see a leather holster on the public route.

"But I can't act immediately after receiving explosive information every time, Salomon." Natasha Romanov frowned and squinted her eyes to avoid the sudden wind and sand from hurting her eyeballs, "You attacked the air force base, you know Does your behavior mean anything?"

"Yes, I attacked a U.S. Air Force base. What does it matter? Not only do I have a lot of nuclear weapons, but I have a delivery system that the United States cannot intercept. What do you think if I stood up and dropped a high-yield hydrogen bomb on Washington? , will other countries in the world call me a 'main force in maintaining world peace' and a 'partner in exploring outer space'?" Salomon looked disdainful, "You still have forty-eight hours, and the plane will arrive in forty-eight hours. will take off. If you want to solve the problem completely, you still have the authority to use a missile."

"I'm not crazy enough to bomb civilians!" She lowered her voice with great restraint. The surrounding environment is not friendly, especially for English speakers. Although she doesn't like to kill innocent people indiscriminately, she can't avoid getting into trouble.

"Me neither, so what are you waiting for?" Salomon hung up the phone, leaving no chance for Natasha to refute. He shrugged at the witch, "It's just work, no big deal." He took the nail polish very skillfully and began to apply it on Jeanne's nails. He has been responsible for this kind of thing since he started learning oil painting. He also chose the color of Joan of Arc and Bayonetta's nail polish. Otherwise, Joan of Arc's nail polish color will always be dark red, and Bayonetta's will always be dark red. It's black.

"Work's over, and when Joan's nail polish dries we can have dinner."

"You promised not to bring work home." The witch stood on the sofa, looking down at Salomon's head. Although her tone was unkind, Bayonetta was actually not too angry, because Salomon spent more and more time at home compared to the past. Sometimes the Alchemy Golem was directly dispatched to complete official duties in the Eternal City, while she herself Lie in the bedroom and spend the whole day with her.

"It won't happen next time, I promise." The Mystic Mage surrendered without any surprise and began to change the subject, "Wanda's mission is about to be completed. Do you need me to pick her up for dinner at home?"

"Now? Is Ghost Rider so easy to deal with?"

"I was able to beat that skeleton when I was a minor, and Wanda can definitely do it too."

"Huh!" Wanda looked at the skeleton lying on the ground with the flames gradually extinguished, and let out a long sigh of relief. Although the Ghost Rider is not an easy guy to deal with, this Ghost Rider has just debuted and is still at the level of chasing gangsters all over the street. She can't even use her own flames. It took her a while to be able to He takes it. "Don't get up again." She shouted at Ghost Rider who was pressed under the car, "Or I will beat you up. Do you want to go out into the sun, you idiot!?"

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