Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 941 Lizard Man Conspiracy Theory (First Update)

The elimination of the Skrull settlements in North America was a staged victory in the first phase of the Secret War, followed closely by the search for Skrull forces in Eurasia. This is not a close contest. The Eternal City has deployed powerful war machines to implement strict counter-espionage measures. Reconnaissance satellites and even space stations are operating at full capacity for execution and destruction. In Victoria Hand's original plan, it was highly discouraged to launch an offensive against the Skrulls' North American settlements, because that would alert the Skrulls who were in other countries and had penetrated into high-level governments or plutocratic management.

There is a famous conspiracy theory in the United States, that is, politicians and plutocrats are all lizard people, which are cold-blooded creatures with green skin. The origin of this conspiracy theory is unknown and absurd, but it is not groundless. Many years ago, a Skrull who had infiltrated the top levels of the government was indeed witnessed when he took off his disguise. However, the Skrull who was witnessed finally completely disappeared from the media's sight and lived in seclusion through an office sex scandal. In the Skrull settlement of North America.

Then this urban legend began to spread more and more widely.

From a certain perspective, the lizardman conspiracy theory is not completely wrong. The Skrulls do have reptilian genes, and it is completely okay to say they are lizards. The reason why it has become a conspiracy theory that is as stupid as the Flat Earth Theory and the Finland Hypothesis is purely because of people’s habit of adding fuel to the fire, combining things like lizard people and the deep state together, coupled with years of obscurantist education, this Only then did the truth of the matter drown in the vast ocean of information.

Other people and institutions may still have questions about the inexplicable wildfires in Southern California, but as long as the Skrulls on the earth do not exchange intelligence with their own race, they can immediately understand what this means just by seeing the news. ——This means that an earth force discovered them and carried out a large-scale massacre of the Skrulls, and was well prepared. At this point, the Skrulls disguised as high-level government officials and plutocratic management will use all their power to investigate the real culprits behind this incident, and at the same time use the media at their disposal to announce the forged wildfire investigation results.

They will be the creatures most desperate for the truth, so the hooks of the Immortal City await their prey.

"I have a meeting in Washington, so I'll make a long story short. Thanks, Dinah, but I don't have to take off my coat. I'll be leaving soon." After dinner, the Witch's apartment received an unexpected guest. Stephanie was escorted by the sisterhood into the apartment. As soon as she entered the door, she saw the Witch and the Mystic sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV series. The warm breath hit her face, and she could even smell the Witch's perfume.

This made her a little nervous.

She was dressed neatly in a pure white women's suit. She raised the folder in her hand, as excited as if she had grasped the enemy's throat.

"The military-industrial complex, pharmaceutical companies, banks and other chaebol families hold shares in each other and marry each other, forming an extremely stable symbiotic relationship. If you want to use those who promote the State Department, promote the military, and promote the intelligence agencies to investigate the Southern California wildfires, If those forces come to look for the Skrulls on the European continent, it will take a very long time to sort out the relationship between these people. But——"

"I like but, everything that comes before the word is bullshit."

"-I'm familiar with these people's rules, so the Malik family found a clue and found someone who shouldn't be curious about the Southern California wildfires. The clue traced to Saudi Arabia, we have no agents available in the Middle East, only Can rely on the Internet for tracking. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or maybe it's just a matter of investment, but we have reason to suspect that the Skrulls have infiltrated the Saudi Arabian royal family and regularly travel between the Saudi Arabian peninsula and Washington. During this meeting, I I will meet a suspect and discuss shale gas investment with him, and I need the assistance of two plainclothes bodyguards, my lord."

Stephanie was smart. She did not mobilize the armed forces of the Malik family, nor did she use her authority to mobilize the armed forces of the private Immortal City. Instead, she asked Salomon to build defense measures for her. Constantine looked at her deeply and raised his evaluation level a little higher.

"Yes, the sisterhood can be transferred." Salomon could see Stephanie without poking his head out of the sofa. Constantine Basil, in power armor, shrugged, saying that Stephanie did have a heavy responsibility. Salomon turned his head and added to Stephanie who was standing in the entrance hall, "In addition, there is a black-armored interrogator and an assassin. If the black-armored interrogator confirms that the other party is a Skrull, then the assassin We will sneak into the private jet of an Arab prince who is unknown to the hundreds of people in the ranking, and if necessary, we can directly capture him."

"Are you planning to kidnap the prince?" Stephanie was startled, "I just plan to interrogate him."

"Yes, hijack it directly from the plane and send an assault transport boat to pick it up. If he is a Skrull in disguise, we must take action." Salomon said, "There may be more princes on the peninsula than dogs. A plane crash will not cause any diplomatic conflict, not to mention that kind of waste makes no contribution to human society. It only increases carbon emissions. Whether the Skrulls want to escape or deal with it, we have a way to find the funds. Chain, this will give us more clues. I want to remind you that you are my assistant and your life no longer belongs to you. Take the brooch I gave you. I am worried that the opponent will be prepared and will not confront each other head-on. ."

Stephanie hurried off, taking the two Sisterhood armed men in the next room with her to the assault transport. The black-armored interrogator has arrived in New York through the teleportation room. Stephanie's car will go to the safe house to meet him later. As for the assassin's location, it is top secret. Stephanie only knows that an assassin has been awakened. Although there will be strict security checks when entering the White House, armed personnel of the Sisterhood wearing power armor will definitely not be able to enter, but even the Sisterhood androids wearing pencil skirts and bare hands can kill many adult men with guns. Stephanie's Security issues will be quite secure.

"She's very happy." Bayonetta played with Salomon's fingers, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised to show danger. Joan also took the fork out of the cake, ready to prick his thigh at any time. Even the Cheshire Cat jumped off the sofa and scurried to other rooms dragging its big fluffy tail, as if it didn't want to stay in the living room for a moment longer.

"Broch? Gift?"

Constantine quietly left the apartment and closed the door. The servo motors of the power armor joints made no sound. Sometimes Constantine wonders whether the reason why the Praetorian Guards' power armor uses silent grade vibranium alloy servo motors is not for stealth assassination, but to not disturb the monarch's family life. I have to say that he still likes to see the monarch staying in the apartment. Only here can he have the emotions that humans should have.

He was not at all worried about the monarch's personal safety, things like this happened every day.

"Security measures. The human resources of the Immortal City are tight, and Hydra is an important ally."

"Relax, I'm not so arrogant yet. But do you still remember the last time you gave us a gift, huh?" The witch's hand is surprisingly strong, even the body strengthened by magic cannot bear it. . Slender light red fingerprints gradually appeared on the skin of Salomon's palm, "Answer carefully, little boy, this is related to where you can sleep tonight."

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