Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 942 Chaos and Evil Spirits (Second Update)

【Never gonna give you up】

【Never gonna let you down】

【Never gonna run around and desert you】

Salomon cursed under his breath and reached out to pick up his phone from the table.

"What the hell, can't I even have a TV show night?!"

"Teacher! I seem to..." Wanda's tone was so panicked that before Salomon could get angry, he had to calm her down softly on the other end of the phone to prevent her from losing control of her emotions. He heard Wanda take a deep breath, and then speak those words as fast as she could in her life. "I seem to have killed the Ghost Rider!" She said as if she wanted to suck all the air in the world into her lungs and spit it out, "I'm in the hospital now, it's true!"

Constantine pointed to the earphones, nodded, and confirmed the authenticity of the information. Before Salomon could speak, the Guards had compiled Robbie Reyes' hospitalization information and handed it to him.

Bayonetta and Jeanne looked over at the information curiously. They knew what the Ghost Rider was, so when Wanda said she killed the Ghost Rider, the witches' curiosity was aroused. They wanted to know how Wanda killed a flaming skeleton that would not die.

"Oh, it's a bit serious!" Bayonetta said, "And he's not dead. So far, maybe he'll be fine after a while."

"Speak slowly, okay. Wanda, are you listening?"

Wanda leaned on the hospital bench. She felt that the plastic backrest made her back very uncomfortable. She let out a long sigh, "I'm listening, I'm listening. Okay, let me start from the beginning..."

"Are you Robbie Reyes?" Wanda walked straight into the garage shrouded in the orange-red afterglow of the evening. She deliberately chose this time to contact the mission target because the report said that Ghost Rider would be driven away by sunlight, so she thought that this time would make the other party feel a little safer. According to the task process set for her by the intelligence department, she has been independently monitoring the new Ghost Rider for a long time. Only after gaining a general understanding of the other party's movement patterns and family information did she feel confident in persuading him.

The smell of engine oil and iron filings filled the repair shop, where several repaired cars were parked.

Wanda didn't know much about cars, there was no car culture in Sokovia, and she had no idea what those car logos represented.

"You know me, miss?" Robbie Reyes said with a smile, "But we are closed. If you need your car repaired, you can drive over tomorrow." He said as he turned off the lights in the factory. He pulled the iron door shut in front of Wanda and locked it. After doing all this, he turned to look at Wanda, shaking the car key in his hand and making a "dah-dah-dah" sound, "If your car is parked nearby, I can help you take a look first. . But I can’t stay too long, I have to go home and take care of my family.”

"No, that's not what I want to say, and I didn't come by car." Wanda shook her head, her long crimson shawl hair shining in the afterglow. "Have you ever considered using your powers without being seen," she said. "Unless you're not Ghost Rider, you know what I'm talking about."

"Who are you?" The smile on Robbie Reyes' face disappeared. He looked Wanda up and down, "Do I know you?"

"Actually, you are not the first Ghost Rider. Someone gave you his power." Wanda walked over, but always kept an appropriate distance to avoid the other party's stress reaction. "You have just become the Ghost Rider, and you are not yet familiar with the Ghost Rider's abilities. My teacher has been exposed to the first Ghost Rider, and I know your troubles - the voice in your head will constantly urge you to burn your sins. You can't control your other self, can you? I'm here to help you, Robbie Reyes, I saw Ghost Rider graffiti on the street. You're so eye-catching, it's against the law Law. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Wanda, Wanda Maximoff, a magician."

Wanda smiled nervously and tried her best to leave a good impression on the other party.

"Magic...well, I don't need help, Ms. Maximoff." Robbie Reyes shook his head and tried to squeeze past Wanda. His vintage 1969 Dodge muscle car was parked outside the door, and Wanda was blocking his way. However, he still avoided Wanda with great restraint, "I can hear the voices in my head, but I can control myself."

"This is just because you have just become the Ghost Rider not long ago." Wanda followed immediately, but still kept a distance, "As time goes by, your mind will be occupied by the spirit of vengeance, and you will become Then it’s yourself. Think about it, do you have a complete memory of what happened after the transformation? Do you want to become uncontrollable and hurt your brother?"

Robbie Reyes, who had just opened the car door, seemed to be frozen, "Are you investigating me?"

"Except for the things in your head, you are an ordinary person, and your brother is also an ordinary person. It is not difficult for the Immortal City to investigate and dispose of your family information."

"You said I would hurt Gabe?"

"Sooner or later, Robbie Reyes." Wanda ran over and pressed on the car door frame. She was now quite confident in the lines of conversation provided by the intelligence services. Gabe Reyes, Robbie Reyes' only weakness, was also his original intention to fight against the Los Angeles gangs. "The person who gave you the power is also troubled. He has to wander around the world away from his lover. Even if my teacher can make him wake up, such magic has a time limit. You still have time, we have research on the Ghost Rider, I Can help you control the spirit of vengeance!"

"Well, I don't think you're lying." Robbie Reyes looked Wanda in the eyes, "Tell me everything I need to know. You know, you're not the first one to come to me."

Salomon motioned to Constantine to turn on the fuzzy search function of the facial recognition system. "Who? I need you to describe it, Wanda."

"A woman. With a mixed-race face and long brown-black hair, she looks like she hasn't slept for a long time." Robbie Reyes shook his head and continued to shake the car keys in his hand, "But this has nothing to do with me. I just want to know what you want." say what."

"Okay, before you talk about Ghost Rider, you must understand what a vengeful spirit is. It's not just a burning skeleton, it's not just the voice in your head, it's your soul..."

"Very good, it sounds like your conversation went well." Salomon glanced at Bayonetta and Joan of Arc. In fact, the Supreme Mage has speculated that the spirit of vengeance may be related to the stigmata, but there is too little research data to make an arbitrary conclusion for the time being. "What went wrong? Does it have anything to do with Daisy Johnson or Coulson's group of SHIELD agents?"

"No, this is entirely my problem." Wanda's tone became obviously frustrated. "I bumped into him."


"You mean, there is an ancient angel in my body that has always been eager to kill?"

"Yes, Mr. Reyes." Wanda nodded, "The reason why Johnny Blaze can share his power with you is because the vengeful spirit in his body summoned another vengeful spirit. This is from What never happened, Johnny Blaze has no idea why the Spirit of Vengeance chose you. I want you to cooperate with our work and let us find out the reason..."

"If you really know me, you know I don't have time. I can't leave Los Angeles to go to the Eternal City or meet your teacher. My home is here and Gabe needs my care." Robbie Ray Yesra opened the door and sat in. He raised his head and said to Wanda with a serious expression, "I really appreciate you telling me this, but I can't leave. My account hasn't been settled yet. I still have time. Isn't it? You must know my phone number. If anything happens, you can contact me by phone."

"Yes, but you will be witnessed, you will be..." Wanda frowned, seeing that the mission target was about to get into the car and drive away. In desperation, she bent down and grabbed the arm of Robbie Reyes, who was sitting in the driver's seat. Before she could say the second half of her sentence, the orange-red afterglow completely faded, and night enveloped the garage. Immediately afterwards, the blazing light source grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and surging waves of heat and fire surged out of the car door.

Wanda quickly let go of her hand and took a few steps back.

She saw Robbie Reyes' face, originally full of flesh and blood, slowly turning into ashes under the high temperature, and orange-red flames bursting out from under his white skull.

"Chaos..." the skeleton spat out burning words, "Death!"

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