Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 134 Meteorite Flames, Clear The Field

Natasha Romanoff herself has always been sober.

From the beginning of seven meat and eight vegetarians, it quickly turned into a little panic.

As mentioned above, she is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of worthless death.

Now, if she dies in this situation, it is very in line with her concept of being worthless~.

Because apart from killing a few Chitauri, her death didn't have any effect on advancing the battle, so what should be.

As long as it has a little effect, she can die without any distractions.

Like Avengers alliance four.

Fortunately, Su Zicheng appeared in time to save her, and slowly relieved the force of her fall, so that she finally stood on the ground without any pressure.


Natasha Romanoff breathed a sigh of relief and thanked her sincerely.

Her feet trembled slightly. It was not fear, but an insurmountable instinct of the body, which would soon be suppressed.

"You're welcome, it's just for money."

Su Zicheng shook his head, what he said was very cold and heartless.

"You are ruthless."

Natasha Romanoff bent down and lightly hammered her long legs, sighing helplessly.

He felt that the person in front of him actually didn't have any shortcomings, well, or they were all shortcomings.

That is to value money too much, and even if you occasionally gag, the impression in other people's minds is actually more inclined to be ruthless.

"It's right to be ruthless, what's the use of being sympathetic?"

"Can love be eaten as a meal?"

Definitely, Su Zicheng didn't say this, but hid it in his heart, shaking his head slightly on the surface.

Some words can be understood by others without saying them.

"Thank you, Tony."

Su Zicheng left a last sentence, and the whole person disappeared in place again, and ran towards the Stark Building.

The Stark Building is halfway overhead.

The lightning field densely surrounding the space wormhole has been weakened a lot, and now two or three big cats and kittens can jump out of it alive.

The lightning element is about to be exhausted.

After all, the elemental arrow is actually to put it bluntly, it is to condense the surrounding elements into an arrow and then strengthen it.

is very limited.

There is no self-powering, because it is originally a mass of elements, only condensed and strengthened.

When it can absorb elements from the surroundings to supply itself, I am afraid that the level of the elemental bow will start at 30, and it may only absorb elements weakly, and it will not reach the point of eternal existence.

Su Zicheng stood on the roof of the Stark Building, looked at the lightning field on his head that was gradually worn away by the Chitauri star forcefully, and smiled slightly [Shoot four advanced lightning elemental doctors again.

Continue life in this field of lightning.

A few minutes should be enough for him to make a big move.

"Tony, let me borrow your talent."

Su Zicheng's voice fell.

Tony felt a chill behind his back, and suddenly a very bad feeling rose.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he still roared: "No problem.

There was a smile on the corner of Su Zicheng's mouth.


With a soft drink, two groups of flames suddenly ignited in his eyes.

And under those two flames, it is the sign of the copy eye.

On the roof of the Stark building, a super-large purple pentagram magic circle with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly appeared.

As soon as the pentagram magic circle appeared, it attracted the attention of most people.

The purple light suddenly bloomed, extremely dazzling, not enough to cover the sunlight, and even covered the thunder and lightning field in the sky, the power and influence looked very frightening.

And in the next moment.

The purple mans disappeared.

From the 100-meter pentagram magic circle, a five-meter-diameter meteorite with a rough surface and burning flames flew out of it!

The meteorite flew out of the pentagram magic circle, dragged a long flame tail, and drew a very obvious trace in the air, pointing directly to the ground.


The meteorite landed.

Not the same as real meteorites.

This meteorite, which was burning with flames, slammed on the ground with a 'snap', the stone part disappeared without a trace, and suddenly turned into a mass of huge amounts of flames, instantly devouring everything nearby

As soon as it touches the taxi, it will be melted directly, and the temperature is extremely high.

The landing of this meteorite seems to be a signal.

Several file sizes vary, ranging from five meters, three meters, and one meter, but all meteorites are burning with flames, dragging their long tails of flames, drawing traces in the air, making the sound like countless fighter planes passing by. sounded.

……… Ask for flowers--

The scene was extremely spectacular, and looked like a meteor shower from a distance.

close by...

You will be able to see those miserable Chitauri and the big steel fish!

As long as ordinary Chitauri people are rubbed by these meteorites, the meteorite that was rubbed will immediately turn into raging flames and cling to them. For a while, the midair is almost full of burning fire balls one by one. Flying back and forth, screams and howls followed one after another.

The big steel fish will be even worse.

The Chitauri can also dodge one or two with agility.

But the big steel fish is different.

There are only two big steel fish currently roaming around the Stark Building.

Their speed is not fast, and their size is extremely huge. Almost after the pentagram magic circle began to drop meteorites, they were constantly hit by meteorites.

Big steel fish are also living things, and they suffer too.

Covered in flames, the big steel fish let out an extremely painful roar, and wanted to hit the building next to it, but was hit by a large meteorite, smashing it hard into the ground, and waves of heat blasted away from the surrounding area. Ordinary people dare not approach it within a radius of ten meters.

And poor Loki.

He was riding on the Chitauri hoverbike, and he looked very happy and arrogant with the scepter in his hand.

God knows how cool it would be for Loki to get a weapon again.

Definitely, after seeing the pentagram magic circle, my mood became bright again.

Loki's physical fitness is no better than his brother's, and he can only dodge left and right.

The Chitauri were not agile, though, and it only took Tony a sharp turn to make them all crash into the building and explode.

There are too many flame meteorites.

Even with Loki's manipulation, it is difficult to avoid them all.

Therefore, after avoiding several meteorites, a "small meteorite" with a diameter of three meters was aimed at Loki who was on the Chitarisian suspension locomotive.

Loki at the moment, having just avoided another meteorite, is now inescapable.

(PS: Fourth update, please subscribe! Please subscribe automatically! 3).

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