Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 135 Rain From The Sky, Ending

Loki made up his mind again.

Abandoning the Chitauri star under his feet, he immediately jumped towards the nearby building.

Unfortunately, the speed of the meteorite is very fast.

Loki just jumped away holding the scepter, when the meteorite had already hit the Chitauri, and the impact of the explosion instantly blew him away, then smashed the glass fiercely, and slammed headfirst into the bar on the top floor of Stark Building Tony.

This impact directly knocked him unconscious, and the scepter in his hand also came out of his hand and rolled aside.

A familiar scene.

Before Loki passed out, he always felt a little familiar.

Just these few minutes.

Loki gets blown up once, Natasha Romanoff gets blown up once, and then Loki gets blown up again. …

This is really quite deja vu.

Poor logic was blown up twice in just a few minutes, the first time he was injured by the bombing, and the second time he was directly bombed ten heads into the wall and passed out.

Miserable, really miserable, really miserable!

Except for Loki.

As soon as Su Zicheng activated the magic circle, he used the ability of telepathy to convey his meaning to the Avengers.

Let them escape immediately, or directly hide in the depths of the building.

Because the meteorite flames are mainly splash damage and burn damage, the explosion damage is actually not too high, that is, the explosion damage of five grenades superimposed, it is still difficult to blow up the building.

So the best way to deal with this is to hide in the basement.

Tony stared dumbfounded at the magic circle of purple pentagrams in the sky.


Isn’t this the magic circle in novels, animations, and movies?!!

It's actually very recognizable.

Because this kind of magic array diagram appears in some Western Fantasy novels or Western Fantasy animations, especially the pentagram, even if you have never watched Western Fantasy animations or novels, you can know more or less.

Just like Tony.

He looked dull.

Oh shit.

This Mr. Hunter can still do magic?

There's nothing you can't! Shet!

While dodging, Tony forced Lai Lai in his heart.

The others had similar ideas to Tony's, and they were also planning to avoid it for a while.

Definitely, except for the brash Hulk.

Hulk is not afraid of these things at all, and was even enraged, trying to go to the sky to 'kill' the pentagram magic circle

However, it is a pity that the pentagram magic circle is not an entity, and even if Hulk can touch it, it is not enough to disturb it.

So, Hulk took his anger out on the poor Chitauri.

Therefore, in just one minute, the few Chitauri who are still on the earth died suddenly, leaving only one or two big cats and kittens still running around. Avoid the flames of meteorites.

A smile formed at the corner of Su Zicheng's mouth, and the five-pointed star pattern in his eyes flickered slightly.

This wave of clearing is still very comfortable.

The copy eye is really useful.

Although it's not as instant as Jiali's, it doesn't take long to summon the pentagram magic circle, so it doesn't get in the way.

However, it must be said that the meteorite shower just now did not cover Manhattan as mentioned above.

Su Zicheng did it on purpose.

His strength is enough to make the magic circle cover Manhattan, but even if it is covered, the meteorite flames that land will be relatively weaker, at most it will hurt the people of Chitauri, and it will not cause death if one hits .

Definitely, ordinary people are counted separately. If Su Zicheng's opponents are ordinary people, then a meteorite flame that engulfs the entire Manhattan is enough to burn the entire Manhattan. At that time, it is estimated that there will be no one in the city except the Avengers. .

Now this meteorite shower is all condensation.

Meteorites may be big or small, but no matter how small, as long as it hits a Chitauri, it will be ten fatalities.

The big ones are outrageous. If you think about three meters of meteorites, even if 10 Chitauri are stacked together, they can be burned to death.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that condensation is the essence.

Su Zicheng didn't mean to set the surrounding buildings on fire on purpose.

But there is no way.

After all, this is not a game and can also determine the lineup damage.

Even the Stark Building suffered a lot of damage, and many floors caught fire.

Don't ask why you don't use Frozen Thousand Miles, because it's too troublesome. Frozen Thousand Miles is not an ordinary ice cube. Ordinary flames can't be thawed at all. Is it possible to put a meteorite flame like in the villa yard?

In any case, it is necessary to release the meteorite flame, and it will be burned anyway. It is better to use the meteorite flame from the beginning to avoid secondary damage to nearby buildings...

It must be pointed out that the ice cubes frozen by Frozen Thousand Miles are different from ordinary ice cubes, so the flame contained in the meteorite is naturally also different from ordinary fire.

Like tornadoes, storms, they can only fuel the fire and cannot be extinguished at all.

If there were not too many unpredictable things in the Marvel world, if it were replaced by an ordinary world, the flames of this meteorite flame would very likely turn into a terrifying fire that burned an entire plate.

However, since such consequences had been expected, Su Zicheng naturally couldn't let these flames go unnoticed.

Although greedy for money, Su Zicheng is a bounty hunter who serves very well on the way.

The pentagram magic circle gradually converged.

The vicinity of the Stark Building has also become a mess.

Hurt the enemy one thousand and lose eight hundred? It doesn't count, because if they can't be killed, the whole earth will be invaded, and destroying some buildings is nothing.

"It's raining from the sky!"

Su Zicheng didn't stop, and used another large magic.

It is different from the magic that fell from the sky.

Although Rain from the Sky 1.1 is also a large-scale magic, it is more inclined to the power of nature.

There was no pentagram magic circle.

Instead, in the originally cloudless clear sky, a huge group of dark clouds slowly gathered.

In just three seconds.

The dark clouds gathered and the sky was dark.


A drop of rain falls.

It was like a signal.

The dark cloud also endured to the limit, and could no longer bear it, and the heavy rain poured down.

Those tenacious fires were completely extinguished under the heavy rain.

The flames of meteorites cleared the field, and Ganjia from the sky ended.

Two large-scale magics laid the foundation for this large-scale battle to come to an end.

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