Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 241: Halberd Like A Dragon

Suddenly there was a popping sound, followed by the whistling sound of the motor turning, which was extremely ear-piercing.

Not long after, when the sound wave finally stopped, Su Zicheng also let out a heavy breath. Although he already had a physique that surpassed a god, a god would also be tired, and this was too difficult

Su Zicheng had no doubt that if he came here for a few minutes, he would definitely not be able to bear it, and his arm was still sore and swollen right now. Fortunately, Self-healing Ability can solve this small problem, otherwise, Su Zicheng would have to hide in the hunter space for fifteen minutes.

"This is it? How can you still know the tricks of that old ghost of Atlantis? I really don't understand it anymore."

It seems that Dormammu didn't try his best, but he seemed to see that the tricks used by Su Zicheng had a feeling of deja vu before he stopped.

Su Zicheng was also secretly surprised. He really didn't expect that Dormammu actually knew the first king of Atlantis. If it is calculated according to this seniority, how long has he lived? A century? Ten centuries? What about Ancient One? Also a thousand-year-old monster? It seems that calling him an old monster is really not the meaning of teasing him.

"There's more you don't know."

Even though he was a little shocked by Dormammu's age in his heart, Su Zicheng still looked rebellious on the surface. Even, after speaking, the trident in his hand pointed directly at Dormammu.

The next moment, Su Zicheng moved again.

I saw that when he made a move, his move was like a silver dragon reaching for its claws, and when he retracted his halberd, it was like a lightning flying rainbow. The halberd turns over like a boa constrictor, makes it fly like lightning around the sky, and roars like the wind to a yushu. Like a silver dragon turning over the bottom of the sea, like auspicious snow flying all over the sky. If this move was an ordinary person, Akira would make him dizzy during the battle. This is the charm of the halberd. When the halberd is like a dragon, it is like a dragon. The next step is to catch him by surprise, take advantage of his unpreparedness, and kill him with a single halberd.

Having said that, when dealing with ordinary enemies or enemies who are a few levels higher than Su Zicheng, such sharp moves can definitely turn defeat into victory, but in the face of Dormammu who is dozens or hundreds of levels higher than him , These are obviously not enough to watch, maybe in the eyes of Dormammu, he is just a kid with a sharp weapon.

However, just as Dormammu slackened, the thrust of the trident came out.


No matter how Su Zicheng swayed just now, he seemed to be in Dormammu's grasp, he only recognized one of the thousands of phantoms. That big face just leaned slightly to the side and easily dodged Su Zicheng's attack.

"It's now."

At the same time as the halberd stabbed out, Su Zicheng seemed to be waiting for this moment, only to see his mouth slightly opened, and a black light shot out fiercely. This ray of light is very weak and you can't see it unless you look carefully. This is the Dormammu ray that Su Zicheng just learned. (Su Zicheng's own name.)


The speed of the ray was very fast, and taking advantage of Dormammu's inattention, it actually hit him. Immediately, the place where Dormammu was located was also cracked layer by layer.

"Hahaha, there is an old saying on Earth, I don't know if you've heard it, it's also called treating others in the same way."

This power can split the piece of dark matter where Dormammu is located, which surprised Su Zicheng a bit. To be reasonable, Su Zicheng just mastered it and couldn't reach this kind of power at all.

It was later that Su Zicheng figured out that it might be because of the dark matter world that the entire space is filled with dark matter. Naturally, the power of the rays composed of dark matter has also been greatly enhanced in the invisible.

This point has also been verified by Su Zicheng on Earth. The Dormammu rays that have left the dark matter world are generally more powerful than the explosion of bursting TNT. But there is no need to worry, its power will definitely increase as Su Zicheng's strength increases, there should be no doubt about this.


I don't know if he was angry with Su Zicheng, or he didn't understand what was going on, so Dormammu simply stopped talking and directly used the 'dialect' to attack Su Zicheng.

"It's not over yet.

At the moment, Su Zicheng had put his heart and soul into the fight, and even Hawkeye had been released secretly. Hawkeye upgraded to level 6 not only has a larger and wider field of vision, but also has some other small skills.

For example, in a battle, slow down the enemy's attack speed, or detect subtle loopholes from other people's fast attacking actions. There are even more perspective functions.

In the past, Su Zicheng lifted Hawkeye into the air to observe from the perspective of God, and at the same time cooperated with spiritual power to capture enemies in the blind spots of vision, or hidden in corners, and in the house. Now it is different. Even in the deep night, Hawkeye can The effect of the visual instrument, and it is only strong but not weak.

As for the soul tracking technique, Su Zicheng didn't plan to use it. For an opponent of Dormammu's level, using mental power to attack is really a bit lame. Maybe it will allow Dormammu to find a loophole and take the opportunity to erode Su Zicheng's spirit.

Prick, stab, tart, slam, wrap, circle, block, hold, pounce, point, pull, dance flowers. There is another trick in the halberd technique, which is called looking back and digging by the common people.

In the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique, it can be said that the use skills of the Jiaolong Trident are introduced in great detail, and every step Su Zicheng uses is exquisite, and it can be said that he has already grasped the essence.

In such a flash, Su Zicheng had used hundreds of tricks before he knew it.


Suddenly a deafening sound came from the body of the halberd, which startled Su Zicheng and made Dormammu froze at the same time.

..."Could it be, could it be that this triggers?"

After yelling, it's not over yet. All I saw was that as Su Zicheng stabbed out with a halberd, there was actually a faint dragon (Li Mo Zhao) emerging from the tip of the halberd. At the same time, Jiaolong also opened his mouth wide, and a strong wind swept over in an instant. Then the space debris visible to the naked eye collapsed layer by layer.

This blow unexpectedly reached the power of Dormammu's sonic attack just now. The subsidiary skill of the Flood Dragon Trident is Flood Dragon's Roar, and its power is so terrifying.

"I didn't expect that a one-thousandth probability would allow me to use it..."

Su Zicheng's heart was also stirred up, not only did he approve of Jiaolong's roar, but he also gave a shit about his good luck.

"I don't know, if I do it a few more times, Ice Sky Burial Flower can be used."

In the next less than three minutes, Su Zicheng swung the trident more quickly, but the imaginary secondary skills did not appear for a long time.

Maybe he was shocked by Su Zicheng's series of offensives in one go. Dormammu has changed positions for countless times. .

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