Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 242 Advanced Elemental Arrows


"Fifteen minutes are up."

"okay, got it."

Hearing the system's prompt, Su Zicheng flew back and opened the distance again. This was intentional when Su Zicheng entered the hunter space, and it could be regarded as an alarm clock set by the system.

Because in this dark matter world, it is difficult for Su Zicheng's speed to reach that super-light speed again, so he can only pin his hope of leaving on the weakened version of the Space gem ring.

With a slight flip of the wrist, the Flood Dragon Trident has been put into the hunter's space.

"Old monster, look for a flying saucer."

"Little ghost, don't you want to slip away? Why are you so scared?"

Sure enough, it feels very uncomfortable to be seen by others at a glance. Su Zicheng didn't dare to open the space rift immediately and go straight away. If Dormammu directly blocked this space to prevent Su Zicheng from moving, wouldn't it be a joke.

What's more, there are still four or five seconds to stay after the crack opens. Dormammu is taking this opportunity to sneak away, so Su Zicheng will be a sinner forever. Let Dormammu out, he will be the first one to be unlucky, although he is not afraid of him, but at least 56 is still unable to beat him...

"Come on, let me see what else you can do to slip away from me,"

"I'm curious, how did you get in, and how do you want to get out."

"Look at me, and I too...then why don't you come out." Su Zicheng seemed to have a little Angel in his heart and said something coy.

"Since it's impossible to outwit, let's use a simple and rough stroke." In the blink of an eye, Su Zicheng had another bow in his hand. Isn't it the elemental bow with a bonus of forty?

"A cloud-piercing arrow can sink thousands of miles across the field."

Su Zicheng is very familiar with the action of drawing the bow and nodding the arrow. Don't think about it, it is the strongest elemental arrow coming up, and only the elemental arrow can be condensed under such space pressure.

Since upgrading the Elemental Bow to level 40, Su Zicheng hasn't used it much, well, to be precise, he hasn't used it once. To be honest, Su Zicheng, the bow of the elements in its current state, does not dare to be sure of its power, but just glimpsed a part or two from the introduction.

On the property panel, a line of small characters introduced it like this. Adding one hundred elemental arrows per day on the original basis, the number of ordinary arrows has already reached tens of thousands, and Su Zicheng didn't really count the last few zeros. Anyway, these ordinary arrows are very important to Su Zicheng. The feeling is that it is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard it.

However, the number of elemental arrows is still not enough. After reaching level 40, ordinary elemental arrows can no longer satisfy Su Zicheng. Fortunately, there are hundreds of upgraded elemental arrows every day. When you see the word "upgraded", you should understand that they are extraordinary.

When the elements of the upgraded version gradually emerged in Su Zicheng's hands, it was clearly in a vacuum, but he really felt a wave of heat coming.

"Fire element? Check it out!"

Just as Su Zicheng finished speaking, he saw a fiery red arrow condensed on the front end of the bow of the elements. As soon as he let go of his hand, the arrow immediately rushed towards Dormammu wantonly like a wild horse running wild. Whether it is accurate or not, Su Zicheng is not worried. Unless it is eroded by him, and it is the kind that does not even leave scum, otherwise, no one can stop the arrow from reaching its destination.

"Huh? Strange, why do you still have this kind of thing?"

It seems that Dormammu also knows this kind of arrow, no, it should be said that it is this advanced version of fire element.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the fire element at this moment is a sky fire. Ordinary flames will be extinguished when water comes, and when wind comes, they will be extinguished. At the point of strengthening, water will not extinguish.

But when it comes to the advanced version, let alone water, nothing will work. Even if there is no air or oxygen, it will still burn. Not only that, the advanced version of flames can not only burn human bones, but also burn human souls. It's a bit of a fantasy, but in the Marvel multi-universe, nothing is impossible.

Just like (cida) dark matter, originally it is an existence beyond nature, and the advanced version of flame is like dark matter, which is a product from another time and space or universe.

When the flaming arrows struck, Dormammu naturally couldn't be unmoved. When the arrows were still moving in the original direction, Dormammu opened his mouth and sprayed out a large cloud of dark matter. Straight into the flame arrow.

When Su Zicheng thought that his attack would return in vain, Fang Fang didn't expect that the dark matter would burn with a bang before it touched the flame.

The soaring flames seemed to want to melt the space. From this, Su Zicheng concluded that the advanced version of the elemental arrows was as powerful as the rays shot by Dormammu himself. Even stronger. This is indeed unexpected.

"You can even make fine fire, what else can you not do? Brat!"

"Yes, definitely yes, trying this."

The refined fire mentioned by Dormammu should refer to Su Zicheng's advanced version of the flame arrow.

Since people have asked if you have any more, as an honest person, Su Zicheng will definitely let him get his wish.

Pull the bow of the element to full string again, another advanced version of the arrow is practiced and condensed. Just when the arrow was about to condense into shape, Su Zicheng made a small inadvertent movement.

An inconspicuous brilliance flashed, and the arrow seemed to be different from the previous one. The difference was that there were more patterns on the arrow that was supposed to be smooth at the moment, as if there was a hand depicting it in invisible, although Small, but extremely delicate. It can even be vaguely seen to be a pattern of a pentagram.

"Jinglei? Brat, where did you come from?"

Now, Dormammu is not only curious about how Su Zicheng got here, but also seems to be more curious about where Su Zicheng came from.

Not only can he learn the moves of Atlantis, but he can also learn the skills of Dormammu, who can withstand a blow from dark matter rays without being damaged. The most important thing is that this little devil can also summon elements such as fine fire and fine thunder. This is no longer an ordinary person It can be done.

"Tell me, which Creator God's child are you?"

At this time, Dormammu had to doubt Su Zicheng's identity.

"Take my blow first and say it!!!"

Su Zicheng closed his eyes, speaking with mental strength, the tip of the arrow condensed into a point, as if trying to see through Dormammu.

"Whether you can go out or not depends on you...

He thought indiscriminately, and in the next second, the arrow was out of his hand.

In the distance, Dormammu was wondering, suddenly there seemed to be a mysterious force that was about to penetrate from the flame in front of him, at a certain moment Dormammu actually felt the breath of death.

Swish Swish Swish...

The arrow was so fast that the shadow could not be seen at all, only the sound could be heard. Didn't wait for Dormammu to move at all. The next moment, the arrow had already arrived in front of him. .

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