Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 250 Tenth Level Star Core

"what happened?"

This time Su Zicheng encountered a ghost, supernatural events occurred, the star core, the moon, Mars, the small planet belt, and even the mysterious metal on the moon, all these are true, so why would Su Zicheng Can't remember what happened in those three days. It was as if the memory of this period of time was erased by a big hand in invisible, letting Su Zicheng think about it would be futile.

"Forget it, if you don't remember it, that's it."

"By the way, system, what level is the purity of this star core?"

"Why does this one seem different from the others,"

"It will shine, but it's still so heavy, my hands feel a little hard.

Since God didn’t want Su Zicheng to know something, Su Zicheng simply looked away. If you don’t let me know, one day I will investigate and find out. Isn’t it just three days of memory? There is such a bug in the hunter system, Afraid of not being able to figure it out?

Anyway, seeing it all away, Su Zicheng stopped thinking about those things, and instead became interested in the star core in his hand.

"The star core in the host's hand is level three."

"Then why is it so heavy?"

"Cohesion time starts in millions of years."

"And why does 28 emit yellow light?"

"Because it's level three,"

"All three grades are in this color?"


"Oh Xie Te, the system can kill you if you elaborate."

It may be because Su Zicheng disliked the system for being too verbose last time, but this time, the system has become a simplified version, asking questions and answering them, without a single extra word... Does the system also have a small temper? ……………

"The first-level star core has been around for a hundred years, starting in a thousand years,

"The second-level star core is tens of thousands of years old, starting from tens of thousands of years,"

"The third-level star core has millions, starting from millions of years,

"The fourth-level star core is tens of millions, starting in tens of millions of years."

Sure enough, because of Su Zicheng's words, the system started its tirade again. These things are completely irrelevant to what Su Zicheng wants to know. Hey, forget it, I have to listen to the order I gave. It's all about supplementing new knowledge and learning.

"And so on?"

Although I plan to listen to it, let's just omit these nonsense.

"Not necessarily, the current strength of the host is not enough to destroy that kind of planet.

Is this despised by the system?

"Then tell me what a tenth-level star core looks like? Or did I miss it when I was traveling through space? Tell me, and let me give up."

"No, the host has seen it, seen it with his own eyes, and even touched it."

"Nani? Really, when did it happen?"

Su Zicheng never expected that the system would have seen and touched a tenth-level star core. According to Su Zicheng's strength, shouldn't he be able to touch it at all?

"According to your universe, the tenth-level star core is equivalent to Infinite Gems."

"I rub it? True or false, then why is it so light? And why are their colors different? And why..."

As soon as the system mentioned Infinite Gems, a door suddenly opened in Su Zicheng's heart, but there seemed to be many unpredictable things.

"First, the wireless gemstones in this universe were born in the early days of the universe. I don't know how many billions of years it has been condensed, but it is certain that it started in hundreds of billions of years.

"Because wireless gems are not brewed in the planet, they are exposed to the universe for a lifetime, and the essence of hundreds of billions of years has been washed away by time, and I don't know how much has passed,"

"It is precisely because of this that what is left is the concentrated version of the purest energy, that is, in your ancient texts, concentration is the essence."

"Secondly, the star core above the second level has a color, but the color will change according to the place of birth, the environment, and the external pressure.

"anymore question!!!"

The system also explained the cause and effect clearly in one breath, but these answers are obviously beyond Su Zicheng's cognition.

"Wait, I digest and digest."

"Oh, by the way, what did you mean when you said that I can't destroy such a planet with a tenth-level star core? That is to say, even if I found the same tenth-level star core, there is nothing I can do about it?

The system said so, so the three-level star core in Su Zicheng's hand that emitted yellow light also made sense.

"Literally, there is no way?"

The system then answers Su Zicheng's question.


"Because the current strength of the host can't find it at all."

"Then what you just said was fart."

Being despised by the system again, Su Zicheng really hurt his self-esteem.

Stepping on Mars, hitting the moon, and fighting Dormammu twice, Su Zicheng, who thought he was okay, let others say that you are not good, and he is also an artificial intelligence...

"The way is to upgrade the hunter space, accept the planet together, and wait for the strength to grow before taking it out."

"Uh, system, you have been going around for a long time, and you have been going around in a big circle, just to let me make more money quickly and upgrade the hunter space..."

Su Zicheng saw through the system's small thoughts at once. But I have to say that since I upgraded the hunter system to version 2.0, it really looks like a real intelligent AI. I feel that it is not only so interesting, but also a lot more convenient. Not to mention the shopping malls inside the system, and this artificial intelligence service, it's simply not too cool 763. On Earth, if you have any questions, you can find Du Niang. Here at Su Zicheng, if you have any questions, you can ask the system. Moreover, the system is many times stronger than Du Niang.

While Su Zicheng was still immersed in the system's reply, a loophole suddenly caught Su Zicheng's attention. That's right, it's the loophole that the system personally said.

"System, let me ask you, what do you mean by 'this universe' and 'this universe'."

"Could it be that the universe I'm in is just one of thousands of universes?"

Although Su Zicheng, who came across time, had some knowledge of the Marvel multi-universe, such as little Spider-Man, in fact, there was a scene where little Spider-Man was already dead, and the person who took up his task was from the multi-universe or It is another him in the parallel universe. But Su Zicheng was somewhat surprised when this matter was revealed from the system.


"Then why didn't you say that before?"

"The host has never asked a similar question."

"Then tell me in detail?"

"The current level of the host hunter is A, and there is no permission for the time being."

"Huh? No authority?"

This time, Su Zicheng was completely shocked. They are all A-level bounty hunters, what else is Su Zicheng not authorized to ask about. Could it be that my time travel was not originally a coincidence? Or is this hunter system not originally built for Su Zicheng?

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