Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 251 Probing Memory

Or maybe Su Zicheng traveled to the Marvel world for some kind of mission, something? If not, then why does the system hide something.

This series of questions woke up Su Zicheng instantly. Originally, I thought that the most reliable hunter system in the world was the relying on hunter system, but suddenly discovered some flaws at this time, which made Su Zicheng have reason to doubt.

Thinking of the memory of the three days lost for no reason, the mysterious metal on the moon, and the words Dormammu said. And the earth hides its secrets. Su Zicheng not only had a chilling feeling.

Thinking about it with horror, thinking about it with horror, suddenly Su Zicheng felt an unexplained chill rising up instantly.

And just as Su Zicheng was filling these pictures in his head, the white light circle above his head flickered again.

"Forget it, if it comes, it will be safe,"

"Soldiers come to block water and earth to cover. My fate is my own decision,"

"It's a big deal and I will never let those people succeed if I risk my life in the future."

Su Zicheng swore secretly in his heart.

"System, upgrade my mind control to level six."

"【Mind Control】The current level is level 4, and it takes 60 million to upgrade to level 6,"

"It is detected that the current host level is A, and there is a 40% discount. After the discount, it will be 36 million. Yes/No."


"Ding, the upgrade was successful."

"balance: 1,133,200,000,000."

Su Zicheng looked at the string of numbers indifferently, and did not respond extraneously. As for why Su Zicheng suddenly thought of upgrading the skill of mind control, there was a reason.

The ability from Level 4 spying to Level 5 mind control is to enhance the ability of mind control and increase the number of people that can be controlled at the same time. The specifics are yet to be developed. But the most attractive point is that it can enhance one's own spiritual power. It can also protect your mind from being controlled. For example, Loki's Mind Gem scepter has no way to control the mind at level 5.

It should be common sense that mental power and the mind are related to the brain, and memory is also stored in the memory cells of the human brain. Therefore, enhancing mental power and mind control is undoubtedly a way of enhancing memory.

That's right, Su Zicheng is trying to see if he can use this method to retrieve lost memories. Level five may still be a bit difficult, but level six should be fine.

After the upgrade was completed, Su Zicheng didn't want to delay for a moment. Teleportation lay back on the bed. Brace yourself for this explosive message.

"let's start.]]."

Su Zicheng closed his eyes and concentrated his mental power in the place of the brain. Mind control is also released, but it is not to control others, but to control one's own mind. Force the brain to dig deep into the place where the memory is stored. After a while, Su Zicheng seemed to be in a mysterious place.

Suddenly, the mysterious metal on the moon appeared in front of Su Zicheng again.

"It seems to be useful."

Su Zicheng continued to take control. Before Su Zicheng could react in the next second, he actually changed another place. There are all metal substances here, and it looks like a very high-tech thing.

"This should be the inside of the metal,"

"It's really empty inside."


Just when Su Zicheng wanted to go forward and continue to see what happened. A picture of the TV freezes unexpectedly appeared in my mind. It's like you are watching a program you like, and suddenly the Internet is disconnected, and the TV screen suddenly switches to a full screen of snowflakes. And, accompanied by harsh noise.

Not only that, Su Zicheng only felt a little dizzy for a moment, and the feeling of splitting headache reappeared without warning.

"Do you really want me to know something?"

It seems that there is a mysterious force in invisible that prevents Su Zicheng from continuing to explore. But Su Zicheng is the kind of character who retreats in the face of difficulties. Even if he endures the pain today, he will probably continue.

More mental power envelops the mind again, like a doctor increasing the dose. I don't know when it started, even the soul pendant released a soft milky white light in an attempt to slow down Su Zicheng's pain and protect him.

The metal screen appeared again, but this time it was in a different place. This appears to be the control room inside the metal. There is only a metal narrow bridge behind a door, extending to the end. When Su Zicheng walked over, there was only a spherical console-like thing there. Under the narrow bridge is boundless blackness, just like a boundless abyss, even Hawkeye, who can have night vision, can't see through what's below. This situation is a bit like the secret room that Professor X of the Mutant Academy used to hack into other people's brains.

The front of the console is not similar to other spaceships, bases, or any aircraft carrier with a giant screen and front glass, but a whole wall of another kind of metal. Moreover, this wall is not inlaid in one piece, but inserted one by one, a bit like barbs, and like fish scales, forming such a wall one by one

What's even more amazing is that these 'scales' can still move, like fish gills, rising and falling with breathing.

From this, Su Zicheng can be quite sure that this place is a concealed or possibly remaining large space battleship. Moreover, with the current level of science and technology on the earth, this level of civilization will not be touched at all after adding a decade or a century. Horror, who would have thought that such a piece of high civilization and high latitude exists on the moon next to the earth.

Zla Zla Zla Zla Zla

With the sound of clattering, the picture blurred again. It was as if Su Zicheng had been forcefully kicked out again. Even the pain-sensing nerves are already sensitive to the limit. pain level up

"..."Is it impossible that these three days of memory, (Qian Zhao's) can only recall these fragments?"

Although it is two fragments, it is still coherent in general, but it has no substantive effect. So what if you just know it's a space battleship. What Su Zicheng wanted to know was why.

Why is there such a space battleship on the moon, who parked it here, and why it was buried. What does it do. And why stop others from exploring and delete Su Zicheng's memory. This series of questions weighed on Su Zicheng's chest like a stone.

"Damn, the big deal is death, I want to see what's going on."

He gritted his teeth again to suppress the pain, and his mental power spewed out again. Mind control has also reached its limit. According to Su Zicheng's speculation, if he can't see anything now, he probably has no chance. Even the current Su Zicheng has reached the limit. This feeling lasted for a long time, and Su Zicheng couldn't bear it. .

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