Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 257 Tony Calls

A few vultures and crows landed on this devil land with quacks, as if they were calling their companions, and also as if they were telling the delicious food under their feet. After a while, a group of mane dogs came. Just for a moment, this place has become a paradise for scavengers. Other people's corpses became food for animals.

The person who was extremely arrogant a few minutes ago has now become the belly of his mouth. How sad, how ridiculous.

All this can't be blamed on other people, if you want to blame them, you can blame them for messing with an existence that shouldn't be messed with.

The next morning, Su Zicheng still got up early. Looking at this delicate and handsome boy, he would never associate it with the murderer who murdered wildly last night.

Su Zicheng was washing in the bathroom, and the latest news was broadcast on the TV news.

"With today's latest report,"

"A major murder occurred in Huaxia last night."

"The death toll is still under further investigation and is not expected to fall below triple digits,"

"According to the judgment of the experts present,"

"This homicide involved gang rivalry,"

"One of the parties is the notorious Hand,"

"I don't know why, the secret bases of the Hand were all wiped out,"

"And the other gang didn't leave a single body behind,"

"According to the positioning satellite 790 footage, the shootout last night lasted for a full ten minutes.

"Judging from the intensity of gunfire and the number of people,"

"It is conservatively estimated that at least two platoons of men were deployed on both sides,"

"Next, let's connect to the live broadcast,"

"Please continue to pay attention, we will update you with the latest reports."

Su Zicheng brushed his teeth and listened to the reporter's report. The heart is as smooth as a mirror, there is no wave at all. As if the news had nothing to do with him, and he was just an ordinary audience.

It can't be said that there is no emotion at all, at least Su Zicheng's anger has calmed down a little because of the blood. But he still felt dissatisfied. Even after killing so many people, Su Zicheng was still unhappy if he didn't find the person who bombed his house.

In the next day, Su Zicheng wreaked havoc in the backyard, trying to lose his temper and cover up his inner depression.

However, after all, it was his own home. After the destruction, Su Zicheng relented and used healing magic to revive the flowers and plants in the backyard.

A few days later, Su Zicheng was having dinner at home, and almost forgot about it, when suddenly (cidb) heard the beeping sound of the mobile phone, someone called.

"Huh? Tony, what does this guy want from me?"

After hesitation, Su Zicheng still answered. A long-lost voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Mr. Hunter, long time no see.

"What's the matter, how much is it? Is there another employment mission?"

"It's not a mission, Mr. Hunter is always so humorous. He can joke better than Vanessa, haha..."

This Granny Vanessa has really left a deep impression on the Avengers. Not only does she have an unpalatable cake, but her tone of voice has also been imitated by these people...

"What's the matter? If it's okay, I'll hang up and eat."

Su Zicheng is also curious. If there is no situation, what is this guy calling him for? It can’t be that he is idle and has nothing to do, and he hasn’t seen him for a long time, right? Could it be that the civil war is about to start?

Hug your thighs ahead of time. Or pull Su Zicheng to his camp? Just counting the time, it should not be the time when the conflict between the captain and him is triggered.

"Eating, oh haha, why don't Mr. Hunter come to Stark Industrial Building and I'll treat you."

"We talked while we ate."

"You better hope you have something important to say to me."

Su Zicheng pretended to be tough on his lips, but when he heard that Tony was going to invite him to dinner in his heart, he was already overjoyed.

Go, why don't you go, these few days, eating bread every day makes Su Zicheng feel sick, and I don't bother to go downstairs to have a good meal. For some reason, he hadn't seen that big black fat man in the racecourse for a few days, and he couldn't count on horse meat. Just in time, go and try Tony's big meal too. Look at how extravagant the food in the upper class is.

Half a minute later, Su Zicheng came to the downstairs of the Stark Building. Tidy up the clothes, although it is still wearing a hood to hide its face, but since people invite you to dinner, it must be like that, no matter what.

With the wind blowing from the soles of his feet, Su Zicheng flew up directly and took the elevator, which is the operation of ordinary people. To be a man is to be different from others.

Because the top of Tony's Stark Building is his private space, there is an open place, and it is also the place where Tony uses his steel armor to stop after performing tasks.

Su Zicheng reached the top floor and teleported directly into the building. The mind control spread, and the mental power spread out to find Tony's position, and once again used teleportation to sit in front of him

At this moment, Tony was fiddling with something on the console in front of him, and he didn't notice that there was an extra person in front of him at all.

"When people arrive, we can serve food."

Su Zicheng suddenly said something, scaring Tony for a while.

"Oh, I'm scared to death, it's here so soon, hahahahahaha."

"Where's my big meal? Haven't eaten yet.

Only now did Su Zicheng realize that this is Tony's office, and there is no big table of delicious food. Su Zicheng didn't see any of the red wine steaks in the phenomenon, or other big meals. Su Zicheng thought that all rich people were like this. When waiting to eat, let the servants bring everything to the table, so as to preserve the original flavor of the food.

"Wait a mininute."

Tony smiled wickedly. Turn around and pick up two Big Macs from the desk behind you.

"Come on, eat your fill."

"Are you kidding? Don't tell me you just buy me this..."

Although Su Zicheng knows that Tony likes to eat hamburgers, but since he is so far away, I came here with just one call from you, so why are you willing to invite me to eat hamburgers?

"You don't eat this every day at home, do you?"

"Yes, the hamburger is so delicious, I can't get enough of it,"

"Do you still remember the first time we met, when it was closed there, I wanted to eat such a burger every day.

Does every rich second generation have a special hobby, such as pedophilia [and particularly strong taste and so on. Connecting with this dude can't escape this theorem.......

"Tell me, what's the matter? If you don't impress me, I'll tear down your building. You shouldn't doubt my strength?"

Su Zicheng took the burger and said coldly. This is too good at tricking people, and I still want to have a good meal......

"Definitely, definitely, Mr. Hunter must have this ability as long as he makes a move."

"Look here."

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