Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 258: Ant-Man Is The Murderer Behind The Scenes?

After speaking, Tony took a big bite of the hamburger and pointed to the place he was fiddling with just now.

Only then did Su Zicheng notice what Tony was looking at on the console just now. It turned out to be the ruins of Su Zicheng Queens after the bombing, that is, Su Zicheng's home.

"Tell me."

Su Zicheng also took a bite of the burger and said coldly. I don't care what to eat now. In other words, Tony's private custom big burger is really real, not only delicious but also filling. Rich people even eat a hamburger so extravagantly, this is probably the best hamburger Su Zicheng has ever eaten in his life......

"This house in Queens was built by me, so I am also responsible for its security.

"So you found a clue?"

Su Zicheng asked back.

"Not yet,"

"Are you forcing me to demolish your home?"

"But this time I invited you here because your strength is stronger and it is easier to find clues, so I asked you to come with me-look, this..."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the 3D model of the ruins on the console, which should be the pictures taken by Tuoli's private satellite.

"It's not your home, why do you care so much about it?"

"Now I have reason to suspect that the bombing has something to do with you!"

Su Zicheng turned around and pointed the finger at Tony.

"NONONONO, I swear on Iron Man, it has absolutely nothing to do with me."

That is how the matter?"

I don't know why, although what Tony said is true and what he thinks in his heart, he still feels weird.

Hey, let's be honest. "


"You know, as the chairman of the Stark family, I not only have to do research, but also take charge of various business matters of Stark."

"Choose the key..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, just sit down and listen to me.

"As a member of the United States large group, business competition is fierce, and Stark Industries, as the leader, bears the brunt."

"Don't explain the struggle in the field, secretly each family is competing privately,"

"The house in Queens was invested in my own name,"

"I believe that there are many people who are plotting against the law are trying to attract my attention..."

Seeing Tony talking about his business experience, Su Zicheng couldn't listen anymore, so he interrupted him directly.

"So, this bombing was aimed at me on the surface, but secretly it was aimed at you, Tony, the attention of the Stark family, right?"

"As the price of this commercial competition, it means making me a scapegoat, right?

After hearing so much nonsense from Tony, Su Zicheng understood what he wanted to say. The mind reading was turned on, and the shock in Tony's heart showed that what Su Zicheng said was all right.

It's just, what the hell is this? Why do you rich people fight, and ordinary people like me suffer. Although Su Zicheng is not common at all...

"Mr. Hunter is really not an ordinary person, he guessed it so quickly."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see what's going on."

Su Zicheng stuffed the hamburger into his mouth in two gulps, without turning his head, and ignored Tony's flattery. Go directly to the console and observe.

I have to say, the technological content in you, Tony, basically represents the high content level of the entire United States.

The console is obviously a video, but it can be played frame by frame, and it is the kind of 3DAI, which is even more exaggerated than this. Anyway, Su Zicheng has never seen any high-tech, so he can't understand it with words. In short, it is not much worse than the Superman artificial intelligence of Hunter System 2.0.

The two of them just surrounded the console, glancing up and down. Tony stopped in one place for a while, and circled around the console for a while. I guess it's been a long time

Already tired of it.

Su Zicheng smiled wryly, he had to rely on himself. Although this interest relationship has nothing to do with me, it is my home anyway, so I can't just sit idly by.

The mental power gradually covered the entire three-dimensional picture. No detail can escape Su Zicheng's detection now.

The screen played again.

"No suspicious persons,"

"No suspicious vehicles,"

"No suspicious flight controllers either,"

"Not even a suspicious insect, 11

"There doesn't appear to be a single suspicious sign..."

After re-reading it several times, Su Zicheng also wondered what was going on, but couldn't find anything. Could it be that it is really haunted?

"Did you not record them?"

For his spiritual power, Su Zicheng still trusts him very much, but he can't find anything with his spiritual power, so it must be Tony's problem. …

"Impossible, I have screened the video, and this is the video before and after the explosion. It can't be wrong."

"Call out the video you've screened, I'm watching."

Su Zicheng still didn't believe it, but when he watched the screened video two or three times and still couldn't find it [Su Zicheng was completely unconfident. Let's see what is screened out by TOE...

I watched it a few more times, but still got nothing.

"He's meowing, it's so fucking weird,"

"There isn't even a fly, how can we investigate..."

Tony, who has always been honest, couldn't help but swear. After watching it for so long, no matter how bad-tempered a person is, he has to get a little angry!


"Wait, flies? Insects???"

Tony's words hit the nail on the head, Su Zicheng instantly became sensitive when he heard these words.

"Tony, playing it again!"

"Hey, forget it Mr. Hunter, let's go, this time I will really take you to eat the most authentic United States dinner, so that I can apologize a little."

"I said I'm playing it again."

Unknowingly, Su Zicheng raised his tone. Seeing this posture, Tony quickly complied. Under the mind reading technique, at this time, Tony was thinking, would the bounty hunter really want to tear down his building, just for a hamburger? Su Zicheng who saw this scene couldn't laugh or cry.

"Stop, that's it, pause."

When the scene was about to explode three minutes before, Su Zicheng immediately asked Tony to freeze the scene here.


"Zoom in again,"

"Keep playing,"

"Oh, why are you such a mother-in-law, just magnify it a hundred times."

When they saw something floating in front of them, their eyes lit up immediately. there is a clue...

That's right, it's an insect, a bee, to be precise, a person pretending to be a bee.

"Tony, do you know who this is?"

"do not know?"

Tony doesn't know it, but Su Zicheng does. Isn't this the first generation of Ant-Man? It should be said to be the deadly enemy of the first generation Ant-Man. Dr. Pym's apprentice begs. .

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