Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 264 Unreproducible Pym Particles

Su Zicheng in mid-air was also hilarious. Scott is also too memorized. As a thief, Scott has failed too.......

The place where Su Zicheng is now, if I remember correctly. Probably Scott's ex-wife's home. Today should be his daughter's birthday party. Klaus probably wanted to take this bad breath on Scott's most beloved child, so he came here...

Just as Scott was handcuffed and locked in a police car by the police, Klaus seemed to wake up. Jump off the fly lamp and fly into Scott's kid's room.

Definitely, Su Zicheng saw all of this. Although there are spiritual seeds, Klaus can be killed at any time. However, obviously this is not Su Zicheng's purpose. After not letting him taste the cruelty of the world, Klaus will not die so easily.

The sirens of "450" ​​outside had been heard by the people in the house, because the current wife of Scott's ex-wife didn't like him very much, so even the police took Scott away at the door of his house without the slightest reaction.

It was his ex-wife. After all, they were a husband and wife and they were also the father of the child, so she was the first to rush to the case to say good things. Tried to convince the police to let him go.

Just now Klaus escaped and went upstairs, this scene happened to be watched by Scott, and the police guards were worried that they would have no chance to escape. Seeing the ex-wife temporarily delayed the police. Scott quickly pressed the button, put on the mask, shrunk directly to the insect File size, and hurriedly followed.

The upstairs room is exactly Scott's daughter's room. The little girl was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of a strangely dressed Klaus. But the child, innocent but not very scared.

"Hey, don't plan to run away just like that,"

Just as Klaus approached Scott's daughter step by step, a faint voice suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, it turned out to be a man in black, a black robe, and a hood. The man looked at him coldly with his arms crossed. Although I couldn't see his face clearly, I couldn't see his eyes clearly either. But there's always the feeling of being targeted by the Beast.

"You, you are the legendary bounty hunter."

Klaus's nervous voice trembled.

In fact, Klaus didn't intend to provoke the bounty hunter. But after thinking about it, apart from him, no one is more deterrent. It happened that the house in Queens was invested and built by Tony, and it happened to be bombed. So Klaus took a chance and wanted to pretend to be a tiger once.

What's more coincidental is that Su Zicheng was not at home that day. Definitely, this is a point that Klaus stepped on in advance. It is assumed that no one lives here, so he dared to be so presumptuous. It's just that he never expected the bounty hunter to come to his door.

"You know me,"

"Looks like you've heard my name too,"

"In that case, you must be ready to die."

Su Zicheng's voice gradually turned cold. It's fine if you don't know my name as a bounty hunter, let's pretend you're ignorant. However, if you knowingly commit a crime, it is unforgivable.

"Oh, I die, don't I?"

"Maybe the famous bounty hunter will die in my hands today. Hahaha..."

Maybe Klaus would be afraid of this bounty hunter before, but it's different now. He was startled by him just now, and he even forgot that he was wearing a wasp battle suit. With the battle suit in hand, I have the world. Then I'm afraid of a woolen thread. It's not certain who will win the deer today.

"I don't know who gave you the courage."

Su Zicheng laughed angrily, and scolded him silently in his heart. No longer refute him, just do it directly.

Su Zicheng's speed was very fast, especially in such a small room, and he basically came to Klaus in an instant. A hand rested on his shoulder, exerting a little force. There was a click, and one shoulder was considered useless.

fracture, comminuted fracture. This is the result of Su Zicheng's remaining hands. That's right, Su Zicheng wanted to torture him like this, to let him know how terrible it is to provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked.


Under the mask, Klaus also let out a heart-piercing howl. It's just that I can't hear clearly through the mask. No wonder, for any ordinary person, it would be impossible for someone to crush the arm bones alive without making a sound.

"Hmph, this is just the beginning!"

Su Zicheng snorted coldly, ignoring that all this was being watched by a child.

Just when Su Zicheng raised his hand to crush his other arm......Suddenly, there was nothing in front of him. Klaus disappeared in front of him.

No, it's not disappearing, it's getting smaller. Because the spiritual seeds show that Klaus is still near Su Zicheng. If it weren't for the soul tracking ability, Su Zicheng would have thought that the old kid Klaus could also teleport.

Now Su Zicheng understood. During the day, Klaus does experiments in the laboratory, sometimes getting bigger and sometimes getting smaller. As a result, the tracking of the paper crane is also intermittently losing the target. Only stop and go constantly.

Just when Su Zicheng wanted to think about countermeasures. Sudden danger perception starts automatically. I just feel a itchy feeling in my stomach.

"Ambush me?"

Su Zicheng raised his eyebrows. Under the perception of danger, there is nothing to hide from Klaus's actions.

"Since you're getting smaller, I can't do anything about you,"

"Then I'll copy your skills over."

This idea suddenly popped up in Su Zicheng's mind. Yes, this is not only a good opportunity to learn art.

Although, after Klaus becomes smaller, Su Zicheng can kill him, absolutely hit him, shoot him to death with one arrow, or kill him directly with the spiritual seed explosion. But that would stop him from torturing him. This is what Su Zicheng doesn't want to see. Then it might as well follow his example of how to grow bigger and smaller. Also change patterns.

Just do it. While avoiding the statue of Su Zicheng. The five-pointed star array in the eyes began to rotate. Open the copy eye, explain 5.1 Analysis of the composition, structure and nature of Ant-Man skills.

However, Su Zicheng, who was still excited at the beginning, gradually frowned as the five-pointed star array turned faster and faster.

No, after such a long time, there seems to be no sign of Klaus slowing down. Moreover, the smaller analysis has not been disassembled as expected.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Could it be that controlling the body to grow and shrink arbitrarily is another magic of the Level Universe?"

"Otherwise, why is it so difficult to analyze?"

Su Zicheng wondered why he couldn't analyze an Ability that ordinary people could control. This kind of situation has never happened to other bosses in the Level Universe like Dormammu and Jiali. Could it be that the copy eye is malfunctioning? .

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