Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 265 Scott: Beware Of Juhua

Unconsciously, Su Zicheng covered the copying eyes with mental power, making them rotate faster.

However, when the five-pointed star array turned into a circle again, Klaus's movements still did not slow down. Even, in this dazed effort, he actually got kicked by him.

While wearing the Wasp battle suit, Klaus turns into a villain. But according to Dr. Pym's introduction. No matter how big or small, the mass of the body remains the same. Therefore, although this kick may seem to be kicked by a person with a file size of a finger, the strength is the full kick of an adult.

Looking at Su Zicheng. In his eyes, he was still trying his best to analyze the composition of Klaus's shrinking skills, and what he was thinking about was why it still didn't work.

He didn't feel it until the kick hit Su Zicheng. However, if you kick it, you will kick it. Su Zicheng didn't move at all. Klaus's foot was not as good as a tickle. Moreover, under the perception of danger, the injury level of this foot is only scratching level...

With a physique of 450 points, wearing a hunter suit, this kind of physique is no joke. Don't say stand still. It was Su Zicheng lying here and falling asleep. Let Klaus fight casually, and even if he fights for a year, he can't hurt Su Zicheng at all. Definitely, what is said here is the means of ordinary 28.

But Klaus is not so easy. A broken arm was enough to hurt him. Seeing that the bounty hunter has nothing to do with him after he has shrunk, this makes him a little proud.

However, this came with his full kick. To be reasonable, even a stack of tiles would have to be broken by him. However, the situation is not the same as he imagined. With this kick, nothing happened to him, but he felt like he had hit an iron plate. My toes hurt like hell through the battle suit.

"System, what's the situation?"

"Why can't the copy eye analyze Klaus' movements?"

In the end, Su Zicheng still compromised. Even if it is a level universe, there should be signs or trends of being analyzed by copying eyes. But the skill in front of me is dangling in front of my eyes, but I can't analyze it...

"The mechanics of the Wasp battle suit are powered by imitation Pym particles,"

"Pym particles are products of technology, not magic,"

"A copy eye can only copy magic, so it cannot copy Pym particles."

"If the host wants to obtain Pym particles, the system store can buy them."

Just ask a question, why do you still bring sales.

Who wants to buy Pym particles. What's the use of Pym particles without a wasp battle suit. Besides, even if Su Zicheng was given a ton of Pym particles, Su Zicheng didn't know how to use them. Su Zicheng still can't understand high-tech stuff.

"This, isn't this meow a bullying scumbag???"

Su Zicheng was completely speechless. In the end, it wasn't that he couldn't do it, but that he lost to his own knowledge...

"Hello, that, didn't bother you, did it?"

"I'm just here for my daughter."


At this time, a voice came from the door. It turned out to be Scott. The little girl also ran over and hugged him excitedly.

"Little boy, you are so obedient, let's go downstairs to play first,"

"Dad has something to do."

The little girl was also very sensible, bouncing downstairs with a plush doll in her arms.

Su Zicheng looked at Scott, not only a little brainy. In this situation, I don't want to kill Klaus directly, and I don't want Scott to intervene, but, I don't seem to have any other good ways...


I saw that Scott also became smaller and wrestled with Klaus again. It can be regarded as making a decision for Su Zicheng. That being the case, Su Zicheng can only be a spectator again. Originally, I was thinking about how to copy their skills with my copy eyes, but now I'm done, this is the rhythm of being a referee eagerly.

Two people, you come and I fight back and forth. For a while I beat your chest, for a while I kicked your ass. Scott hits Klaus with a toy train Klaus hits Scott with a toy tree. It seems that I forgot that there is another person beside me...

Su Zicheng also looked bored. It's too small, it really looks like a joke. However, from the looks of it, Klaus still has the slight upper hand, even though he has broken an arm, but he still has a lot of means, and the Hornets battle suit still has more black technology.

It may be that the insect form was not enough to fight, and the two returned to normal file size and fought again.

"Be careful..."

Just as he was about to pull them away, he heard Scott suddenly say this. Immediately, Su Zicheng followed Chrysanthemum tight.

Suddenly, Su Zicheng remembered a picture. It seems that Ant-Man wanted to use this trick when he was fighting Purple Sweet Potato Essence. Get smaller through the Ant-Man armor, then get into the enemy's body through the eyes of the enemy, and then grow bigger through the armor. Use this trick to break through the enemy's body.

However, this trick doesn't seem to be suitable for Purple Sweet Potato Essence, because the body density of his Titan physique is different from that of the earth, and Ant-Man seems to be unable to get in...

"Hiss hiss hiss..."

Just thinking about it like this made Su Zicheng feel sick. To get in there, Ant-Man must have much perseverance. Although Su Zicheng's 450 physique is not scary, just thinking about it is enough to wrinkle his ass. Too impotent.

Such a good Ant-Man armor, with so many ways to use 287, why can't you think of using such a despicable and dirty way... If Dr. Pym knew that Scott dared to use his technology like this, he would be so angry that he would die.

"No, no."

Su Zicheng didn't want to see such a disgusting scene. Definitely didn't want to just watch Klaus die in front of his eyes so easily.

"Come on you."

I saw that Su Zicheng's mental power covered Klaus and directly took him into the hunter space.

And what about Scott? He had already made up his mind to die with Klaus, and he pressed the button to enter the subatomic level, and his body jumped in mid-air, and he was about to plunge into Klaus' body. Suddenly, the picture changed, but the person disappeared...

"Oh Shet."

After the last word, people have entered the subatomic world. Looking around, there are all kinds of strange viruses that are bigger than himself. It is estimated that Scott has scolded his mother in his heart,

Su Zicheng also shrugged awkwardly. Originally, this is my dish, and it is you who insist on interfering. You can't blame others for your own death. Comforting himself in his heart, Su Zicheng turned around and disappeared here with a teleportation.

As for Scott, that's not something Su Zicheng has to worry about. .

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