Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 288 Captain America Willing To Go His Own Way

"Is S.H.I.E.L.D throwing a party today?"


"Your chest hair is, uh, uh, kinda sexy..."

Natasha Romanoff commented nonchalantly.

When someone finally paid attention to the black marinated egg, the conversation that Su Zicheng expected finally appeared.

"Um, uh"

"Don't ask me what's going on,"

"It's you all with bruised noses and swollen faces,"

"After all, you are Avengers,~ the face of S.H.I.E.L.D,

"Everyone is like this,--it's a shame."

The old fox is worthy of being an old fox, Jiang is still old and hot, this trick changes the topic, turns passive into active, the answer is really wonderful.

However, when Black Braised Egg asked about this, everyone looked at Su Zicheng in unison...

"Your men, you don't know,"

"If you don't eat the soft ones, you can only take some special measures."

Su Zicheng shrugged helplessly, and said slowly.

However, when Su Zicheng finished saying this, he felt a little guilty, but he couldn't just say directly, I want to fight, I thought they didn't like it, so I beat them up on purpose. If Su Zicheng said this emotionally, there would probably be a fight today...

Not only Su Zicheng, everyone rolled their eyes when they heard the bounty hunter's far-fetched cover-up. If it weren't for being unable to beat him, how could he be so pretending.

Even the black stewed egg is expressionless. The meaning seems to be saying, you are awesome, what you say counts, as long as you are happy, we will believe anything you say.


"Don't forget the commission, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Su Zicheng teleported away directly, but he didn't go far, but stood outside on the submarine, blowing the sea breeze, feeling the unique charm of the Atlantic Ocean. Not enjoying, but waiting for Captain America.

"Ah, I have to say,"

"This guy, Black Braised Egg, is really a very intelligent leader,"

"As far as this secret base is concerned, it may not be easy to use military satellites to find it."

After the bounty hunter left, the room fell into silence.

"I'm going to change my clothes, you guys should tidy up too,"

"I'll see you in the lobby in five minutes."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he took the blankets on the lounge chair and hurried out.

"Well, cough cough cough, I'm going to have a cup of Zu too"

"I, I'll go too, wait for me."

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Vision and Scarlet Witch made excuses to go out first.

Do, how's your retirement going?"

"Would you mind going out for a drink with me?"

"Very happy."

Natasha Romanoff and Hawkeye also withdrew with a tacit understanding.

"Rhode, you were stunned by the way you did it just now, can you tell me how you did it?"

"Your idea was great too, we almost stopped you,"

"Hey, is it really that good?"

"Oh Shet, you probably don't know."

The Iron Patriot and Falcon also hooked their shoulders and walked away while talking. This couple is the most similar to each other.

"Well, your cat armor is also very handsome,"

"Can I see it?"

Scott also imitated the tone of the people in front of him and threw an olive branch to T'Challa, also known as Black Panther.

But, the embarrassing thing is, T'Challa looked at Bucky directly, and didn't listen to Scott's words at all...

"Well, if you don't want to, I can show you mine,"

"Or how about I show you a magic trick, a magic that makes you bigger and smaller." (Su Zicheng outside: Driving openly? Copy away!)

T'Challa still ignored him.

"Uh, uh, I'll go get you some medicine.

Scott quickly found a reason to go outside. It seems different from others...

"Excuse me, do you know where there is a first aid kit?"


"Well, pretend I didn't say it."

After closing the door, Scott stuck his head in, not embarrassed again.

"Are you still not going to give up?"

"What is it that makes you so persistent,"

"Sign the agreement, and perform the task as well."

"Look at how many innocent people you've hurt."

Finally Tony broke the embarrassment and spoke to Captain America.

"Don't you have the blood of innocent people on your hands?"

"Tony, you know, me, me,"

"I can not..."

Captain America still insists on his ideas, and still has this stubborn temper. It's just that the attitude is a little better than before.


Tony couldn't take it anymore, he just broke through the door.

"Mr. Stark."

*¥ …

The little Spider-Man stretched out his hand, wanting to persuade Tony to stay and comfort Tony, but he hadn't stood up yet, only felt his head dizzy for a while, and the sequelae of the battle just now hadn't disappeared yet.

"Hey, little guy,"

"Do you also think I'm a traitor?"

"Traitor of the Avengers."

"If one day, you are also faced with such a situation, what will you do?"

Suddenly, without warning, Captain America asked little Spider-Man this question. It may be that too much happened today, the brothers turned against each other, and even fought violently. For a while, Captain America lived hundreds of years, and it was a bit unacceptable.


"I thought, I'm going to go crazy,"

"It's hard not to be understood,


"MJ misunderstood me once, although you don't know MJ,"

"But when you explain it, or apologize, I think it's a lot easier.

Although little Spider-Man usually talks a lot, but when it comes to this kind of relationship issue, little Spider-Man is still very serious.

After listening to little Spider-Man's words, it may be casual, but in Captain America's ears, it is extra sensitive.

Suddenly, Captain America looked at little Spider-Man seriously, as if he had figured out something, and said to little Spider-Man seriously.

"Son, you must always remember,"

"When the whole world tells you to get out of the way, you should be as firm as a big tree rooted in the ground, and tell them: No, you are the one to open.

After speaking, Captain America also stood up and walked out.

Five minutes later, everyone gathered in a room similar to a conference hall.

Black Braised Egg is indeed as Su Zicheng said, not only smart, but also very capable of leadership.

Don't think that these five minutes are the time he used to get dressed and left for the Avengers to get dressed. More importantly, let them reflect, reflect on why such contradictions arise, reflect on why they have come to this point, and leave them time to ease the atmosphere and find solutions.

Heijidan is not the general who can only issue orders. Heijidan's words are more convincing and dignified than the general's. In Avengers, perhaps he has long been regarded as a relative.

Therefore, not only the black stewed eggs know their thoughts, but the avengers also know the good intentions of the black stewed eggs.

"Tell me, how to solve it."

"Even I was grounded."

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