Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 289 Going To Siberia, Zemo's Conspiracy

"What else do you want.

Nick Fury looked around, everyone who was stared at by him lowered their heads deeply, not daring to look directly at him.

"Why don't you dare to speak at this time?"

"Steve, come on, tell me what your plans are."

Black Braised Egg was so clever that he didn't mention anything about the agreement.

"I intend to continue my mission,"

"I'm still going to Siberia,

"I'm not willing to find out the truth."

Facing the leader, Captain America still said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Okay, allow, you can leave now."

Nick Fury didn't say much, since Captain America is determined to leave, no one can stop him.

Captain America also knew the interest, so he walked straight away and went straight to the Warehouse where the fighter planes were parked behind the submarine.

"I'm going too, this matter has something to do with me." "Six Thirty Seven""

After finishing speaking, Bucky followed Captain America's footsteps without looking back, and didn't look at Nick Fury's face at all. Anyway, Bucky is not a superhero, not an Avenger, not belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D, not under Nick Fury's control, freedom of movement is his privilege.

"Okay, it's enough to go to the two of them,"

"All the rest are for me to go back to recuperate."

Without waiting for others to make a statement, Nick Fury directly issued an order.

Sometimes it's like this when a leader gives sugar and slaps at the same time. There is a degree of relaxation to be more majestic. For the Avengers, they should be treated differently. Captain America has a stubborn temper, so give him some freedom first, and the others can't let it go.

"I went back too,"

"Go back and have a drink or two,"

"Peppo's still warming up my hamburgers,

"Friday, a plane will pick me up."

"Good sir."

Tony seemed to disapprove of Nick Fury's decision, but because Nick Fury was the boss' face. Tony didn't have much to say.

The fight went all out, but Captain America couldn't be stopped in the end. Is it still inevitable that the Avengers gap will get bigger and bigger in the end?

"Uh, that,"

"Excuse me, I seem to be going back too,"

"Aunt Mei is still waiting for me."

"Go kid, it's a good day today."

Nick Fury still has a good impression of little Spider-Man, and when he heard that he was leaving, he turned around and said with a smile. Maybe it's because little Spider-Man is young, but there is a faint tendency to become a group favorite.

In this way, this civil war collapsed under the few words of the black stewed egg. Definitely Su Zicheng played a key role here.

All Avengers members except Captain America went to Siberia, Tony went back home, little Spider-Man also went home, and Black Panther disappeared after the end, and the rest of the people were all locked up by black marinated eggs.

"Is it finally out?"

Su Zicheng, who has been using the shadow stealth technique to stand on the submarine and blow the sea breeze, saw a stealth fighter flying from the rear, and identified it as Captain America and Bucky.

In the eyes of others, this battle is over, but in Su Zicheng's view, there is still a small climax behind.

Not long after Captain America and Bucky left, another plane flew over. This is a special plane from Stark Industries, and it should have been summoned by Tony. After Tony left, little Spider-Man also changed into his ordinary high school clothes and swung out, but this was the Atlantic Ocean, and he didn't know how he would get back.

Just when Su Zicheng thought that no one would come out, another black figure jumped out. Hawkeye looked over, and it turned out to be Black Panther T'Challa. He seemed to be chasing Captain America and Bucky in the direction he was going. , he is going to Siberia too?

"What kind of deep hatred is this?"

"Oh, that's right, the revenge of killing the father, there is an explanation in general to find out the truth.

Knowing that there should be no more people, Su Zicheng also got wind on the soles of his feet and flew into the sky. Because Su Zicheng's flight speed may be faster than the fighter plane driven by Captain America, so Su Zicheng is not in a hurry, and follows slowly. When he arrives, there may be a good show.

Goose screw, Siberia.

This is a plateau area, on a mountain peak, covered with white snow outside, and it is also an extreme area [here are the old ten bases of HYDRA. The mountain has been completely hollowed out.


After a roar of the engine, two people jumped down.

Looking at Tony who was halfway home, he was still a little uneasy after thinking about it. One was worried about Captain America, and the other was that his intuition told him that this matter was not that simple...

Finally, Tony still intends to violate the agreement and act without authorization.

He used his fingers to press a button on the plane seat, and suddenly, Tony's mark armor extended from the button, and Tony was fully armed in the blink of an eye. The seat on the back fell back again, Tony fell directly from the plane, the flamethrower under his feet was ignited, and Tony also set off towards Siberia.

In an entrance halfway up the mountain, Captain America and Bucky had already carefully calculated and walked in.

So far they haven't discovered Zemo's conspiracy, and still think that Zemo wants to find other Winter Soldier through Bucky to achieve the purpose of destroying the world. The two thought that Zemo might have resurrected several other Winter Soldier inside, so they were always ready to fight and moved forward very vigilantly.

However, what they saw as they went deeper into the cave made them more and more confused. After entering, there is nothing wrong with it. The old military base, broken instruments, consoles, rusty and unusable weapons scattered all over the place, as well as various bottles and jars, sophisticated experimental device. There's nothing unusual about any of this.

However, when a laboratory refrigerated freezer appeared in their field of vision, the two could no longer hold back their doubts. Going forward to check, there is a man in hoarfrost in the freezer, the door of the freezer is open, and he is not breathing.

"is it here?"

"That's right, it's the other Winter Soldier, but 2.7 is dead.

The two continued to move forward. This was in a large laboratory, where the bodies of other Winter Soldiers were found. Although they were dead, their bodies were still well preserved.

Just when the two were puzzled, a sudden clatter caught the attention of the two of them.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's me, it's me."

Seeing that Captain America was about to attack, Tony quickly revealed his identity.

...It's no wonder that Captain America Bucky is too weak. After all, under such an environment and with such a tense atmosphere, it is difficult not to be shocked.

"How did you come,"

Seeing Tony, Captain America also relaxed his vigilance. Everyone has come here, Tony can fight him again and tie him back. Besides, it is estimated that Tony also left the team without authorization. .

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