Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 370 The Bottom Of The Vibranium Meteorite

Chapter 370 The Bottom of the Vibranium Meteorite

In an instant, Su Zicheng's spirit tensed up as if he had been hit by a giant hammer. The heart beat faster than the engine, and the whole body twisted backwards in an extremely strange posture completely under conditioned reflex.

Just when Su Zicheng's body left the spot, an arrow flew past with a whizzing sound in the next second.

Before Su Zicheng could stop for a while, the perception of danger was still strong in the next second. When Su Zicheng was in the wrong position behind him, another thing that looked like a dynamite bag brushed his body and flew down.

For a while, the top of the head was like dumping garbage, not only arrows, explosives, shells, laser gun 06, but Su Zicheng even found some Vibranium and human bones.


When Su Zicheng saw the appearance of something, he suddenly got goosebumps all over his body. Those things are nothing else but the arrows and burst TNT weapons that Su Zicheng shot just now, and some, presumably the Wakanda people that T'Challa said fell unintentionally and things that fell over the years.

As for why it fell from the top of the head again. If you didn't guess wrong, this is the ability of this magic circle. This magic circle is a maze-like structure, but in the form of up and down, that is, a three-dimensional or four-dimensional maze. Not only that, but this is also a labyrinth that goes back and forth, the bottom and the top are connected together, and they are interconnected.

If someone accidentally stepped into this place, it would be the same as Su Zicheng, just like Su Zicheng, who has been in a falling situation, not to mention anything else, I am afraid that this cycle will continue to consume these people alive. If the person who set up this magic circle is using other methods, such as hidden weapons, crossbows, cannons, and offensive magic, it may really be a dead spot, and whoever comes will die.

It has to be said that the person who arranged this formation is not only powerful, but also extremely smart. Fortunately, Su Zicheng has not encountered other formations yet. After all, even Su Zicheng's understanding of these magic circles is only half-knowledgeable.

Su Zicheng's magic circle can only exist individually, even if two or more are to be triggered at the same time, "there must be ten objects large enough for Su Zicheng to describe several magic circles.

Note that it is portrayed, not superimposed. That is, several magic arrays are stacked together, superimposed on each other, affect each other, and add to each other.

Now Su Zicheng doesn't know whether the magic circle he is in now is just a situation where multiple magic circles overlap. Anyway, according to this circular structure, there must be at least three magic circles connecting with each other.

Not only people, but everything has to wander here constantly, from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, and so on.

However, this is also Su Zicheng's rough speculation. As for the principle of this magic circle, it will not be revealed until it is completely analyzed. At this moment, Su Zicheng also had to sigh with emotion, what a great skill it is to portray such a magic circle here. The person who portrayed the magic formation is definitely a master of formation.

"I'm afraid that even if Dormammu accidentally stepped here, he might have gained the Tao."

Su Zicheng shook his head, the most important thing now is to analyze the magic circle first, but now Su Zicheng's spirit must be more tense, because not only must he analyze the magic circle, but also beware Falling attack. Among other things, those arrows thrown by Su Zicheng still have burst tnt, even if it would kill Su Zicheng, it would definitely be uncomfortable. .

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