Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 371 Pentagram Also Turns Again

Chapter 371 The pentagram also turns again

As the copy eye opened again, the five-pointed star also turned again. Time passed by every minute and every second. The structure and nature of the magic circle are gradually revealed to Su Zicheng. During the period, Su Zicheng avoided three waves of attacks falling from his head. It may be because the magic circle automatically sensed that someone was cracking it, so the frequency of the whereabouts of those weapons was much faster.

Just when Su Zicheng was seriously analyzing, the dangerous perception suddenly started again. This time, it wasn't the danger posed by the falling objects above, but from below.

Su Zicheng was just about to check what was going on, when suddenly a suction appeared out of thin air under his feet. The suction seemed to suck Su Zicheng's soul out. And his body was out of control at this moment, and he was sucked down fiercely.

Because the suction is so powerful, even Su Zicheng got caught if he didn't pay attention. Not only his body, but also Su Zicheng's head was drowsy, as if he had been injected with a tranquilizer, and his spirit was in a daze.

When Su Zicheng woke up, the long-lost sense of down-to-earth surged up through the soles of his feet again. Su Zicheng stomped his feet, that's right, he was already standing on the ground.

Not only that, Su Zicheng's spiritual power and Hawkeye seem to be no longer under control, and they can be freely released and explored.

After discovering this secret, Su Zicheng eagerly opened the Hawkeye, and coordinated with his mental strength, looked around.

There is also a bumpy ground here, like at the bottom of a bowl, an ellipsoidal arc on the entire ground. And it is somewhat similar to the surface of the moon, except that these pits are relatively small.

Under the action of Hawkeye, Su Zicheng quickly adapted to the dark environment here. After all, night vision is a must-have skill for level 6 Hawkeye.

As Su Zicheng kept scanning, the entire top of the Vibranium meteorite was looked over by Su Zicheng.

However, there seems to be nothing special, except for some corpses that may have accidentally dropped through the magic circle, and some other wreckage, it can be said that the bottom is empty.

The Vibranium meteorite is directly above the bottom of the ellipse, and it seems to be stuck on it, forming a natural dome for this underground space.

It may also be because of Su Zicheng's special physique, and because he is still wearing a hunter suit, Su Zicheng can't detect any radiation or other substances that affect the human body.

For some reason, looking at the empty ground, Su Zicheng felt like he was robbing a tomb. I seem to be a tomb robber, passing through many traps, and finally came to the tomb, but when I checked it, I found that it was a suspicious tomb, let alone a treasure, there was not even a coffin lid.

"Huh? Not`", "

"Looks like there's a baby,"

"What is that?"

Just when Su Zicheng was still (was Zhao's) wondering why that mysterious voice hadn't appeared yet, Su Zicheng glanced as if he had discovered something.

Moving in an instant, Su Zicheng's body came directly to the bottom of the ground, which is the deepest part of the ellipse, and it is also where the Vibranium meteorite is facing.

There is a stacked building here because the color is similar to the Vibranium meteorite, and the stones on the ground are somewhat similar. From a distance, Su Zicheng thought it was a ten-pack.

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